A Case for Fast Zombies
This doesn't have much to do with THE WALKING DEAD, but it's fun regardless:
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also the point that they aren't really zombies is not about a dictionary definition, it is about the core characteristics that make a zombie, and one of them is being slow, the point is that how many new special abilities can you add to a zombie before it is no longer a zombie? if zombies could fly would they still be zombies? (not in my opinion) would they still be zombies if they had telekinesis? (not in my opinion) so if zombies can run and jump are they still zombies? (not in my opinion)
they can still be some kind of ghoul and they are definitely similar to zombies but they aren't zombies, they are just something very similar, and that doesn't mean once they lose pure zombie status they suck, it just means they are just no longer zombies.
I completely agree. To me, fast zombies seem to fit a more fast-paced, action-oriented style, there's no time to breathe. I prefer slow zombies because it's like a war of attrition, and you can see how it slowly begins to crack the survivors.
Vampires are undead, and they can run...
Zombies are usually marionettes in corpse form. It doesn't make sense that a rotting, decaying body would run in that case.
To be fair Vampires are demonically posessed undead and are capable of changing form and controlling nature, some animals, and vampires of their creation - zombies don't really do this.
Vampires don't usually run, instead turning into a bat, a wolf, or a cloud of 'smoke'
Try this one:
You're talking about Realism in a Zombie Apocalypse Story...
Every genre needs its realism, or semi-realism, otherwise it becomes stupid. Just because something is fiction it still needs ground rules. You don't see westerns where they watch TV or Medieval movies where they use kevlar vests? Its all fiction but it needs to be fairly realistic to the viewer or it becomes daft, unless its intentionally daft.
Was only joking, mate...
And regarding realism, it makes no sense that you become a Zombie upon death even when you weren't bitten...
Airborne-transmitted infection that is dormant until host dies or until given an adrenaline-like boost from another infected individual. Easy.
I'm fine with "infected" people running, as in people whose bodies are still technically alive, but actual zombies should never run. They should slow and worn out, like an actual corpse.
So Kirkman's Zombies are not real Zombies, then - they are Infected...
By the way, I think that Airborne-thing is only stated in the show (which I don't watch)...
Also referring to the bite as a boost is inaccurate - the bite kills you because a zombie's bodily fluids are diseased...
They would be zombies, as the body is just an empty shell that the "infection"(a word i used for simplicity's sake) takes control of after death.
Where does it say that's why a bite kills you? I've read the comics up to issue 107(and the letter hacks) and don't recall such a thing ever being mentioned. Unless that's the show, which i don't watch.
Of course it's not a set in stone thing and likely never will be, but it is certainly easy to bring enough realism into it to make it enjoyable, and that's all the genre needs.
This is what the Wiki says:
'"Walker" zombie bites do not kill because of the zombie pathogen, but rather the unsanitary nature of their mouths due to diet and decomposition. Scratches causing similar infections for similar reasons. Their mouths and saliva often contain several septic factors, specifically the bacteria: E. coli, Staphylococcus sp., Providencia sp., Proteus morgani, P. mirabilis, and multocida. The rapid growth of these bacteria tends to cause extremely virulent strains that are highly resistant to antibiotics, and most often lethal...'
That said, the Wiki isn't infallible, but it does make sense. The only problem with the theory is that someone who has immediately turned wouldn't be diseased enough to infect others...
Kirkman said this:
'The rule is: WHATEVER it is that causes the zombies, is something everyone already has. If you stub your toe, get an infection and die, you turn into a zombie, UNLESS your brain is damaged. If someone shoots you in the head and you die, you're dead. A zombie bite kills you because of infection, or blood loss, not because of the zombie "virus."'
And also, if the infection takes control of the body after death, then they would be parasitic zombies - again, not "Real" Zombies...
For your viewing pleasure: http://walkingdead.wikia.com/wiki/Zombies
im guessing either youve just played 'The Last of Us' or youve just seen 'World War z'
I don't own a PS3 or The Last of Us...
I haven't seen World War Z either (and don't want to)...
I'm not a "Casual Gamer" and I like older films...
Prejudice is a bitch, isn't it...
LOL stereotype :P