The Trix rabbit and Max: Realated?

edited March 2008 in General Chat
I know this sounds stupid, but I can't shake the feeling that there are some similar characteristics between the sociopathic lagomorph Max and the Trix cereal rabbit mascot. For instance, they are both white, have big feet and long ears, and they both have...ummm...manic personalities. Does anyone like to respond to this?


  • edited March 2008
    Having big feet and long ears is pretty much what defines (cartoon) rabbits, so that doesn't surpise me. Also, I think that if you want to compare the Trix rabbit to someone, it looks a lot more like Roger Rabbit (and not like Max at all).
  • edited March 2008
    What about Bugs Bunny?
  • edited March 2008
    What about Bugs Bunny?

    He is gray, not white.
  • edited March 2008
    But the Trix Rabbit doesn't have sharklike teeth and beady eyes. Plus he's tall. And...not deranged, though I guess that can be one in their right mind would steal cereal from a bunch of kids. (Max: "Pff. No one would... *unarmed*, of course!")

    Eh, seen worse comparisons. My own dad thought Max was Crusader Rabbit:
    ...I rest my case. XD
  • edited March 2008
    Have you heard of Hanna-Barbarra's cartoon character, Ricochet (pardon if mispelled) Rabbit? He is white and possibly the same size as Max, and they both like to shoot guns and hang out with a canine companion. Although, Ricochet has more morality values than Max.
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