The Walking Dead - Spanish Voices and/or Subs

edited June 2013 in Game Support
Hello team, great job on TWD game.. I simply love it and cant wait for the next DLC and SEASON 2...

Here is my question, I got the first 2 episodes for free on PSN and bought the other 3... so far so good. Now my wife want to play it but she dont speak english... even with the ps3 set to spanish, the game still display subs and voices in english.. is there a way I can setup the spanish language (voices and/or subs) on my PSN version of the game?



  • edited June 2013
    It's the same with me.
    There's no problem with me playing it on English, but my sis wants to try it to, but she's not into english.
    Apparently, the patch has been released, but I can't confirm it since it doesn't appear when I start the game. (I'm starting to think, it's a Europe Only Patch).
  • edited June 2013
    Hello people of TellTales....months ago you said that the patch is on Sony's that true? Because I think that Sony didn't late so long
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