Did anyone else expect to see Chuck alive?

edited July 2013 in The Walking Dead
I know people who may not have read the comics, so they probably would've expected Chuck to be dead seeing him head stand alone against several walkers only with a shovel to defend himself.

Well, I expected him to be alive because of that time when Tyreese got surrounded with walkers, and just had a tiny hammer to defend them of. I was kind of expecting them to do the same with Chuck.

The saddest thing there is however... he was just a passage away from safety. Had he just kept moving for another minute, he would've survived.


  • edited July 2013
    Honestly if they hadn't found the body everyone would have said he was alive I mean his survival rate was much higher than Kenny's who some people think is alive.

    He did have a brief time in the game though which I supposed added to the shock. I mean Lee and co only knew him for a day or less.
  • edited July 2013
    Yes, but what he did. When he first said to Clementine she was going to die, I was like. Okey, I hate this guy. Then he explained himself, and I actually started to really like this guy. He actually really cared. He even sacrificed himself for Clementine, but yea... still, it's a shame that he died so close to other survivors that could've helped him...
  • edited July 2013
    I thought he would be dead the moment we left him in the street. I'm one of those guys that suspects it's always the worst possible situation, so I don't get my hope up (usually).
  • edited July 2013
    but it's so tragic when you actually discover how close other the other survivor group really are...

    btw... found this:

    It states clear that Kenny is assumed dead, not that he is dead.
  • edited July 2013
    Don't listen to the Wiki, they get things wrong all the time and refuses to even think he is alive, and yes he is more likely dead then alive but they do not even think about that small percent. Sorry that Wiki just ticks me off.
  • edited July 2013
    Is that the same Wiki that had Clem's surname as Marsh haha?
  • edited July 2013
    Yes it is, and it took way to long for them to change it.
  • edited July 2013
    Well, it said that Kenny is "Assumed Dead", which is perfectly accurate. I mean, at this point, there's not much reason to assume that he's alive, despite the (small) chance.
  • edited July 2013
    Chuck and Boyd would have been best friends. They're the wisest people in the game
  • edited July 2013
    But it is a improvement from saying he is dead, stop talking about it.
  • edited July 2013
    Chuck is a white Boyd and Boyd is a black Chuck
  • edited July 2013
    They would have, it's a shame he died within yards, maybe even feet of Boyd.
  • edited July 2013
    They would have, it's a shame he died within yards, maybe even feet of Boyd.

    I know, if only Chuck had traveled like 12 more feet he would have the wisest conversation with his black clone
  • edited July 2013
    It's just sad, I know.
  • edited July 2013
    i felt really bad for leaving chuck, i was thinking, 'man why did it have to be chuck, why couldn't it be kenny?'
  • edited July 2013
    I never forgave Ben after all that, he was the indirect cause of Chuck's death. If there ever was a big liability in the group, it was Ben. And it's not like he does those things only once, he's just useless and doesn't have the survival instinct to help Clem or the group.
  • edited July 2013
    Well, it actually states that Ben is partly responsible for Chuck's death too. Actually when thinking back, I have always tough, why couldn't Ben die when we first met his friend and teacher? And we would've ended up with Travis instead? Maybe Chuck would still be alive then. Among many others.
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