Who was the most attractive character?
I'd 100% say Ben. If he wore Lee's clothes, he'd be Pewdiepie. Why did he have to die? WHY, TELLTALE GAMES, WHY????? Eh hem...uh...who would you say?
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it's the cow...
Kenny's moustache of course! How could I have forgotten that awesome moustache of his.
Jenny is runner up, if only she'd lay off those meds.
Goddammit man,I was going to say that! Fine,it's going to be alright,I vote Kenny's moustache's moustache's moustache called.......Bob.
I think it's Danny St. John's rifle...
...You technically beat me to it, damn it!
Seriously, something's wrong with me. Towards the end of the game I can't help but blush in shyness whenever she (Clem) appears. It's not in sexual arousal or something, might be a very strong emotional attraction. Chris Hansen better not be in that house in my next playthrough...
"Lee, please have a seat"
yeah i'm glad people are being brave i thought the same about clem, she's just so life like /realistic love/attactiveness in parental/protecting way..
i'm gonna miss clem hopefully melissa and telltale being her back some how in season 2
Btw I dislike pewdiepie, throwing that out there.
I knew that'd happen! xD
But come on! 8 year old? That's just wrong! Now if she is 15 or something..
Wrong, she's nine.
... Had to :P
They keep track of the days? What if she don't know for sure when her birthday is?
I second this. She's definitely tied with Carley.