I guess Vince is Glenn's brother?
I know It's mad,But his face like Glenn.
Maybe I can guess this?
Russell know Ben?
Bonnie know Lee(Perhaps alluding to Leland)?
Wyatt know Omid or Christa?
Maybe I can guess this?
Russell know Ben?
Bonnie know Lee(Perhaps alluding to Leland)?
Wyatt know Omid or Christa?
This discussion has been closed.
It's not the strongest evidence but it's something.
of course,I believe you are no offense.
Just saying that~
Thanks you very much to answer this.
No,first played have just noticed it.
But I know it's indefinite.
I know Macon is a predominantly black community, but I bet there is more then one Asian family in a city of about 90,000. I think Vince looks similar to Glenn because they likely altered Glenn's avatar to make Vince.
I think it's just the fact that they used Glenn's model as the base for Vince.
Let me guess........Kenny's model as the base for Nate?Omid"s model as the base for Eddie?
Shit man,I'm really don't know this!
Another thought: increasing topic of discussion
And Tavia is an altered model of Brenda St. John. Honestly I just think unless it's stated by Kirkman we should assume that Vince and Glenn are simply based on the same model unless stated otherwise.
Hope that these problems would solution in the S2
You are right,man~
To be honest, the first thing I thought is that Vince was related to Glenn.
1) Helping his younger brother.
2) Both are asian
3) Glenn had cash problems
4) Both are from Macon
5) Come on, both are Asian... in the middle of fucking Georgia....
I Want to say out, but my English......
Nah, I'm just playin.
man,forgive me.
My English improve to depend totally for game accumulated.(Make do and see)
Got it.;)
frankly,exchange very pleasant in there.
Mostly to cut cost and production time. TT has been recycling models since season 1 of Sam and Max. Back then, they recycled a model from their first Texas Hold up game.
This. They have to be connected in SOME way.
I'm going to just go ahead and agree with this. My father was watching me play 400 Days (he always watches me play my Walking Dead games lol) and even he wondered out loud if they were related. You just never know with Kirkman and The Walking Dead