how do I start a poll please?

edited June 2013 in Site Support
I know this has nothing to do with the walking dead, as soon as I'm told then I will delete this topic. Please help D: need polls


  • edited June 2013
    Don't worry about dude I didn't know how to make one when I first started. Anyway when making a new thread scroll down to where it says something along the lines of 'Add Poll' there will be a box underneath click on it so it has a tick in the box, then in the box with a number 4 in it type how many poll options you want. Once your done click under the poll options which says 'Submit new thead' then a message box will appear on your screen saying something like 'Thank you for submitting now we shall redirect you to poll' then you'll come to a page where you can put poll options in and the title of the poll. If you want to edit the number of poll questions click it the box with the number you put in earlier. Once your done click 'Create Poll' and then your done. Don't click on the the 'Submit Thread' underneath the thread the one under poll options I made that mistake once. I hope this helps and if anything goes wrong tell me.
  • edited June 2013
    Thanks!!!! :D
  • edited June 2013
    Your welcome I just posted on your poll a few seconds ago.
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