I'm back and TWD game still sucks
Idk why TTG closed my last thread when I can make new ones. Seems pointless.

Anyway, if you read my last thread, I thought TWD sucked... and that hasn't changed. This is because gameplay is the most important aspect of a game (with story a close second).
Why? Because people play games for the mindless fun. From jumping on a Goomba, to blowing a zombie's head off at point-blank range with a shotgun, people want to feel immersed in the games they play, not be on the outside looking in like what TWD and most point-and-clicks do.
While story is important, there are examples of critically acclaimed games that have little to no story whatsoever, Ico being one of them. All you know in that game is that you and this chick are trying to escape a castle where you were left to die, that's it.
If TTG did a first-person perspective (like Deja Vu and Uninvited on the NES), instead of having us play through Lee, maybe I'd try episode 2. Too late now...
Oh, I believe someone who posted in my last thread just lost 40 bucks. A senior member named Bioshock Infinite WD, I think.

Anyway, if you read my last thread, I thought TWD sucked... and that hasn't changed. This is because gameplay is the most important aspect of a game (with story a close second).
Why? Because people play games for the mindless fun. From jumping on a Goomba, to blowing a zombie's head off at point-blank range with a shotgun, people want to feel immersed in the games they play, not be on the outside looking in like what TWD and most point-and-clicks do.
While story is important, there are examples of critically acclaimed games that have little to no story whatsoever, Ico being one of them. All you know in that game is that you and this chick are trying to escape a castle where you were left to die, that's it.
If TTG did a first-person perspective (like Deja Vu and Uninvited on the NES), instead of having us play through Lee, maybe I'd try episode 2. Too late now...
Oh, I believe someone who posted in my last thread just lost 40 bucks. A senior member named Bioshock Infinite WD, I think.
This discussion has been closed.
For the love of all that is good in this world, just leave if you're going to hang shit on the company and their games with every post you make, to be frank, you're a waste of space if you don't have anything to contribute to these forums besides ruthless hate, and it doesn't give a good impression when the first 2 posts you make are dedicated to that. You play the games you like, and we'll play ours, simple as that.
For the mods: can this guy be banned already?
Your point about Lee is ridiculous. Not everything has to be in first person view for you to be immersed. In fact, I'd argue that Lee is one of the most immersive video game characters in recent memory, because you're deciding what kind of a person he is. Apart from a few pre-chosen lines and the story itself, you and Lee are one and the same. That's the neat thing about the game.
Firstly, the most important aspect of a game is not gameplay, nor story or anything of the sort. That is all up an individuals' tastes. Just because you happen to enjoy gameplay centric games more than story-focused ones does not automatically make that the de facto rule of the gaming world. It's your opinion, not a fact.
Further, just because you don't like a game doesn't mean you should just bash it and hate on it and its developer. In your previous thread you said Telltale must have bought out the VGAs because there was no way it would have won legitimately. That is the complete opposite of constructive criticism and was totally unnecessary. There are many things i don't like, but i don't disrespect the fact that many others do like them. For example, i don't like The Avengers film, but does that mean it was a bad movie and didn't deserve its popularity? Absolutely not.
If you don't like it, state which parts of it you didn't enjoy, why you didn't enjoy them, and how they could be improved upon in the future. That would have been preferable than "this game sucks and these other games are better, the end".
Perhaps if you dropped the negativity in your criticism, the responses wouldn't reflect that and we could have a decent discussion.
Either start a serious conversation, or discussion, whatever word you prefer, or go do something better with your spare time.
And for the record: The game does not suck, we all here like it, you hate it, it has 80(+) GOTY awards, 3 simple facts, which one's the odd one out?
First off, my posts aren't trolls. People who say they are are seriously close-minded and unwilling to realize differing opinions.
Second, if you really want substance and story, there are these things called books. I hear they're cheaper than buying PCs, consoles, and games. TWD is based off comic books, right? Why not buy them and save money?
One more thing, TTG can't ban me because this is America, I have 1st Amendment Rights like everyone else in this country, and banning me would be stifling my right to free speech. Deal with it.
Ask, don't assume. You'll look smarter.
1st Amendment? This website is the property of Telltalegames, they have a clear set of rules, to which you agree before registering. One of the rules is not to spam. That's pretty much what you did, reason enough to ban you. Oh and the internet is not restricted to america by the way, it is international, american law not neccessarily applies on everything, and good luck winning such a case at court. "They banned my account."
Why not buy a book? Very well I read books, but why not also buy this game? In contrary to books it has acting, characters, professionally voiced to express emotions, which books can't to that extent. Books are a great thing, but so are adventure games.
And how is it saving money to spend like over 60 bucks for all the TWD comic volumes, instead of buying this game for 20, for a console which I already posses? Let alone them being completely different stories, and thus making it possible to enjoy them both.
I'm not sure anyone assumed that. The genre was mentioned in this thread as an example of "gameplay over story," which you seem to advocate.
Your tone and attitude are that of a troll, though. It's cool if you have a different opinion, but, as others have suggested, try getting that opinion across in a constructive way. Otherwise, yes, you're trolling.
I like books as well as video games. The two aren't mutually exclusive. While TWD is based in the universe of the comics, the two tell a completely different story (And having read the comics, I can tell you that it's no cheaper to buy them than the game!)
Ah, yes, the appeal to the First Amendment. Which doesn't really work at all in the case of a privately-owned company who can ban you for legitimate reasons, such as pointlessly posting the same opinion in a non-constructive way.
You don't like TWD from Telltale?
Fine then..
Why mind to come back and tell the others that you think it sucks?
It's your own business..
It would be better if you could give them ideas and opinions of what need to be fixed..
And we'll be thankful for that..
When did I say only my opinion was right?
How do you know the 80+ GotY awards are legit (show proof)?
For the record: It IS possible the GotY awards aren't legit. EGM gave Aliens: Colonial Marines a 9/10 even though every other reviewer gave it a 5 or less. The review itself was awful too. Look it up.
When mods close a thread, we do so for a reason and we ask you to respect that. We do NOT ask that you go and start another thread with exactly the same things in it. That's circumventing our authority and it's not cool.
We get it - you don't like The Walking Dead. Point made.
If you start another thread like this, it'll mean a temporary ban. Please don't do it.