No voice audio in Episode 2 of Season 1? (Merged threads)

edited July 2013 in Game Support
The point where Lee returns with David and Ben, Mark. Theres no audio voices, while prior in the woods during the open sequence there was. WTF? on a Mac. Anyone else had this problem? Solution? And yes voice volume is at 10.


  • edited July 2013
    I'm having the same issue. Anybody have any help for this?
  • edited July 2013
    Before we start, this is my second play through of the walking dead on my computer and the first time it worked flawlessly.

    This christmas I upgraded my Macbook Pro to OS X Lion and wiped my computer. Before 400 Days came out I realised the game is affected by decisions made in the previous episodes, so I wanted to replay them. I installed the application to my computer and play episode one which worked fine.

    I then attempted to download the rest of the episodes several times, but each time it took over 2/3 hours before it got to 98% and came to a halt.

    I found another way of downloading the episodes using an alternative method found on these forums. They seem to download and install without any issues and the game started to run with no problems... until suddenly the voice audio just cuts out during chapter 2 of episode 2. Ughhh hope there's a way of working around this otherwise I will have to attempt to download the episodes through that accursed 'download content' section in the game WHICH DOESN'T WORK. I just wish the entire game could download in one instead of downloading it in sections :(
  • DjNDBDjNDB Moderator
    edited July 2013
    Not sure what could cause it, but i can take a look.

    Please follow the instructions to run the Support Tool and attach the resulting "" to your next reply in this thread.
  • edited July 2013
    Hi there,

    I'm one of the number who are getting no dialogue on the second chapter of Episode 2. I'm running a mid-2011 iMac with an i7 processor (running Lion), so it should be more than up to the job. I have run the support tool as suggested by DjNBD and have enclosed the support file.

    I downloaded the game manually using DjNDB's excellent advice elsewhere (Telltale really should be paying you a salary DjNDB!) and it is working smoothly otherwise, apart from the odd graphics glitch I can live with.

    Any help gratefully received! The subtitles are no substitute!

    Thanks guys,
  • DjNDBDjNDB Moderator
    edited July 2013
    Please follow the instructions to run the Support Tool and attach the resulting "" to your next reply in this thread.
  • DjNDBDjNDB Moderator
    edited July 2013
    I've looked through the data, but could not find anything unusual.
    There are two other threads with similar audio issues. Maybe if i get data from multiple people i can find something in common.

    The fact that it worked on the first playthrough in this case makes me wonder if it's caused by a patch that came later.

    You can also try if downloading the latest version of the main application (WalkingDead100_v3.dmg) works, unless you already have that version.

    I would also like to try if i can reproduce the problem.
    It would help if you .zip and upload your prefs.prop and *.save files.
    Please upload it as a single .zip file to an instant filehoster and post the download link.
  • edited July 2013
    Hope that worked...
  • DjNDBDjNDB Moderator
    edited July 2013

    I merged all threads about this i could find.

    No need for support tool data anymore. I've identified the cause. The 2_WalkingDead102_english_pc_voice.ttarch is all zeros after byte 16BFFFF.

    This seems to affect only the TTG Store version for Mac directly.
    The steam version will only have the problem, if you used the TTG Store version before, and downloaded episode 2 from there.

    I've notified TTG and hope it will be fixed soon.

    I have no workaround so far, but if you have the steam version too, you can use that instead.
    If you decide to do that, delete the SyncFs folder from
    ~/Library/Application Support/Telltale Games/TheWalkingDead/
    to delete the downloaded episodes, because otherwise the game will use the broken Episode 2.
  • edited July 2013
    Thanks DjNDB,

    Good to know it's not just me! Hopefully there'll be a patch soon, or a workaround.

    Until then, for Mac users, Episode 2 is brought to you in the style of an avant garde soundscape, with subtitles! It's edgy, experimental stuff...!

    Cheers again,
  • edited July 2013
    Yeah I don't have the steam version as I didn't want to pay for it twice. :( Guess I will just have to wait until it is fixed... sigh. Please telltale! HELP USSSSSSS lol :(
  • edited July 2013
    Is it just episode two with this problem then? I guess I could play through that episode with subtitles. I was worried the problem would carry on through episode 3 and if that was the case didn't want to bother...
  • DjNDBDjNDB Moderator
    edited July 2013
    Is it just episode two with this problem then? I guess I could play through that episode with subtitles. I was worried the problem would carry on through episode 3 and if that was the case didn't want to bother...

    It should be Episode 2 only, but i haven't checked any other episodes for changes that could have broken them.
  • MattPMattP ModeratorFormer Telltale Staff
    edited July 2013
    We are looking into this issue right now. If you do find a lack of voice in any other episode please let us know.
  • edited July 2013
    I'm coming over from another thread I started to report the same issue. The short version is I had been playing on the Steam version with no issues, and installed the TTG's version concurrently to test out whether saves could be used in either version so I could play 400 Days with the TTG's free copy. I was replaying Episode 2, and now I have no voices.

    With that said, I did follow the advice above and deleted the SyncF folder. Now when I go to load my game it just goes to a black screen and the program locks up on the black screen. I'm going to attempt to rewind back to the start of Episode 2 and see if it loads.

    Will report back on whether deleting that folder broke my save even with a rewind, and if it works, then whether the voices have returned.
  • edited July 2013
    Quick update. After deleting the syncF folder and the save not loading at all, I went back and tried to rewind. Same issue, hangs on a black screen without a cursor after I click play.

