What 400 Days story was your favorite?

edited July 2013 in The Walking Dead
Which of the 400 Days storylines did you enjoy the most?

I liked Shel's storyline the most. I played this first because I just wanted to know what happened to the cancer survivors. I found it hard to make the decision to kill Carlos, so I let him go. This ended up backfiring when Boyd died and the diner was attacked. At the end of the episode, I just jacked the camper and ran off with Becca instead of killing Stephanie.


  • edited July 2013
    I think Vince, Bonnie, and Shel all had great little mini-episodes, but I think I give the edge to Shel's. The decisions you have to make end up having really awful consequences either way, and Becca seems to grow up pretty hard-hearted whether you try to protect her/set an example for her or not. Like Season 1 proper, I think the game is at its best not only when you have to make hard decisions, but when you have to make hard decisions while caring for a young person. It really brings out a parent/older sibling drive in me.

    Russell wasn't unlikable, but not much happened in his episode. He gets picked up by a weird guy who turns out to be an insane jerk, the end. Not much happened in Wyatt's episode either, and the ending felt super anticlimactic--in my playthrough, I intentionally lost the rock-paper-scissors game, then dragged the cop back to the car until Eddie drove off. And then the game takes control away from you and Wyatt just drops the cop and runs away.

    Not that Russell and Wyatt's episodes weren't entertaining. Both of them were actually sort of funny. They just weren't as satisfying to me.
  • edited July 2013
    It was hard because Bonnie & Shel are my favorite characters, but story-wise from the episodes I liked the one from Shel. It explained why Vernon was so ego at the last episode and caused major trouble for season 1 group... I did like also how Shel talk & her actions.

    The only thing that bug me is Becca, I mean Shel should take more care of Becca because she (B) is for me a little bit crazy.

    From overall I like Bonnie the most because of her past and she showed that people can beat it.
  • edited July 2013
    Bonnie. Her story made me cry, and was so adorable and relatable and just generally really nice. I just wish she could be the new player character, though I doubt that would happen. But overall, the only one I didn't like was Russell. And sort of Shel's, but I think that was because I didn't like Becca.
  • edited July 2013
    I'm glad to be back in the forums. I've been busy this semester :p

    I like both Bonnie's and Shel's stories. Shel's explained a lot of stuff, and was really enjoyable to play. On the other hand, Bonnie's caught my attention since I watched the trailer, and I found it more exciting than the other storylines.
    I got surprised by the choices I made, they were almost the exact opposite of what I'd have done in the previous episodes. For me, Survival was over morals in 400 days.
  • edited July 2013
    I also think Bonnie's story was the best. She was a very likable character and the scenario was very tense. It was especially strange since I played it after Shel's chapter, so I knew that the people who were ruthlessly hunting me down in the cornfield were the same group of relatively decent people who had just listened to a young girl play guitar in the previous chapter.

    Bonnie's also had the most compelling moral decision, I thought. Vince's choice was a just a no-win situation - each option was equally awful. Shel and Russell's stories had easy choices for me since I didn't want either of them to be responsible for shooting people who were as scared and desperate as they were. Wyatt's decision came so quickly I didn't even realize I was making it (I intended for him to start the car and then drive over to Eddie and pick him up, not leave him there). But Bonnie's choice...that one had me thinking for as long as the timer would let me. I didn't want her to lie to Leland but I also didn't want him mistaking her motives the same way Dee did, and I certainly didn't want him to start arguing with her while killers were closing in. It was a very tough call.
  • edited July 2013
    My favorite's were Vince and Russel. My least favorite's were Bonnie and Wyatt, Bonnies because I didn't really like her that much, and Wyatt because of a chance based game of rock,paper,scissors that completely changes how his story ends with barely any choice from the player.

    EDIT: I also hated how how in Bonnies story, if you hit the pursuer with the rebar, it turns out to be Dee, yet if you don't get the rebar, it turns out to be one of the pursuers, who then kills you. That's just something in particular that bothers me. Its like in Infamous when you need to either save ten doctors or your girlfriend. If you take the good option and save the doctors, your girlfriend dies, yet if you take the selfish option and save your girlfriend she turns out to have been one of the doctors you didn't save and she dies anyway. I just hate situations that change impossibly when one option is taken over the other just because they don't want something else to happen, it really takes away from a game based on players choice.

