I kep replaying the final part trying to get the Asian guy too.
Well who did you save for him? is it dependant on what you say, or is it the choices they make? As the asian, I saved the guy with the beard. that could be why.
Well who did you save for him? is it dependant on what you say, or is it the choices they make? As the asian, I saved the guy with the beard. that could be why.
I saved the rapist. The one who was in front of him. Was the the beard guy the rapist?
I got everyone but Shel and Vince. I did save Danny, the pedophile (accused to be at least, I believed him that he was innocent) and I chose to kill Stephanie, so that might be why. Still, disappointed that my favorite of the characters (Vince) didn't come with me.
Here's how you get everyone. I tested it.
Shoot Danny's knees. He's the rapist.
Let the guy go and drive away.
Lie about Dee.
For the Russell and Wyatt you have to say you have to say they might find people they know when you find them at the camp.
All of them. The only one on the fence was Russell, which I can see given what happened in his story. I told him that he might be able to find someone he knows since his goal was to find his family. The rest were ready to jump on board.
Here is what I did:
Vince: I shot Danny, the guy convicted of rape.
Shel: I spared the thief, and drove off with the RV.
Bonnie: I lied about Dee. (I've watched some videos with her being honest, so I can't say for sure if this depends on the other people, or what.)
Wyatt: I stayed in the car, but then I was also going for the "Two out of Three" trophy.
i just played through five times and each time bonnie went with me. wyatt and russell both went with me each and every time i mentioned that there may be people they know at the place. vince went with me when i shot the rapist. the girls went with me when i drove away.
is it possible to not bring bonnie? she went when i lied and when i told the truth. i also don't think it's possible to bring russell but leave wyatt. the girls only seemed to go when i drove away, and they said they would go no matter what as long as someone else agrees to go first. I even tried to be an ass and I still got Bonnie and the other two girls because Bonnie wanted to go no matter what and the girls had already agreed.
Vince,Bonnie,Wyatt, and Russell came with Oprah. what i did,
Vince: Shot the rapist (Danny)
Shel: Shot the thief, shot Stephanie.
Bonnie: Killed Dee.
Wyatt: *tear* left Eddie behind... on accident
Russell: Left Nate cause he went full a-hole.
Honestly the only reason I wanted Shel to come was her sister/daughter.
I messed up with Vince, because I chose the guy in front to live. Everyone else went with me.
I saved the rapist. [Vince]
Didn't kill the thief and fled the station. [Shel]
Killed Dee and told the truth about it. [Bonnie]
I stayed with Nate(accidentally, I knew not to trust him)[Russel]
Left car, left walker, and lost Eddie. [Wyatt]
After it all, I convinced Russel and Wyatt by telling them about other survivors.
Does anyone know if there's any way at all to get Vince to join Tavia without killing Danny?
Danny honestly just seems like less of an asshole than Justin. Yes, he's a convicted rapist, but:
he swears that he didn't commit the rape (and we have no hard evidence to prove he did),
he feels remorse for how the charges have affected his girlfriend,
he seems genuine when he says he could never lie while on trial (while Justin boastfully admits to lying on the stand and feels no regret),
and he apparently values human life far more than Justin does (Danny wants to intervene when the prisoner at the front of the bus is being strangled while Justin just wants to let the guards take care of it).
I don't understand why the game would lock Vince out of my survivor party because I chose not to shoot the more empathetic character's foot off.
Not to mention that, if you don't kill Danny, he tells the group that they need to stick together and protect one another--and yet, even if you get everyone else to join Tavia, Vince will still stay at the camp. Another user pointed out that this action directly contradicts what he says. It just doesn't make any sense.
I got Vince, Bonnie, Shel and Becca to come with me. Didn't care much for Russell or Wyatt, so I guess that's good. Here's what I did though:
Russell: Left Nate (You do have to say that people they knew might be at the safe haven to get him and Wyatt to come)
Shel: Let the guy go and drive off
Vince: Shot Danny in the foot
Bonnie: Told the truth about Dee.
Wyatt: Lost Rock, paper, Scissors, left the guy to die.
vince-shot danny twice attempted to be a mix of a jerk/asshole/ but honest.
bonnie- killed dee but admitted it all the time with some hints towards doing it for leeland
russel - refused as much as possible tried to keep everything a secret except the bag, and walked away from nate.
shell-spared the guy told becca she was wrong but with reasons, took the rv to spare steph.
as tavia- was honest poilte made a joke about eating them( maybe why vince didn't come with) , mentioned possible family.
I think Tavia's dialogue options could influence it too. My Russell was all "oh hell no", but then after she said you might find loved ones or something, he changed his tune.
Got Vince, Bonnie and Shel + Becca. Russell and Wyatt decided not to come.
