400 days saved game

edited June 2013 in The Walking Dead
I am new to this forum and wanted to open by saying hi, to thank and congratulate Telltale Games from bringing us such great games. I didn't realise you were behind Sam and Max and Monkey Island but it was your Walking Dead that really got me into the series.

Your Walking Dead game made me play it til the silly hours and with such addiction I was basically a mindless zombies myself. You really did put the mainstream game release to shame, theirs was not a patch on this.

Anyway enough rambling!

I intend on buying an Xbox One. This I understand will effect any saves I currently have. Is there a way to ensure I keep my saves and progress that will be transferred/reflected into Season 2 once I buy the newer box or should I just wait and redownload the whole lot on the new box?

Many thanks


  • edited June 2013
    well the xbox one isn't out yet and is NOT BACKWARDS COMPATABLE 'so far'

    and i don't know / no mention of twd s2 being released on next gen yet..

    so just stick with your 'current system'
  • edited June 2013
    The new systems are gonna be around holidays, Season 2 around fall.
  • edited June 2013
    Rumors of a November release for PS4, so I'd base my opinion of next-gen release dates on that. And yeah, both PS4 and XBOne are not back-compatible.

    I'd like to think that TellTale won't make the jump to next-gen early on, but this list says otherwise.
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