400 Days: Who came with you at the end?

edited July 2013 in The Walking Dead
I'm not sure which choices determine who comes with you, and who stays behind....nor if all the decisions are made during that last cut scene, but I didn't feel like I was making personalities in the characters, and then giving them a speech that played to each of them. It felt far too random. Who did you have with you/stay behind?

With me:

Stayed Behind:


  • edited July 2013
    With Me:

    Stayed Behind:
  • edited July 2013
    With me:

  • edited July 2013
    I only had Shel and Bonnie come with me for some reason. I thought I made decent choices throughout. What exactly influences who stays and goes? I don't understand why most of my group stayed behind. Any pointers?
  • edited July 2013
    Masta23 wrote: »
    I only had Shel and Bonnie come with me for some reason. I thought I made decent choices throughout. What exactly influences who stays and goes. I don't understand why more of my group stayed behind. Any pointers?

    It may have been Tavia's pitch. Did you say they have people there of all ages? Saying you might find lost friends and family gets Russell and Wyatt on board, but possibly at the cost of Shel, depending on your choices.

    And Vince only comes if you save the con man and shoot the rapist.
  • edited July 2013
    PotatoCat wrote: »
    It may have been Tavia's pitch. Did you say they have people there of all ages? Saying you might find lost friends and family gets Russell and Wyatt on board, but possibly at the cost of Shel, depending on your choices.

    And Vince only comes if you save the con man and shoot the rapist.
    Well when I was Vince, I didn't think whether to kill a con man or a rapist. I just picked a target and shot one. I'd forgotten who was who anyway at the time. As for Tavia's pitch, no I didn't say that they have people there of all ages. I must have chose the other one.
  • edited July 2013
    With me:
    Bonnie and Vince
  • edited July 2013
    I got everyone first time.

    Bonnie: I was honest to the husband.

    Vince: Shot the rapist.

    Shel: Let the guy go and didn't shoot Steph.

    Russel: Left Nate.

    Wyatt: Left Eddie (I didn't want to, I didn't realize there was a way not to)

    Russel was the only one on the fence but I said that there were lots of people and he came with.
  • edited July 2013
  • edited July 2013
    PotatoCat wrote: »
    It may have been Tavia's pitch. Did you say they have people there of all ages? Saying you might find lost friends and family gets Russell and Wyatt on board, but possibly at the cost of Shel, depending on your choices.

    And Vince only comes if you save the con man and shoot the rapist.

    I think the you got friend would definitely lure in Russel, but not Wyatt. I think Wyatt's decision is based in whether he is left behind or not in his backstory
  • edited July 2013
    With me:
    Bonnie, Wyatt, and Shel

    Left me: Vince and Russell.

    I can joke around, and say that the white ppl joined me, but the ppl of color were left behind.
  • edited July 2013

    With me:


    Shel was on the fence, but I convinced Becca when I said there were people of all ages there. However, that left me no room to work with Rusell.

    I wanted to get everyone to go with me so I replayed Vince's and Shel's stories.
    Vince: I shot the rapist instead
    Shel: Even though we killed the intruder, we ditched in the RV.

    When I played the final scene again Vince, Shel, and Becca were all for going to the camp which allowed me to convince Russell by saying there was a chance to reconnect with lost loved ones.

    Also, I think the only way Bonnie does NOT go is if the husband told her to leave without him (out of anger, of course). Bonnie lying or being truthful him doesn't affect her decision as long as he leaves with her in her story. Did anyone find out what's in that bag?

    ..on another note...what would be hilarious is if this camp ends up being Woodbury.
  • edited July 2013
    Well I just done my 2nd playthrough, using my other save file. I was a bit of an a hole, but I still managed to get more people to come with me <shrug>

    First playthrough : Bonnie and Shel came with me
    Second playthrough : Vince, Bonnie, Russell, Wyatt

    The thing that baffles me is that on my first playthough I was nicer, I chose the more moral decisions, perhaps with the exception of Vince, who was nicer, but shot the con man. Yet for some reason the larger majority wanted to stay. Hmm
    I'm guessing 400 days decisions follow through to season 2, but do any season 1 decisions follow through to season 2?
  • edited July 2013
    I didn't know that the stuff I said at that moment would determine who came with, so I got a bit miffed when only Vince and Bonnie came, since I actually wanted Russell and Wyatt with me too. I may just throw caution to the wind, and get everyone with me for Season 2, since the majority of those I liked stayed behind.
  • edited July 2013
    Rock114 wrote: »
    I didn't know that the stuff I said at that moment would determine who came with, so I got a bit miffed when only Vince and Bonnie came, since I actually wanted Russell and Wyatt with me too. I may just throw caution to the wind, and get everyone with me for Season 2, since the majority of those I liked stayed behind.
    Yeah you could do that, but then I suppose it defeats the purpose of making decisions and living with it. I was a bit miffed that I was trying to do the right thing, yet only 2 came with me the first time round.
    I think that for season 2 I might only have one playthrough, until I have completed the last episode. The reason being is that the decisions would have more weight. I had 2 playthroughs on the go for season 1 and I guess it kinda felt like my decisions didn't have as much of an impact, because I went back and chose the other decision next time.
  • edited July 2013
    Everyone went with me except for Russell.
  • edited July 2013
    I'll probably stick with my original one in the end. At least I got Vince, I thought he was cool. Here's hoping Russ and Wyatt stay safe at the camp :(
  • edited July 2013
    First playthrough:
    Shel, Vince, Bonnie (and Becca)

