It's TeamKennyAlways here with another thread and today well right this second I thought of something interesting to discuss with you all. So it's time to vote out of the options above in season 2 who would you rather have as a companion (someone like Clem by your side to help) a child, an adult (like Kenny), a dog (like Sam in I am Legend) or other and what would other option be? Say why you would want someone like this to have your back?
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I'm really sorry dude but you don't see many cats killing zombies in video games very often so I didn't put it in and I also thought it would be an unpopular choice but you can vote other if you want.
Especially when the child begins to cry in fear at the sight of zombies, and attract more of them
However, I would act the same way if I'll find a lonely child, if I leaving a baby in trouble, I just can't then live with it.
I just want to say that adult companion are more helpful (in the begin) then kids.
True words kid. But who cares about this high moral things, when people just want to survive? In theory, all sounds good, but in practice, sometimes morality can cause death. That's why I never say that 'If ZA will ever happends, I will survive, coz I'll be real badass mothafucka, like Deryl" It's so stupid, I will die because I'm really care about childrens, about moral things. High moral=death. The children are the hope of the world - is no more then beautifull words in ZA sutyation.
I don't see Daryl as a badass. I see him as lucky lol. He, Rick, and the Governor have been in more dire situations than any other character in the series xD Truthfully, they are some lucky bastards!
Question of Morale vs Practicality i guess. A child, while not necessarily a liability as such, would not feasible be as competent and useful as as adult and would need caring for to some degree.
However i do agree with you talking about them being the "Hope of the world". I do feel that the innocence and optimism that a child provides could be that something to live for that people need and maybe even be saviours in the sense of people keeping there humanity and morals (See how people reacted to finding out Clem watched them kill Danny)
As for what i would prefer, i would need to clarify on what the question is asking. Is it talking about in game or a real life hypothetical. In game it could be retreading old ground a bit, but i'm sure we all want to see more of Clementine, i'd prefer it if she doesn't pick up an identical role with the new PC as she did with Lee (and i'm quite sure that won't happen). If we're talking about what i personally would prefer if it happened to me. The Adult, simply because i don't feel i would be capable of keeping the child safe, i would need an equal at very least. Though its always going to be something thrust on you rather than a choice. I could never leave the child if the Lee/Clem situation happened.
Your words show you unexperienced, young man. (Without resentment man). I think you will talk different if you find yourself in danger of death. We are all heroes in words.
Normally I would speak the same way about such, but I've nearly died before, and truthfully wasn't afraid. Maybe I'm weird...? Scratch that, I am weird, maybe I'm crazy. There are of course those who would not be able to mean such a thing, but I think you, Zev, are inexperienced ( no offense, and I see what you mean). While death is hard, it is an easy way out. Lee, Kenny, Ben, Katjaa, Irene, etc. They all took the easy way to death, which was to give up. Death is easy, and living is hard. In the way of life, I'd say death isn't a bad thing; it happens to everyone, even if we won't accept it. So while yes, it may be a hard thing to accept, once it is accepted, it is mean't in truth.
The hard thing I'd be conflicted to do would be to experience severe pain; for although I would say I could handle it and would not flee like a coward, I honestly do not know the answer in that situation.
Anyway... I feel in truth, if it came down to it, I could and would lay down my life for another. You only live once, and for a being to be wiped from existence... I don't know; doesn't seem right to me.
An animal would be the last thing on my mind xD
Have you ever seen how a man dies? Have you ever seen how your relative dies? Have you ever seen like a bunch of teenagers puts their peers open mouth on the curb of the sidewalk, and beats his kicks to the head, until his mouth becomes torn? Have you ever seen how a man cuts off his feet by train, and he died instantly from arterial bleeding? Somebody tried to kill, your friend on your eyes for what take away his mobile phone, and you could only look at, because around your neck some crazy bustard hold a used syringe drug addicts? So don't even call me inexperienced, do you understand?! I've seen things in my live that you'd kid, just will makes crap in your pant. And you don't need me to talk about morals and virtues, I know what people are capable of, I have seen it, this is life and nothing EVER changes. I study at the University as a doctor, I want to help people, and I do not sitting down at the keyboard and write a bullshit about things what you don't understand.
I'm not trying to make you hate me, nor am I asking for your friendship or understanding, or even your respect, for that is earned, but do me a favor and do not question my life, when you do not know it. I have not questioned yours, nor have I judged it, so please stop acting like I have. If you want a competition, I HAVE seen it, and I have lost people in all sorts of ways, and it is sick. I cannot be a doctor because I will not have their blood on my hands, because I know if I make one spill, one error, they could die. So to help people, you better get used to it, to such images, because you will see it.
What, pray tell, are you calling me inexperienced about? Death? Or what is after it? For either case, you are inexperienced too, no? You are not dead, so you know nothing about it. I do not like to be reprimanded by those who wish to automatically assume my life and what is in it. Calling me a 'kid', when that means little to this subject. What one person sees in five minutes could be worse than what another sees in 15 years. So why are you hating on me, exactly? I was simply giving my point on it, and I did nothing to you. I never said you knew nothing about morals and virtues, or what people are capable of, and half of what you are even writing has nothing to do with this topic. Not to mention, I do not think I wrote anything to provoke you in my writing, where I wrote you are inexperienced to ME, and how I THINK. I understand what you mean't, and I agreed. However, I had a different viewpoint. Is that so much to say? Instead you came in and automatically started trying to correct me, as if an opinion can be wrong. So sorry to make you mad, and sorry for provoking you? I do not wish to go any further, so would you mind, Zev, to please stop? I respect your opinions about it, and I sympathize with your experiences. I did not intend to start a harsh argument, so please settle down before an admin comes. I simply wish to talk about this topic, as I am intrigued on your insight about this. I did NOT want to start an argument.
Ah... I didn't mean a child Clem's age, although I'd take care of them. I mean't maybe 12, 13 at least? One old enough and smart enough to be reliable, and having benefits an adult wouldn't.
In a ZA, the only companion you need is a really big gun.
Bad joke, and you're bad joker. (other our conflicts)
Take my condolences. I know that you not giving a fuck to me, but anyway...
Just think about that, how can I be angry to your opinion? It's dumb. Personal opinion it's what distinguishes us from animals.
But you have very good at it.
Awwww it's so sweet... Maybe.
All live's experience.
Just jargon word, the type "dude".
Not me started it.
The same request.
Why would I do that? I have better things to do is.
Ordinary delegate Jersey
First reference that came to mind when Molly said she named her pickaxe.