This is what I did:
Vince: I shot the convicted rapist, saved the White Collar criminal. The former actually seemed to be less of a douche; and I actually believed him when he said he didn't do it, but I didn't take chances.
Shel: I didn't kill the thief, even when I was sure I'd regret it. When shit hit the fan, I ran away from the station.
Bonnie: I killed Dee and lied about it, but convinced Leland to come with me.
Russell: I didn't hide, accompanied Nate, then left him behind; and he killed the old couple.
Wyatt: Lost rock, papers, scissor, left car, took walker with me to the cat; but Eddie was forced to leave me behind.
EDIT - I think all I need to do to bring Wyatt and Russell with me is to mention there might be people they know.
Considering that the way you played as the protagonists seemed to change their behavior, I'm assuming that having them go with Tavia is the better option, because they all seem nicer going than staying. I mean to not have them go, they must choose the worse things(except for Vince really).
Everyone's saying Danny wasn't that bad, but I just played it again where I saved him, and from Russell's dialogue about how it's a good thing Shel and Becca arrived after Danny had gone/died(?) it seems like he may well have actually done it.
Everyone's saying Danny wasn't that bad, but I just played it again where I saved him, and from Russell's dialogue about how it's a good thing Shel and Becca arrived after Danny had gone/died(?) it seems like he may well have actually done it.
Only Bonnie went(and apparently she always does) but are we even sure that going with Tavia is the better option?
I played it through two times now. First the obligatory "What would I do?" run, where Vince stayed behind, because I didn't shoot the rapist. Second the "I want the best ending" run.
But now I ask myself... who says that all of them going with Tavia IS the good ending?
Telltale says that Season2 will be partially influenced by 400days. Maybe those little stories were supposed to teach us not to trust people that easily.
In the end going with Tavia is just another "I'm not sure if she's honest, but f**k it, let's go with her!" situation. Those trust issues have been through all of the first season. Think about the Dairy and Vernon.
Now I'm curious if this is going to backfire
For those curious about how to get all 5 to go with Tavia:
Shoot Danny with Vince
I didn't shoot him first, but later at the camp they talk about Danny in a way that implies that he really was a rapist. ("Good thing Danny wasn't around anymore when we met Shel and Becca..." or something like this)
Do whatever with Wyatt
For me... everything worked... if you go outside yourself, Eddie will be forced to leave. If you stay in the car you will be forced to leave as well. In the end you simply have to take the "Maybe there are people you know" option with Tavia and he will agree to go with her for a chance that Eddie might be there.
Drive away with Shel
I never actually did the other option, but this worked both times I'm the same as Shel in this one... you simply don't kill people in cold blood.
Leave Nate with Russel
This alone won't do it. He will be very wary about trusting strangers. You have to choose the same option as with Wyatt ("Maybe there are people you know") and he will ask if they've been through his Family's town and eventually go with Tavia.
Tell the truth with Bonnie
Bonnie is really hard to get her to stay at the camp. Whatever I did with her, she went with Tavia, but I guess telling the truth is the safest bet as Becca will call her out on always being honest and trusting towards everyone. In the end she'll be the first to raise her hand.
I hope this will backfire and we'll get a bloody mess in Season2 involving those people. If Season1 + dlc taught us anything... it's that you can trust almost nobody in that kind of world and situation. And then we go and trust a stranger AGAIN
Well who did you save for him? is it dependant on what you say, or is it the choices they make? As the asian, I saved the guy with the beard. that could be why.
I saved the rapist. The one who was in front of him. Was the the beard guy the rapist?
Yup. so that means that you probably needed to save the other to get vincent, the asian.
Shoot Danny's knees. He's the rapist.
Let the guy go and drive away.
Lie about Dee.
For the Russell and Wyatt you have to say you have to say they might find people they know when you find them at the camp.
Then do what I said.
Here is what I did:
Vince: I shot Danny, the guy convicted of rape.
Shel: I spared the thief, and drove off with the RV.
Bonnie: I lied about Dee. (I've watched some videos with her being honest, so I can't say for sure if this depends on the other people, or what.)
Wyatt: I stayed in the car, but then I was also going for the "Two out of Three" trophy.
is it possible to not bring bonnie? she went when i lied and when i told the truth. i also don't think it's possible to bring russell but leave wyatt. the girls only seemed to go when i drove away, and they said they would go no matter what as long as someone else agrees to go first. I even tried to be an ass and I still got Bonnie and the other two girls because Bonnie wanted to go no matter what and the girls had already agreed.
Vince: Shot the rapist (Danny)
Shel: Shot the thief, shot Stephanie.
Bonnie: Killed Dee.
Wyatt: *tear* left Eddie behind... on accident
Russell: Left Nate cause he went full a-hole.
Honestly the only reason I wanted Shel to come was her sister/daughter.
Killed Dee and told the truth.
