Question about the Stranger's dialogue in episode 5...

edited July 2013 in The Walking Dead
When he was giving his speech near the end of the game, I was wondering what he used against you to justify calling you a "monster." Like for me he criticized my leaving behind Lilly and Ben, and for killing the first St. John brother in front of Clementine. But what if I saved both of them, or if I let both brothers live? What does he say then?


  • edited July 2013
    The Stranger got mad at me for leaving Doug behind to "save a pretty girl with a gun", bringing Clementine to the dairy, and bringing Lilly with me despite her shooting Carley.

    Kind of ridiculous, right?
  • edited July 2013
    Stranger got mad at me for saving Carley over Doug, killing a man in front of Clem's eye and taking the food, leaving his family to starve.

    I'm a heartless survivor, I'll give him that.
  • edited July 2013
    No matter what you do, there is something that he'll be mad about. One of which is bringing Clem to the St. John's dairy which you had no choice over.
  • edited July 2013
    imo the stranger reminded my of steve buscemi

    from con air and some other films he's done.

    the creepy guy

    but the actual voice actor is anthony lam (II)

    hurt so bad...
  • edited July 2013
    He was mad at me for killing Danny in the barn, and leaving Lilly behind.
  • edited July 2013
    he'll be mad if you brought lily along or he'll be mad at you if you left lily to die so there isn't any choice in that scenario.
  • edited July 2013
    imo the stranger reminded my of steve buscemi

    I'm glad I'm not the only one who thought they looked similar!

    Lee has to make some very hard decisions in the game, and anyone like the stranger who's living under a rock would call him out on any of those decisions.
  • edited July 2013
    WantaFanta wrote: »
    I'm glad I'm not the only one who thought they looked similar!

    Lee has to make some very hard decisions in the game, and anyone like the stranger who's living under a rock would call him out on any of those decisions.

    you should probably add spesh to your id /moto then ;P
  • edited July 2013
    Boojjjj wrote: »
    Like for me he criticized my leaving behind Lilly and Ben, and for killing the first St. John brother in front of Clementine. But what if I saved both of them, or if I let both brothers live? What does he say then?

    He gets super hilariously nitpicky. Not even joking. For me, I got "called out" on:

    - "letting" the woman who knew Lee's history die, since I saved Doug over Carley.

    - bringing Clementine to the St. Johns' farm.

    - and finally, my favorite of the bunch: bringing Clementine to Crawford.

    ...I would really like to know where the dialogue option is for, "well, I thought she had a FREAKING STALKER, so I wasn't about to leave her alone with nothing but a gun and a half-dead man to defend herself, now WAS I." Because seriously, Stranger. Seriously. I still wish I could've called him out right back for that one. ;)

    It really felt like the Stranger was grasping at straws when he called Lee a "monster" in my game, particularly since I refused to loot his car.
  • edited July 2013
    I think the problem with the stranger scene is the car decision is really the one that makes it good or bad. When I looted the car and told me what I'd done I felt super guilty but if you hadn't stolen it then he loses most of his motivation.
  • edited July 2013
    Rtboh wrote: »
    I think the problem with the stranger scene is the car decision is really the one that makes it good or bad. When I looted the car and told me what I'd done I felt super guilty but if you hadn't stolen it then he loses most of his motivation.

    Yeah, if you don't loot the car, it seems like most of his anger is directed at Kenny more than anyone. Since he becomes the ringleader--along with Lilly--in the looting if Lee refuses.

    Though I can still see the Stranger, being clearly not in his right mind (because hello, walker head in a bag), building a fiction for himself where everyone in Lee's group is a monster just for being there during the theft, whether they joined in or not. Except of course for poor Clementine, who's young and innocent and about his own kid's age IIRC. So obviously it's the Stranger's job to rescue her from these "terrible" people, no matter how much she might protest.
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