If you had to choose 1 survivor from 400 Days to protect Clem, who would it be?

edited July 2013 in The Walking Dead
I am in no way suggesting or speculating that any of the 400 Days cast will be our new main. This is just a fun thread, so dont you dare start speculating on it(jk).

I guess i'll rank the main characters first:

Vince and Shel seem like an obvious choice for a main character since they share the most similarities with Lee. Also if it were Vince, we'd have a nice throwback to season 1 because he shares the voice actor with the Stranger.
And if Shel were to lose Becca to walkers/bandits/anything else she could find new hope in Clementine by protecting her and starting over.

He could be like Omid. Not a father figure like Lee, instead a big brother for Clem.
I think that might fit in his character.


Wyatt: Hey Clem, remember when Omid got high for the first time and threw a pancake at Kenny saying he ruined that dude's stache?
Bonnie:Oooh i found some medicine!
Clem enters the room and is instantly hit by a metal rebar straight in the face.

But in all honesty...the REAL choice is Nate,hands down. Just imagine the funny/awkward dialogue...

P.S You can choose any other character from the DLC too. Except for Danny...
P.S.S Well it seems there is such a thread already...I guess the mods can either delete this one or "copy&paste" it to the other one. If not ill just post this in the other thread myself.


  • edited July 2013
    For me:

    Vince = Shel (without Becca) > Bonnie > Wyatt > Russell > Shel (with Becca)

    Russell is still quite young and probably looking out for himself so he seems better as a 'brother' to Clementine, and in my Wyatt playthrough where he abandoned Eddie he came across as a coward. Bonnie seems like a friendly and caring person but she has that drug history but she seems to have got past that. Vince, although he has the criminal history, seems like he did that to protect his brother and he seems like a capable survivor and reminds me a lot of Lee (not just being a convict but having that natural leadership and the way he acts). Shel it depends completely on whether Becca is in the picture or not, like I said before she is the ant-Clem and as long as she is around, I think Clementine would be in some type of danger however small risk it is. Also Shel would always put Becca first which is understandable, however I think she would be better protecting Clementine without Becca there.

    So because of that, Vince.
  • edited July 2013
    Nate. I can imagine the dialogue...

    Nate: "Any tail where your from"
    Clementine: "Well, my dog had a tail!"
    Nate: "ohhh, a bitch! Tell me about the rack. Gotta get my beak wet."
    Clementine: "umm, there was a coat rack at my house, and a birdhouse"
    Nate: "damn"
    Clementine: "swear"
  • edited July 2013
    Clem would not understand anything Nate would say, which scares me to no end.
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