If the comic did a spin off to another country, would you get into it?
I think this would work, All Kirkman would have to do is give his consent to an overseas company ( and pick up a big check every month the scoundrel ) and they could do a spin off, I would love to read something set in the UK knowing its part of Rick grimes universe, it dont even have to be a long running thing, mabey just 30 issues, a 3 year run. Anyone agree?
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If they were going to do it anywhere in Europe I'd suggest Switzerland. If it's in the middle east I'd suggest Israel.
lol the army havent even been in the comic
Actually most of Woodbury's arms come from a National Gaurd post.
But what does this have to do with a walking dead UK spin off?
The United States has considerably more guns, and ammo then most other countries. The last static I saw on the amount of guns in the US has it a little over one per person. You honestly can make a realistic scenario where you find ammunition well exploring a town. Also the US is a much more vast land mass to explore.
The UK is a much smaller geographical center with higher population centers. Maybe you could so something with the fact that the UK has more castles.
I'd read Brooks' World War Z. The survivors in the UK pretty much all survive because of the castles there.
I'm not sure I'd be interested in reading a Zombie series set in the UK. Although I did enjoy a zombie comedy set there.
See! that could be a good storyline, and i did say it did not need to be a long running series, who would be at the castle? good guys or bad? and it would be cool to see how much a country struggles in the ZA with very little guns, also the S.A.S the worlds best special forces squad, the same SAS that strated the special forces trend world wide are based in the UK, would be cool to follow the soty of those guys ! see how awesome it now looks? lol
A lot of them ransack museums and start carrying around maces, swords, and some even wear plat armor.
Like I said I'm sure some people would like it, but it wouldn't be much for me. Although I will say in the current comic "The Kingdom" has a very Society of Creative Anachronisms spin on it.
I'd be into a Walking Dead set in another country just to see how they are handling things compared to here in the US (probably little difference, but cultural difference would be interesting). The scenario you guys setup seems very interesting to me to read about.
I just dont think it would be a hit at all in america, mainly due to all the british slang we would expect in the comic ( like when Rick grimes calls someone an asshole in his comic, we would expect the british version to say Twatt or something ) and if someone makes a joke or talks about footy, would they still say soccer? lol no
Well you can argue that the other way over here where American shows throw out stuff which might mean little to English or British audiences. I realise the fact that the USA has the biggest market for fiction and graphic novels, but that doesn't mean that all stories must take place in the States. And trust me, British culture has been Americanised enough that we say and do a lot of things our Yankee counterparts would be used to. So I still think that a British based Walking Dead concept would be cool. The game and comic shows that you have totally different groups of survivors and still enjoy the story. A writer for Britain would just need to think of places where a zombie infection would be interesting, for example the often racially disputed Bradford, the docks of Liverpool and Hull or the creepy Cornish countryside.
I suggest... China. or South Africa.
lol name 3!
• ZomniU
• 28 Days later
• Shawn of the Dead
UPD: that were the 1st 3 that came to mind, but if you google it, you'll probably find much more, you may search IMDb for «british zombie flicks» and, bloody hell, there is a legion of 'em.
Shaun of the Dead, 28 Days Later and Doghouse.
Beaten to the punch...
That is true, though China was the initial focus in the World War Z novel so there's that. I think one way of doing things might be to have a set of novelias or short story collections under 'World of the Walking Dead' Banner, telling different stories across the planet beyond Georgia of how survivors are coping in places like India or France or New Zealand and the like. I realise the only problem with that is that there's a finite nature to such, since one of the appeals of the comic is that there's no fixed conclusion for Rick and co in sight. Alternatively if Telltale were willing a 400 Days style episode with survivors around the world would be awesome, even if it's fair to say that it wouldn't impact the main game due to geography (which I imagine is one of the main arguments against such a concept).
Zombieu is a video game
Shaun of the dead is a comedy
28 weeks later is NOT A ZOMBIE movie
you dont know sheit
yeah you are just ripping off World war z now mate =[