Choose to kill the thief and chose not to kill Stephanie.
Looks like I am going to play again.
As for Tavia's community....
It isn't that it is hard, it is that people didn't choose the right choice. I am not changing my choices just to get more people.
I saved the rapist. [Vince]
Didn't kill the thief and fled the station. [Shel]
Killed Dee and told the truth about it. [Bonnie]
I stayed with Nate(accidentally, I knew not to trust him)[Russel]
Left car, left walker, and lost Eddie. [Wyatt]
After it all, I convinced Russel and Wyatt by telling them about other survivors.
Danny honestly just seems like less of an asshole than Justin. Yes, he's a convicted rapist, but:
I don't understand why the game would lock Vince out of my survivor party because I chose not to shoot the more empathetic character's foot off.
Not to mention that, if you don't kill Danny, he tells the group that they need to stick together and protect one another--and yet, even if you get everyone else to join Tavia, Vince will still stay at the camp. Another user pointed out that this action directly contradicts what he says. It just doesn't make any sense.
Russell: Left Nate (You do have to say that people they knew might be at the safe haven to get him and Wyatt to come)
Shel: Let the guy go and drive off
Vince: Shot Danny in the foot
Bonnie: Told the truth about Dee.
Wyatt: Lost Rock, paper, Scissors, left the guy to die.
vince-shot danny twice attempted to be a mix of a jerk/asshole/ but honest.
bonnie- killed dee but admitted it all the time with some hints towards doing it for leeland
russel - refused as much as possible tried to keep everything a secret except the bag, and walked away from nate.
shell-spared the guy told becca she was wrong but with reasons, took the rv to spare steph.
as tavia- was honest poilte made a joke about eating them( maybe why vince didn't come with) , mentioned possible family.
This is what I did:
Vince: I shot the convicted rapist, saved the White Collar criminal. The former actually seemed to be less of a douche; and I actually believed him when he said he didn't do it, but I didn't take chances.
Shel: I didn't kill the thief, even when I was sure I'd regret it. When shit hit the fan, I ran away from the station.
Bonnie: I killed Dee and lied about it, but convinced Leland to come with me.
Russell: I didn't hide, accompanied Nate, then left him behind; and he killed the old couple.
Wyatt: Lost rock, papers, scissor, left car, took walker with me to the cat; but Eddie was forced to leave me behind.
EDIT - I think all I need to do to bring Wyatt and Russell with me is to mention there might be people they know.
I assumed that you could only have a certain amount of people, but it sounds like you can take everyone. Interesting.
Either way, I'm not too disappointed with my choices. But I might change my mind later.
Vince, Russel, Wyatt, Stayed at camp.
After all, he WAS convicted.
First and only try!
i'll bet it'll be fun trying
And that you can save Russell (and Wyatt if you fail at kid games or at being a jerk) if you tell them you can meet people that you might know.
Do the other dialogue options do anything for the remaining survivors?
Bonnie seems almost mandatory.
I played it through two times now. First the obligatory "What would I do?" run, where Vince stayed behind, because I didn't shoot the rapist. Second the "I want the best ending" run.
But now I ask myself... who says that all of them going with Tavia IS the good ending?
Telltale says that Season2 will be partially influenced by 400days. Maybe those little stories were supposed to teach us not to trust people that easily.
In the end going with Tavia is just another "I'm not sure if she's honest, but f**k it, let's go with her!" situation. Those trust issues have been through all of the first season. Think about the Dairy and Vernon.
Now I'm curious if this is going to backfire
For those curious about how to get all 5 to go with Tavia:
Shoot Danny with Vince
I didn't shoot him first, but later at the camp they talk about Danny in a way that implies that he really was a rapist. ("Good thing Danny wasn't around anymore when we met Shel and Becca..." or something like this)
Do whatever with Wyatt
For me... everything worked... if you go outside yourself, Eddie will be forced to leave. If you stay in the car you will be forced to leave as well. In the end you simply have to take the "Maybe there are people you know" option with Tavia and he will agree to go with her for a chance that Eddie might be there.
Drive away with Shel
I never actually did the other option, but this worked both times
Leave Nate with Russel
This alone won't do it. He will be very wary about trusting strangers. You have to choose the same option as with Wyatt ("Maybe there are people you know") and he will ask if they've been through his Family's town and eventually go with Tavia.
Tell the truth with Bonnie
Bonnie is really hard to get her to stay at the camp. Whatever I did with her, she went with Tavia, but I guess telling the truth is the safest bet as Becca will call her out on always being honest and trusting towards everyone. In the end she'll be the first to raise her hand.
I hope this will backfire and we'll get a bloody mess in Season2 involving those people. If Season1 + dlc taught us anything... it's that you can trust almost nobody in that kind of world and situation. And then we go and trust a stranger AGAIN