Beers! We have a tiny bar in the entrance area (you can just see it on the far left in the first picture, there's a fresh keg and it's manned by a bartender for expert pours). On the couch in the pic are Harrison and JR. This was taken at like 11:30am... if Harrison is slurring in his later interviews, you'll know why.
Can I ask who the Lead Writer is for this DLC? Was it a collaborative deal where you got multiple of the leads back from season 1 to work on separate characters stories?
Well 400 days it's a more then one year, and it's could mean that Clementine R.I.P. already, because 400 days is a very long time. anyway I DON'T want I don't want to leap in time, and immediately see the ten-year Clementine with the Mossberg 590 shotgun )
Can I ask who the Lead Writer is for this DLC? Was it a collaborative deal where you got multiple of the leads back from season 1 to work on separate characters stories?
This was very much a collaborative effort in the writers' room. All of the people who worked on season 1, plus some new additions to the writing team who are helping on season 2.
I'm really interested in the fact that this DLC is going to cover bits and pieces from the first 400 days after the outbreak. If I'm correct, the events of Season 1 took place over the course of a little more than 3 months. That's only about 100 days. I'm super stoked to see what they show after the events of Episode 5.
This was very much a collaborative effort in the writers' room. All of the people who worked on season 1, plus some new additions to the writing team who are helping on season 2.
That sounds magical. Thank you for your swift response.
Can I ask who the Lead Writer is for this DLC? Was it a collaborative deal where you got multiple of the leads back from season 1 to work on separate characters stories?
Laura said this already but in more detail, the 400 Days writing team includes Sean Vanaman, Gary Whitta, Mark Darin, as well as newcomers Sean Ainsworth (who co-directed episode 5 of season one) and Nick Breckon (a new guy!). The story team, programmers, cinematic artists, and designers also include, and a lot of other folks from the season one team.
Where do you see that Clementine won't appear in this DLC ?
As far as i know they have only said that this new episode won't be about her... She have to appear in this DLC, she is the link between season 1 and 2
This is completely different !
But I'm kinda disappointed... It's not I don't like the idea but 400 days... It's too much.
You should do the same thing with a period of 100 days...
Well that's something different from TT.
How hard and different it is to create characters who you have to empathize to just in a 15-20min story arch? Five times in a row?
Even if Clem has a cameo in the DLC or she is being saved for the Season 2,it's all good!!! seeing the cancer survival group was high up on a lot of lists on what fans wanted to see more of,i hope we see Vernon's grizzly end
telltales 400 days info page says Clem will not be in this DLC
Hum... This is wrong right ?
This page only mentions that the DLC won't be about her... It doesn't mean that she won't appear necessarily ? (i think, just like Clemmy1 that she will appear in a cameo... It would be enough for me )
This page only mentions that the DLC won't be about her... It doesn't mean that she won't appear necessarily ? (i think, just like Clemmy1 that she will appear in a cameo... It would be enough for me )
Please answer me !!!
She probably won't have a major role. She may show up in the end of the DLC though to tie into season 2. Or the main characters are the new group she joins in season 2 or something.
but since you're watching this thread i'm wondering would / could you guys make a walking dead style 'bejeweled/bttf blitz/candy crush themed fbapp / game
reckon it would be interesting..i miss the bttf blitz game..
Looking forward to this. My only worry at this point is wondering how they're going to flesh out five new main characters within the length of one episode, but I'm eager to see how it plays out.
Who's to say they have to be fleshed out completely in this episode? They may all potentially appear in Season 2 where they'll have plenty of time to be developed further. The fact that each of these characters are only getting 20-30 minutes of playtime each tells me that this DLC may simply be establishing their backstory and showing us bits and pieces of how they each managed to last to day 400.
This may not even be the case though. I'd be lying if I said I didn't share your concerns too. I'm still stoked though either way.
2:17 in that interview video looks like Bonnie is Day 236 now and not 220.
Also what if that guy who looks like Andy IS him if you let him live in Episode 2 and maybe he'd seem to turn over a new leaf heh wouldn't it be something if you were caught up in a decision to save him or one of the cancer survivors hmmm...
Outside of our booth with the big 400 Days banner (this is where we greet press as they come in for appointments):
Attachment not found.
Inside the demo theatre, nice comfy couches and framed concept art on the walls. That's Rich and Kevin chillin before we start the demos.
Attachment not found.
Beers! We have a tiny bar in the entrance area (you can just see it on the far left in the first picture, there's a fresh keg and it's manned by a bartender for expert pours). On the couch in the pic are Harrison and JR. This was taken at like 11:30am... if Harrison is slurring in his later interviews, you'll know why.
Attachment not found.
I do not want Clem to die
stay awesome 'sis' !
This was very much a collaborative effort in the writers' room. All of the people who worked on season 1, plus some new additions to the writing team who are helping on season 2.
EDIT: Her eyes are windows into the dark abyss.
That sounds magical. Thank you for your swift response.
No, the walker girl is one of the contest winners from season 1.
They have a live demo at e3, but they're not allowing press to film it because of spoilers.
Sadly it's just the same haircut model. Wah wah.
Laura said this already but in more detail, the 400 Days writing team includes Sean Vanaman, Gary Whitta, Mark Darin, as well as newcomers Sean Ainsworth (who co-directed episode 5 of season one) and Nick Breckon (a new guy!). The story team, programmers, cinematic artists, and designers also include, and a lot of other folks from the season one team.
It's all 400 Days at E3 - we're planning to do The Wolf Among Us at another event.
No worries! I have a little spare time in between the demos and am enjoying burning through the last of my laptop battery.
As far as i know they have only said that this new episode won't be about her... She have to appear in this DLC, she is the link between season 1 and 2
This is completely different !
But I'm kinda disappointed... It's not I don't like the idea but 400 days... It's too much.
You should do the same thing with a period of 100 days...
I wonder if the shots at the end of Episode 1 were centred around that guy.
The song is a custom composition by Jared Emerson Johnson, it's part of the 400 Days music.
Does it have a name?
Not yet. Probably just a filename.
How hard and different it is to create characters who you have to empathize to just in a 15-20min story arch? Five times in a row?
Damn....... Well thanks anyway.
Hum... This is wrong right ?
This page only mentions that the DLC won't be about her... It doesn't mean that she won't appear necessarily ? (i think, just like Clemmy1 that she will appear in a cameo... It would be enough for me
Please answer me
And man, it wasn't Kenny in the truck! Darn it!
possibly the dlc will end in or near a field of barley/ wheat / maybe with a desert rose in there somewhere..and some bee's locked n loaded...
Well that WAS how Guybrush got his name :rolleyes:
She probably won't have a major role. She may show up in the end of the DLC though to tie into season 2. Or the main characters are the new group she joins in season 2 or something.
a bit off topic
but since you're watching this thread i'm wondering would / could you guys make a walking dead style 'bejeweled/bttf blitz/candy crush themed fbapp / game
reckon it would be interesting..i miss the bttf blitz game..
Who's to say they have to be fleshed out completely in this episode? They may all potentially appear in Season 2 where they'll have plenty of time to be developed further. The fact that each of these characters are only getting 20-30 minutes of playtime each tells me that this DLC may simply be establishing their backstory and showing us bits and pieces of how they each managed to last to day 400.
This may not even be the case though. I'd be lying if I said I didn't share your concerns too. I'm still stoked though either way.
Also what if that guy who looks like Andy IS him if you let him live in Episode 2 and maybe he'd seem to turn over a new leaf heh wouldn't it be something if you were caught up in a decision to save him or one of the cancer survivors hmmm...
You have noticed that too !
Would it be a mistake or a mixed chapter?