Throwback to BSOTM

edited March 2008 in Sam & Max
In 106, Sam simply learned how to do magic through obtaining and using talismans. But what if...



  • edited March 2008
    Haha, I like this macro... it pleases me to no end! 5 stars!!

    EDIT: I just noticed, the word "the" appears twice in a row in the description of the usage of the Ability Sphere. Silly FFX translators.
  • edited March 2008
    I preferred it back in the day when it you wanted a wizard you had to wait until the game let Hugh Bliss join the party. None of this versatile generic class crap!
  • edited March 2008
    But Hugh stabs Ms. Bosco near the end!

    (I know, that's VII as opposed to X...)
  • edited March 2008 the end of disc 1.
  • edited March 2008
    Disc 1 is clearly near the end! There's only like 15 discs to go by that point!
  • edited March 2008
    AussieEvil wrote: »
    But Hugh stabs Ms. Bosco near the end!

    (I know, that's VII as opposed to X...)

    Hmm, if we were to compare Hugh to an FF villain, I think he'd be a bit closer to Kefka than to Sephiroth, kinda... Both Hugh and Kefka were cackling maniacs... except Kefka wanted to kill everyone and everything, and
    Hugh just wanted to eat
  • edited March 2008
    I'm picturing Kefka giggling "evil giggle!" now
  • edited March 2008
    Would it be odd if Hugh Bliss became Sin?
  • edited March 2008
    AussieEvil wrote: »
    Would it be odd if Hugh Bliss became Sin?

    OH SHI--
  • edited March 2008
    I'm picturing Kefka giggling "evil giggle!" now

    Oh yeah! I remember that, when Hugh actually 'read' his 'stage directions'. That got a big laugh from me. That's probably one of my favorite scenes from the entire series... besides just about everything in Night of the Raving Dead and Reality 2.0 (my favorite episodes to date).
  • edited March 2008
    Oh yeah! I remember that, when Hugh actually 'read' his 'stage directions'. That got a big laugh from me. That's probably one of my favorite scenes from the entire series... besides just about everything in Night of the Raving Dead and Reality 2.0 (my favorite episodes to date).

    I agree with you on those favourite scenes/episodes. The last scene in Bright Side~ is still my favourite scene in the series.

    I liked the Wizard in Reality 2.0

    "I love you, Hugh Bliss!"
    "Hi, I'm not Hugh Bliss!"
    "I hate you."

    I'm kind of a Hugh Bliss addict here. To the point where I list my religion on job applications as Prismatologist. (I never get interviews)

    And did I ever mention in this thread I actually like the pic that is the original subject? lol
  • edited March 2008
    I couldn't find the exact font used in the UI, though...
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