    Second playthrough:

    All of them, which i wanted from the beginning. Some may say "you should live with it" but the reason Wyatt did not go was cause he had to go get the corpse and Eddie left him (i think at least) and i never wanted Wyatt to go out of the car so i just played it and got it how i actually wanted it to play out from the start (cause i just failed the firs time) and the same goes for Russell.

    EDIT: You can just tell them there are people they might know in the new community and they will follow you anyway.
  • edited July 2013
    The first time I played through I got only got Bonnie and Wyatt.

    Second play through I changed 2 decisions and everyone went with me.
  • edited July 2013
    Rock114 wrote: »
    I'll probably stick with my original one in the end. At least I got Vince, I thought he was cool. Here's hoping Russ and Wyatt stay safe at the camp :(
    Yeah I liked Vince too, but I shot the wrong person. If it was just Vince and Shel, I probably wouldn't mind too much, but Shel and Bonnie? Don't know if I like that combo. My 2nd playthrough is not my primary because I'm a bit of an a hole, choosing evil choices. I might have to change something in my first playthrough before season 2.
  • edited July 2013
    Left with Tavia:

    Stayed at Camp:
  • edited July 2013
    I got everyone to come, Russell was the only one who needed any real convincing and I think I said there were people there who he might know. I guess I was pretty lucky.
  • edited July 2013
    With me- Vince, Bonnie, Shel
    Stayed at camp- Russell, Wyatt.
  • edited July 2013
    Everyone came with me
  • edited July 2013
    I was like a total a hole with all characters kind of, I got everyone except for shel and vince I would of swapped either for bonnie.
  • edited July 2013
    is leaving with tavia a good thing, or bad thing? Only Shel and Bonnie went with her, if it's good I'll try an get everyone with her
  • edited July 2013
    is leaving with tavia a good thing, or bad thing? Only Shel and Bonnie went with her, if it's good I'll try an get everyone with her

    We don't know yet, however I believe in not replaying so i'ma live with my decisions.
  • edited July 2013
    All the women came with me
    While the men decided to be men and stayed together
  • edited July 2013
    I got everyone to come in my first playthrough.
  • edited July 2013
    Left with Tavia:

    Stayed at the camp:

    I tried to convince Russel to join by saying there might be kids there... that must have sounded condescending. :p
  • edited July 2013
    Only Shel and Bonnie came with me (with Becca too of course).

    Thought it was kind of funny how it got split exactly down the gender lines.
  • edited July 2013
    I left with Vince and Bonnie.
    The only people I liked from this DLC was probably Vince and Chel or whatever everyone else sort of annoyed me.
  • edited July 2013
    With Me:

    Stayed Behind:
  • edited July 2013
    I done two playthroughs and I can never get russle to come with that lady
  • edited July 2013
    donmike84 wrote: »
    I done two playthroughs and I can never get russle to come with that lady

    When everyone is raising their hands to see who leaves/stays and Russel says he doesn't know, you have to say "You could find friends or family/people you know there" That's what i did and he joined.
  • edited July 2013
    With me:

    Stayed Behind:
  • edited July 2013
    so it is possible that more or less than 2 people stay at the camp? well there goes my theory lol
  • edited July 2013
    With Me:

    Stayed Behind:

  • edited July 2013
    Shel and Bonnie came with me.... I think I failed epically at convincing the other three. XD
  • edited July 2013
    I don't really believe in replaying, but I only had Shel and Bonnie with me. I found out that you can get Russell to Wyatt to join if you choose the option, which explains that there might be somebody they know there. Wyatt wanted to find Eddie and Russell wanted to find his family. So I replayed that end bit.
    I do have my 2nd playthrough too, the only difference being that Vince went and Shel stayed behind. I was a bit of an a hole, so I doubt I will use that playthrough in season 2, atleast not straight away.
  • edited July 2013
    In my first playthrough I got everyone. I think a big mistake everyone is making is that they are saving the wrong criminal in Vince's story. I killed Danny only because I assumed if I did he would be in the second season and I did not feel comfortable letting a rapist near Clem. A murderer maybe, but never a rapist.
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