The Walking Dead Deadliest Warrior

edited July 2013 in The Walking Dead
Okay, so for thoose that do not know.
Deadliest warrior is a show that pits various warriors from history and makes them fight eachother to win. For example .. Ninja vs Pirate.

They exaimine each weapon that warrior used along with intellect etc, and run it through a simulation 100 times, to see who won the most, the winner is then shown, and they contsruct the battle with live actors.

So I thought I'd do the same with The Walking Dead Game.

Now the aim of this, is for warriors to be choosen, then .. like .. i dunno, five of you discuss the tatics, weapons etc that character would use along with wits to determine and winner and if you're feeling upto it, how the fight would go. Ready? I'll start the first battle.

Lee Everett vs Vince.
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