We never seen him, we never heard his voice. Who is the commissioner?

edited March 2008 in Sam & Max
A old dog just like Sam in 100 years?
An deep space alien in a human disguise?
Max older brother?

What do you think about this unseen character?


  • edited March 2008
    i think it's best not to wonder.
    All the fun comes from the fact that you don't know anything about him, really
  • edited March 2008
    ezzetabi wrote: »
    What do you think about this unseen character?
    Probably an old man named Gary (*cough*) calling himself commissioner Gordon... :D

    np: Autechre - IO (Mons) (Quaristice (Versions))
  • edited March 2008
    It's Steve Purcell.

    Think about it. ;)
  • edited March 2008
    It's Mister Flibble, the killer penguin, you all know it is!

  • edited March 2008
  • edited March 2008
    Fibble, your hyperlinking just got us all mooned. >_<

    The commissioner will never be revealed. Although, I'd imagine he's just a plump old police officer with a mustache.
  • edited March 2008
    That's one way to prevent other people from using pictures that you posted. :D
  • edited March 2008
    That'll teach me to use photobucket. That is, to literally teach me to use it. The irony is, I have like 50 pictures (meaning 3 or so) of Flibble already. Damn I'm embarassed now.

    It totally didn't moon when I first did it. Editing now :D

    PS Sorry everyone I'm a bad penguin
  • edited March 2008
    we heard him (or her?) mumbling in a few of the episodes on the phone last year, but if i recall correctly from the audio commentary's... i almost certain it was one of the bay area sound guys who did the mumbling, does that help? (probably not)
  • edited March 2008
    It totally didn't moon when I first did it. Editing now :D

    I think the way it's set-up is if you have the image in your temp memory (ie you viewed it recently) it'll display the image. if not, it'll show the mooning image.

    I guess this because I had right clicked properties the image to get the url of it then entered it in my browser to see the pic, then when I hit back it displayed the proper image.

    So really no fault, there as you didn't know before. But now you know. And knowing's half the battle!

    Yoooooooo, Joe! :D
  • edited March 2008
    Can violence be the other half of the battle to balance it out?

    Sadly I did know well it might have hotlink protection, but I was in a really lazy mood so I just pasted the link, figuring if it did anything it'd just be some harmless "Hosted by example.com" And then I could just change it... Damn that was the last thing I expected. I've seen worse "Dont steal my image" pictures though... Not from me though!

    Anyway, on topic I've been wondering if I'm the only one crazy enough to have the Commisioner remind me of Dastardly & Muttley where they got constant phone calls from the General who'd just bark gibberish, but you never actually got to see him.

    So I thought about who that could be when I was 6, then years later I'm still thinking about the same thing, albeit Sam & Max this time. But still, I guess I won't grow up anytime soon.

    Really I only gave thought to what the Commisioner was like when watching the animated series, the episode where they have to find the Commisioner's lost keys. Didn't they go within the same building as the commisioner in that one? It was like he wasn't just the voice on the phone anymore :P

    Obviously it'd be ruination to actually show the commisioner...

    Wow the things I rant about after no sleep and anticipation of chocolate...
  • edited March 2008
    Flibble, nope you do not see the commissioner, S&M go to the police station were a sergeant takes the keys. But he says the commissioner isn't in.

    Surely, there is a police station. You see two policeman, you may think the commissioner is a policeman too... But, hey! It is the Sam&Max world. This kind of logic just does not add up.
  • JakeJake Telltale Alumni
    edited March 2008
    You do see a photo of the commissioner in the last episode of the animated series, but it's from the neck down -- you just see a suit jacket and tie.

    Jared Emerson-Johnson thinks that there is no commissioner and Sam is making it up, living in some weird fantasy world of his own creation, and Max plays along because he knows that the whole "commissioner" business is the only tiny thread keeping his life-long friend Sam at all connected with reality.
  • edited March 2008
    Interesting, but I disagree. It is too strange that Sam know nothing about cases, pick up a phone an suddenly have its orders and useful informations.
    In S&M Hit the road, the commissioner sent the cat with written orders.
    In the cartoon S&M seek the commissioner's key and give them to a policeman who knew the keys were lost.
    Or Sam is really completely crazy with multiple personalities or... well, it does not work.
  • edited March 2008
    The commissioner is Sam Talking to himself.

    Or maybe Bosco's brother.

    Its like how many licks does it take to get to the center of a tootsie pop? The world will never know(173 without biting it)
  • edited March 2008
    Didn't Max manage to answer the phone in the animated series? If he did, that would preclude the possibility of the Commisioner being all in Sam's head.

