203! Superball, Sybil and the other one.

edited March 2008 in Sam & Max
According to dialogues in 104 Superball has a wife. It seems their love life isn't going too well. But in 203 he goes to Sibyl who is looking for an husband!
What is happened in the Superball family? Tell us in S&M style.

Edit: typo.


  • edited March 2008
    superball: She left me sir.
  • edited March 2008
    something about prismatoligy and her leaving him because of his personality i
  • edited March 2008
    Superball: She said she couldn't talk to me when I was all emotional like this, sir.

    My theory is
    Superballs emotional attachment to his work drove him to be away from his family almost constantly. In absentia, his wife absconded with a triage of young mexican musicians, returning later with 'Superball jr' in tow. Decades of growing up seeing his real father only once a year for a three minute dance, and his supposed father almost not at all drove him mad; he became AN ACCOUNTANT, (followed shortly by turning into a shambling corporate presence). As the SCP, he ate his mum, got kidnapped and sent to santa, sold poorly manufactured toys to most of the civilised world and was then posted on to hell.
    Now, Superball works for Satan Claus, in the hopes of some day getting back his wife and child. Dun dun DUN.
    I think I'm on to something. Finally, the Superball conspiracy in uncovered!
  • JakeJake Telltale Alumni
    edited March 2008
    I'm pretty sure that in 203 or 204 you can ask him about it. They broke up over some Prismatology-related issues. Post-partum depression, maybe? I believe his wife is still a Prismatologist (level indigo).
  • edited March 2008
    Jake wrote: »
    I'm pretty sure that in 203 or 204 you can ask him about it. They broke up over some Prismatology-related issues. Post-partum depression, maybe? I believe his wife is still a Prismatologist (level indigo).

    I smell a coverup! Quick, somebody fetch me my coulander, and possibly some tin foil.
    Yeah, I think it was 203, outside of the castle. (That doesn't mean I in any way rescind my hypothesis. Being awesome has nothing to do with being right).
  • edited March 2008
    Indeed. You can bring up the issue again in 204, where he says she refuses to talk to him while he's "all emotional like this"...
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