Do you need the disc to play 400 days DLC? (Xbox 360)

edited July 2013 in The Walking Dead
So I bought the disc version when it came out and played all 5 episodes but then sold it right after and got my money back. Will I need to get a copy of it to play 400 days or can I just download the trial from the marketplace and buy the episode from there?


  • edited July 2013

    400 Days cannot be purchased as a standalone game. It’s DLC (downloadable content) and therefore, you must have at least episode one, season one of The Walking Dead installed on your games system to play.400 Days will be available to buy from within The Walking Dead season one.
  • edited July 2013
    :o I guess I should have looked more thoroughly. Thanks.

    It doesn't really make sense though. If I download the trial I can see all 5 episodes available for individual purchase so I don't get why they wouldn't take my money for one episode and let me play it. I already bought the first 5 episodes in disc form so they've got they're money for that.
  • edited July 2013
    llDurbinll wrote: »
    :o I guess I should have looked more thoroughly. Thanks.

    It doesn't really make sense though. If I download the trial I can see all 5 episodes available for individual purchase so I don't get why they wouldn't take my money for one episode and let me play it. I already bought the first 5 episodes in disc form so they've got they're money for that.

    Guess you should nbot have sold it then
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