    EDIT: Gotta stop editing this but I thought Bonnies choice was pretty dumb, especially in retrospect, since she always ends up going with Tavia anyway. It also doesn't matter since the secret would have died with Dee.
  • edited July 2013
    The girlfriend wasn't one of the doctors, your alternate reality was upset with you and dropped her before you could get to her. Whether you went to save her or not, he'd still kill her. So really, the doctors are your only choice.
  • edited July 2013
  • edited July 2013
    It's always Dee, she just kills you, but it's unclear whether it's out of spite or for the same reason as Bonnie. Honestly, I'd say spite, she seems like a thoroughly horrible woman, purposefully taunting Bonnie with what she doesn't want to hear.
  • edited July 2013
  • edited July 2013
    I gotta say Shel's because of bringing back old characters, involving very difficult choices, and giving more free-roam/exploration unlike the others. It seemed to be the longest episode, it gave some dark moments as well as tender ones, and it gave an example that not all children growing up in that world will have a clear head on their shoulders. I'm actually kind of fearing having Becca in the group, because who knows what she'd end up doing. I think she'll end up killing another member like Lilly did out of treason, and you may need to kill her(in front of her older sister).

    I failed the first time I played this episode(in my opinion) because I got Boyd killed. He was the only character of the Cancer Survivors Group I actually liked, and I got him killed on accident xD
  • edited July 2013
    I liked them all. The epilogue was bad.
  • edited July 2013
    Wyatt's story resonated a lot. It showed how human someone can be when dealing with survival
    by being a friend and gambling your own safety or put everything on him and guilt trip him into leaving the car
    and the effects of "survivor's guilt" since Eddie's fate is left in the fog in the epilogue.

    Short but sweet.
  • edited July 2013
    Vince :D You get to shoot a foot off!!
  • edited July 2013
    Shel's was definitely my favorite, and packed the most emotional punch for me. Shel's philosophy of trying to protect Becca from the worst of the apocalypse was basically identical to the philosophy I'd taken in S1 toward Clementine. ("As long as she knows how to protect herself, it's fine. I don't want her to stop caring about people." ...Shel is basically me in a zombie apocalypse scenario, especially if you go the don't kill the intruder + flee in the RV route. You go, Shel.)

    To see how much Becca was still being affected by events and going along with the very "echoes of Crawford"-like flow really disturbed me, and I sort of went into a Mama Bear-esque spiral of "but what if the same thing happens to Clementine" for a minute there. Especially when she offered to shoot Stephanie for me.

    Also HAHAHAHAHAHA, suck it, Vernon. That's what you get for being an over-reacting jerk. And for even thinking about taking Clementine away.

    Russell's was a close second. Then it's a tie between Bonnie and Wyatt's stories...I think I'd rate Bonnie's story higher if it weren't for the non-standard gameover you get if you fail to accidentally smack Dee in the face. That bit just felt really railroad-y, which is unfortunate since I enjoyed creeping like a ninja through the cornfields. :D

    Likewise with Wyatt's--I made the mistake of thinking that if I won the game of rock, paper, scissors I'd be the one to leave the car and investigate, particularly since I kept insisting to Eddie that Wyatt be the one to go. So I was kind of irked when I won and wound up being the one to stay. That one was probably me misunderstanding the dialogue though.

    Vince's story is by far the weakest IMHO.
  • edited July 2013
    I liked Russel's the most, followed closely by Wyatt and Shel. I'd say Russel was my favorite because of how fucking crazy Nate is. I started off being wary of him, with the whole "Gonna let dat zombie have at ya until you say nine" or whatever. That went too fast for me to actually say anything. Then when we actually got to the diner and started getting shot at, he actually does save Russell's life. He seemed pretty cool at that point, and was actually somewhat encouraging so that we could both get out of this alive. Upon actually entering the building, however, he became insane again, and I promptly walked away. I suppose it was the way that, in crazy circumstances, like the shootout, he seemed like a nice, level-headed guy who could be counted on, and in normal situations, like talking with the old folks in the diner and the truck ride when you first meet him, he's actually batshit insane. Extreme mood whiplash.
  • edited July 2013
    Nate reminds me a bit of Merle, with his nonchalant attitude at points.

    Order of my favourite

    1. Russel
    2. Vince
    3. Wyatt
    4. Shel
    5. Bonnie
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