new sierra adventure games?

edited May 2008 in General Chat
Ross Erickson, Vice President of Content Acquisition at Sierra Online Games popped up on IGN's 3 Red Lights Podcast to discuss their current Xbox Live Arcade initiative. It's a great listen - here are some interesting tidbits:

They have been thinking of bringing back classic franchises such as the Sierra point and clicks, though it sounds like outside of XBLA - in a similar fashion to the new Sam & Max series.


Wow that would be awesome.. I'd love a new police quest game! :)


  • edited March 2008
    This is relevant to my interests.*

    *Note: While I seem calm in this post, rest assured that I am squealing like a fanboy in a blender.
  • edited March 2008
    Return to the Return to Krondor, anybody? (No, really, I'm happy about this. I'd sell every grandmother I've ever met to an international knitting circle to find out what the top of their build list is).
  • edited March 2008
    Limenut wrote: »
    Return to the Return to Krondor, anybody? (No, really, I'm happy about this. I'd sell every grandmother I've ever met to an international knitting circle to find out what the top of their build list is).

    While I know it won't ever happen, I can't help but hope for Phantasmagoria 3. :D
  • edited March 2008
    King's Quest IX, please!
  • edited March 2008
    how about a new series of games like maybe fan quest - a lonely fanboy on the edge of madness????
  • edited March 2008
    A sequel to The Island of Dr. Brain! Yay!
  • edited March 2008
    Waitohooru wrote: »
    King's Quest IX, please!

    I second that. I thought King's Quest : Mask of eternity was pretty awesome too(I currently own 3 copies of it in different shapes and packages...) even though it was bashed pretty hard for playing outside the box. It outsold Grim Fandango though.
  • edited March 2008
    If they are gonna do it like Sam & Max they might as well hire Telltale to make the games!
  • edited March 2008
    ooh, how interesting :P
  • edited March 2008
    *crosses his fingers, whispering to himself* Gabriel Knight, Gabriel Knight, Gabriel Knight, Gabriel Knight...come on, baby!
  • jmmjmm
    edited March 2008
    *crosses his fingers, whispering to himself* Gabriel Knight, Gabriel Knight, Gabriel Knight, Gabriel Knight...come on, baby!

    That would be awesome. Won't say more or I'll jinx it.
  • edited March 2008
    Thanks alot dude, for the next two weeks the words "Space Quest VII" are going to be the first and last thing on my mind every day, I really hope they make it though.
  • edited March 2008
    Sounds exciting, Gabriel Knight - Sins of the Fathers is my favourite adventure game. I don't know if I would like a new entry in the series without Jane Jensen, though. Anyway, there is always Gray Matter to look forward to.
  • MelMel
    edited March 2008
    This is a partial transcript (provided by Evan Dickens over at Adventure Gamers) of what Ross Erickson said. I don't know if this would make people happy or not (and there are no firm plans for it either, just ideas).

    "I'm actually a proponent of this. I personally am inspired by the Sam & Max episodic delivery of this content and I've been internally pushing the agenda of going back and rebuilding some of these older franchises, Gabriel Knight, Space Quest, Police Quest...and figuring out a way to bring them up to date. I don't know if the old point & click adventure mechanic of pixel hunts, find object, use in arbitrary way, keep going--I think we need to figure out a new way to reinvent the adventure game mechanic, but adding a little bit of an action-y console element to it....that's the biggest question, is what to do with these properties. Look at it from the low-end, a simple Flash port, which is super cheap, but how do you monetize the investment?--all the way to a full-blown, giant, retail extravaganza--and what are the risks and benefits of doing something episodic?'s just kinda looking ahead after we complete this merger as to where we go from here."
  • edited March 2008
    "...but adding a little bit of an action-y console element to it..."

    No. Nyet. Nein. Nay. Non. Uh-uh. *shakes head furiously*

    *brain snaps*

    My SPOON is too BIG.

    *regains sanity*

    Bad Sierra! Bad!
  • edited March 2008
    I don't care as long as he's thinking about reviving a property like Police Quest its exciting! Also inspired by sam & max..woo hoo!
  • edited April 2008
    Hero1 wrote: »
    I don't care as long as he's thinking about reviving a property like Police Quest its exciting! Also inspired by sam & max..woo hoo!

    If they were making a new Police Quest game, I'd really hope they brought back some of the basics.

    Like running reds in PQ1!

  • edited April 2008
    ShaggE wrote: »
    No. Nyet. Nein. Nay. Non. Uh-uh. *shakes head furiously*

    *brain snaps*

    My SPOON is too BIG.

    *regains sanity*

    Bad Sierra! Bad!

    There's action-y console elements in Sam & Max too. And if they start getting them right (they're constantly improving bit by bit), some day it might be really enjoyable even!
  • edited April 2008
    Locomojo wrote: »
    If they were making a new Police Quest game, I'd really hope they brought back some of the basics.

    Like running reds in PQ1!


    You know, puzzles like pursuing getaway vehicles in a city could be really, really cool if done right. And difficult too, if you need to figure out how to be able to pin down a crook.

    Actually, the Sam & Max games could really pick something out of that - the duo could occasionally pursue criminals in the city. Wouldn't even have to be graphically that complex - just an overhead "satellite" image of the city. Fallout world map style, or like the image you posted.
  • edited May 2008
    As long as they are still adventure games. It's fine by me. I can't believe another Leisure Suit Larry game is being made, and by the creators behind Worms.
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