Guest ghost appearence of Lee & Carley in Season 2?
I'm guessing we'll see Clementine on Season 2 but what about throwing in Lee and Carley for the fans who've been wanting them back? Please Telltale? 
It doesn't have to last long, just appear once and that's it. I'd be perfectly happy with that.

It doesn't have to last long, just appear once and that's it. I'd be perfectly happy with that.
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Lee is dead/zombie. He won't return (unless in a way mentioned). Get over it.
A child having an imagination? Okay doke.
They could build upto, like you could catch Clementine talking to herself, it's not impossible, it's even shown the the comics. It's to help survivor's cope. Rick spoke to his recently dead wife, lori, through a phone.
Michonne also went through something similar with friend I believe?
The Governor also did it.
Yeah but they also weren't in their right mind. Do you want Clementine to be going insane in Season 2?
you dont have to be insane to have an imaginary friend. That was to help them cope with the stress and guilt.
It's been shown in both the comics and tv series so far. It's a theme of the walking dead.
When you're an adult? And that imaginary friend talks back? And it takes you days to realize it's not a real person? Yes, you do have to be insane.
Exactly, it isn't. But I don't really want Clem to be insane in Season 2. Not even a little bit.
Yeah, if a character was going to start seeing dead friends I'd probably assume it was to personify mental instability before I thought that anyone would make a Return of the Jedi styled ghost appearance.
But as in Dexter, which his father Harry whom is dead though appears from time to time to socialise with him, because he's the only one who truly knows Dexter (well, Deb knows him too now).
Anywho, Telltale's probably not going to bring them back but okay.
The letters above, were the keys i pressed as i slammed my head on the keyboard after reading the first post of this thread. Just letting you know.
Now a fear induced "Rocky 5" moment may work. "Get up Clem! Cause Lee loves ya." :P
Well the tv show has brought in the whole "people seeing things" angel so it wouldn't completely be out there. Rick has an entire conversation with "Lori" after she dies. In the comics Michone talks to her dead bf (one of the "walkers" she had on the chains that she later killed) long after he was dead, and even after his walking corpse was dead. So it's not completely impossible for Clem to see visions of Lee, but it would prove that she is kinda losing it when he shows up. It could work though honestly, but only if done right. I don't know if Tell Tale wants to go there though.
It could work if written right. Maybe the next time we see Clem she has an "imaginary friend" named "Lee". Only later once Omid and Christa join "the camp" do the other survivors realize that Lee used to be a real person. Kind of the way she held onto the walkie talkie so she could talk to her parents.
The entire time she talks to other people about what "Lee thinks we should" do it reflects the choice we made in the first game. For example "Lee says we should stay out of the cities. I don't think we should go either."
Sure they cut that scene, but then they did put that scene where Clem is a walker in so they're not too shy of things that end up not being real.
I certainly agree it's very very unlikely. It requires Clem to be the new PC,then for them to take the direction with the character and the tone just to make it a possibility.
Just expressing that the pretty aggressive reactions to this thread were a bit harsh.
Agreed. Again it's all about how it is written. Of course I think what we are all talking about here who are arguing this point is character's having dreams or hallucinations, not actual "Ghost" in the Obi Wan Kenobi way.
Like I said with my "imaginary friend" angel, I think it can be done without having to play as Clem. Depending on how it is actually written.