    Besides, he makes a gret MacGuffin, allowing Sam to spout off a bunch of wild lines to leave you wondering exactly what the Commisioner said.
  • JakeJake Telltale Alumni
    edited March 2008
    I think Max answers the phone at Sam's Discount Pet Wash.

    Deep in my heart I believe the commissioner is real.
  • edited March 2008
    Jake wrote: »
    You do see a photo of the commissioner in the last episode of the animated series, but it's from the neck down -- you just see a suit jacket and tie.

    Jared Emerson-Johnson thinks that there is no commissioner and Sam is making it up, living in some weird fantasy world of his own creation, and Max plays along because he knows that the whole "commissioner" business is the only tiny thread keeping his life-long friend Sam at all connected with reality.
    This actually makes sense, in a way. It would explain
    future Sam
  • JakeJake Telltale Alumni
    edited March 2008
    TrogLlama wrote: »
    This actually makes sense, in a way. It would explain
    future Sam

    Heh maybe so, but I think realistically it's a bit of a reach. I just like the idea that Sam is actually the crazy one, and Max is sort of a normal guy who is just desperately putting on a crazy face in a last ditch hope that keeping up the charade will prevent Sam from going totally over the edge. In that interpretation, I imagine Max goes home each night and downs a bottle of scotch to keep himself together. It's more a funny twist on the characters than an actual legitimate interpretation, though.
  • edited March 2008
    So I'm the only one who watched Dastardly and Muttley in Their Flying Machines? What's WRONG with you people?

    Okay what about Deal or No Deal. We all love Deal or No Deal, right!?
    ezzetabi wrote: »
    Flibble, nope you do not see the commissioner, S&M go to the police station were a sergeant takes the keys. But he says the commissioner isn't in.

    I knew he wasn't seen, just that him supposedly being in the same building made him seem close enough to the characters to actually wonder about. I know what I meant :P
    I forgot he wasn't in though, I haven't seen the episode since I watched it on youtube ages ago and my DVD isn't here yet.
    Jake wrote: »
    Heh maybe so, but I think realistically it's a bit of a reach. I just like the idea that Sam is actually the crazy one, and Max is sort of a normal guy who is just desperately putting on a crazy face in a last ditch hope that keeping up the charade will prevent Sam from going totally over the edge. In that interpretation, I imagine Max goes home each night and downs a bottle of scotch to keep himself together. It's more a funny twist on the characters than an actual legitimate interpretation, though.

    I hate you! I'm so beginning to believe the Scotch addicted Max putting up with the crazy Sam to prevent him from going over the edge and such theory. My love for Sam & Max is ruined until I can unread what I just read and go back to believing what is obviously the truth which is a cartoon dog and rabbity thing causing mayhem while having wacky adventures really doesn't deserve that kind of deepness! ... Or... Or does it?! Ahhhhh! *runs away crying*
  • edited March 2008
    Wikipedia wrote:
    The Commissioner is an unseen character who briefs Sam and Max for their various missions. He interacts with them through the telephone; a ringing phone usually causes the freelancers to brawl a bit for the right to pick up the phone first - a fight which is traditionally won by Sam.

    I think that explains it all :P
  • edited March 2008
    The point of the whole thread is about what you think the commissioner is, and this question works just because it is an unseen character. Not vice versa...
  • edited March 2008
    Maybe the comissioner is the phone? :eek:
  • edited March 2008
    Yeah, he could be a relative of Bob. :D

    However a line from the *wince* Sam and Max: Freelance Police! trailer contradicts this idea:

    "Commissioner! How's the rash?"
  • edited March 2008
    Pffft everyone knows there's no such thing as a "Sam & Max: Freelance Police". You're crazy.
  • edited March 2008
    Does this mean that Sam & Max (and possibly any other anthropomorphic characters they meet) are actually human, and we're just seeing how the insane Sam perceives them?

    Makes you wonder what really happened when Sam hallucinated that he was nuking a giant animate statue of Abe Lincoln... I wonder how many innocent people died in the blast?
  • edited March 2008
    Hundreds, upon hundreds, of imaginary innocent people
  • edited March 2008
    Maybe the comissioner is the phone? :eek:

    Ehy! I like this idea, the commissioner is actually a bodyless entity that possess phones (or things that have some resemblances with phones) and use them to speak!
  • edited March 2008
    If that's the case, maybe he posseses Bob as well. Though I do like the idea of some lonely schizophrenic telemarketer sitting in an abandoned call centre somewhere, talking to the C.O.P.S through his phone.
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