    Went back and checked the ~/USER/AppSupport/TellTale/WalkingDead folder and the SyncF folder has returned. I deleted it and cleaned out the trash, but it's back somehow. It returned with 3 sub-folders (Meta, Temp, and data). Meta and Temp are empty, data has 1 sub-folder (walkingdead102) with two files inside that folder (0_00_20_walkingdead106_102backpatch_t.ttarch and 0_00_30_walkingdead102_ttg.ttarch). Tried deleting them again and launching the Steam version of the game, but it hangs when I try to load.

    I am going to attempt to redelete the syncf folder, delete the steam version from my computer, re-install steam version, and then reload. I might even delete the TTG app support folder AFTER backing up my saves and prefs.prop file and see if that fixes anything.

    Will update.
  • edited July 2013
    Looks like a patch has been issued, as it took ages to load up earlier and now the issue is resolved for me.

    Nice one, thanks everybody! :cool:
  • edited July 2013
    Update: I deleted the Steam version using Steam's removal tool. I deleted the TTG's walking dead application support folder. I re-installed via Steam. I then booted up the Steam version. It took a minute or so to download some files. When it booted up it had some older save game date for Ep1, but when I clicked on it showed an Ep2 save. Tried to load. Same hang.

    Checked out Application Support folder again. In the TTG's folder, not only are my save game files back (maybe obtained from Steam's cloud?) but the sub folders I mentioned above have returned. The only two files in it are the ones mentioned above. But the game will not load a save file at all, it just hangs.

    Verifying the integrity of the game cache via steam, despite the fresh install, still reports that 1 file failed to validate and will be re-acquired, but it's been doing that since I first noticed the problem. (As an aside, sometimes it also hangs on the "connecting" screen right after you click a button to start).

    Starting a brand new game altogether is possible, but as I previously mentioned the thought of going through Ep1 and Ep2 again aren't exactly exciting.

    I guess I might as a last ditch effort until I hear from the TTG's team try and re-install the TTG's version and copy the voice file from Steam's version over the TTG's version. I'll report if that fixes anything.

    I really loved this game, but it's starting to get really frustrating. I regret having tried to see if my save game file would transfer over to the TTG's store version at all at this point, since it broke the voice and now it's broken the entire game. Generally frustrating.
  • edited July 2013
    Looks like a patch has been issued, as it took ages to load up earlier and now the issue is resolved for me.

    Nice one, thanks everybody! :cool:

    Patch for which version? How do I download it?
  • edited July 2013
    UPDATE: So I re-installed TTG's version (concurrent with the Steam copy I have just re-installed that wasn't working). I booted it up WITHOUT having copied over the voice file, just to see about this patch someone mentioned. Sure enough, the TTG's version worked. Loaded my old save, and voices are there.

    Went back to the Steam version. Took A LOT longer than usual to boot up, and even longer to load my save file, but it finally did and the voices were there.

    So apparently there is a patch and when I re-installed the patch came with it.

    Here's hoping that all of this back and forth, copy and paste, install and re-install, did not mess up my save files, overwrite my previous choices, etc. I guess I'll see as I go if things appear odd (for instance, Mark already mentioned when we were walking the wall that it was hard for him to eat with the kids watching him, but I fed both Mark and BOTH of the children, so that seemed odd).

    Since it takes forever to redownload and install both versions, I guess I'll just keep both of them installed so I don't have to deal with the headache of removing the TTG store version in case it breaks again.

    With that said, is there any reason I should be concerned that having the two versions installed concurrently would cause issues?

  • DjNDBDjNDB Moderator
    edited July 2013
    elwoodjd wrote: »
    With that said, is there any reason I should be concerned that having the two versions installed concurrently would cause issues?

    I am not sure what happened with your savegames in between, but good to hear they are back. Deleting the SyncFS folder normally doesn't affect the savegames.

    I have no experience with having both versions installed, other than that I noticed that the steam version uses the TTG store episodes if they are in the savegame subfolders. I don't know if that has any side effects.
  • edited July 2013
    So presumably, if I deleted the TWD Mac app, and deleted the SyncF folder, I should then be able to boot up the Steam version and have it run no problem?
  • DjNDBDjNDB Moderator
    edited July 2013
    elwoodjd wrote: »
    So presumably, if I deleted the TWD Mac app, and deleted the SyncF folder, I should then be able to boot up the Steam version and have it run no problem?

    In theory that should be no problem, but given your earlier experience i wouldn't delete anything but rather move, just to be safe.
  • edited July 2013
    I did move the syncfs folder elsewhere to back it up, and then I deleted the TTG mac App. When I tried to launch the Steam version it told me my cloud files and local files were in conflict and to pick one. Since I have backups of my old save files elsewhere, I decided to download from the cloud.

    Steam version took 4 or 5 tries before it would boot (every time it would hang again on the "connecting" screen, an issue that never appeared before the first time I installed the TTG version), but eventually I got it to boot. It loaded the save game, no problem, right where I left off and with voices.

    So, no idea what happened in the interim situation where saves just wouldn't load. But, appears to be resolved now, so I'll just count my blessings and move on (and will keep my eye out for save file/game choice issues).

    Thanks again to everyone here who helped me out. I really appreciate it.
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