400 Days download freezes at 98%
Start Game > Doownload Content > Download 98%
Sat for over 2 Hours on 98%.
Also, no way to exit. Had to HardRestart the PC
Mac 10.6.8
2.8GHz Intel Core i7
4GB 1067MHz DDR3
Sat for over 2 Hours on 98%.
Also, no way to exit. Had to HardRestart the PC
Mac 10.6.8
2.8GHz Intel Core i7
4GB 1067MHz DDR3
This discussion has been closed.
Please look here for a workaround.
There's no reason it shouldn't work anymore. Do you get any error message?
It depends on your connection speed, the server load, and everything in between how fast your download is. But no matter what, the script will keep trying, and you can still work on your system in the meantime.
P.S. : we still live in the same house...
Does it happen for all episodes or just episode 2?
Also, please follow the instructions to run the Support Tool and attach the resulting "support_data_pc.zip" or "support_data_mac.zip" to your next reply in this thread.
I tried the work around and it does not work!!!!!! :mad::(:confused:
What doesn't work about it?
I saw in another post that you already contacted support, which is a better way if we can't get this to work.