They're all about even, but Shel's story stuck out to me, because of just how much of a friend Stephanie was to Becca and Shel. I really wanted to see more from Steph, and be able to confront her, instead of just alluding to having dealt with her, or just straight up leaving.
Bonnie comes in second for me, so....
Wasn't a fan of Tavia's story, because we really didn't get to know her, nor was it much of a story with little to no actual conflict, and was more of a lead in for where season two may be going.
1. Bonnie - Just liked her and the other characters or liked to dislike them anyway. It was the only real time I felt like I was in the characters shoes in 400 days. Plus it was the biggest crossover with the other stories.
2. Russel - Nate was epic plus I liked Russel too
3. Vince - I liked the characters though it was short and I kind of hate pre apocalypse (or rather pre zombie knowledge) stuff
4. Shel - I liked the choices as they were difficult but there were a few to many characters to make a connection with any of them
5. Wyatt - Eddie and Wyatt were funny but it was a bit nonsensical. One minute there hitting a guy and freaking out that they killed someone then there joking and playing rock,paper,scissors. :rolleyes:
Tavia - Don't really count it as one really, it's just an epilogue.
1. Shel, just the whole group intrigued me, with part of Vernons group there aswell.
2. Russel, close second, but not because of Russel, because i like Nate.
3. Vince, cool guy, nuff said.
4. Wyatt, Eddie was alot of fun and had chemistry with Wyatt, i hope he lives.
5. Bonnie, it was an ok little bit, but it doesnt hold up to the others.
Vince, because it had possibly the hardest decision in the entire Season 1 for me.
Russel, because Nate.
Shel, because of most character development, most decisions and an interesting group.
Wyatt, if for nothing else than for amusing and probably the most down-to-earth dialogue in the game so far. These two really nailed the average people in a zombie apocalypse thing.
Bonnie, because it was kinda boring. Nothing particularly interesting about her as a character, nor her story so far. Well, okay, I am kinda interested in what was in that box, but they never show it.
Tavia, because we barely control her? For all I cared, she could have been an npc.
1. Vince, I liked the prisoner trio and the choice at the end.
2. Bonnie, I liked Bonnie and the shock from hitting Dee was giant for me.
3. Wyatt, the chemistry between him and Eddie just made this story for me.
4. Russell, Nate. Just Nate.
5. Shel, the choices were really hard for me but Shel felt a little bit bland and Boyd was the only likeable character of the group.
6. Tavia, it wasn't really anything. It was just there.
Shel first. Vince was a close second. Both of them had decisions that I literally had to pause the game for because I couldn't decide what to do - something I don't remember happening in Season 1.
Even though Shel's is probably the best when it comes to length/development and decisions... I think Russell's is still my favorite. The fact that I have replayed it many many times just to see every possible outcome and how it really prompted me to go and try to analyze the characters tells a clear story of how it did something in a way the others didn't.
I think Nate is the one to blame. While the story lacks the kind of tough decisions Shel and Vince's have, the dynamic between the duo and the ingeniousness of Nate's character is what stole the show for me.
1. Wyatt: As mentioned, the dialogue between the two was great, but I also loved the setup and the paranoia that pervaded through the whole thing. It's kind of weird that some of the funniest dialogue is contrasted with some of the most oppressive atmosphere so far right after. The fog surrounding you, as well as knowing that there's someone hunting you in addition to the walker threat adds a great quiet tension to everything. It was different in a good way. Also helps my decision that this story had some of the best music that 400 Days had to offer.
2. Shel: Felt most like Season 1 and the Walking Dead in general, and had some of the tougher decisions to make. I also liked seeing the cancer patients again and learning more of what happened to the group and Vernon after episode 5. I always thought Boyd seemed like a cool guy, asking Vernon to help you even if you threatened them, and it was nice to see him get some spotlight as the moral center of the group.
3. Russell: The dynamic between Nate and Russell was pretty cool and I enjoyed the uncomfortable feeling I got hanging around this weirdo. The whole shooting scene is also one of my favorite action sequences, largely because the "I'll Cover You" track elevates it to badass levels.
4. Vince: I enjoyed the dynamic between the trio, though I also thought a lot of the dialogue felt too expository. Like the characters knew they were strapped for time, so they had to get their backstories out there quick. The last decision was also an interesting one to consider, and the buildup to it was really good, placing you in an almost hopeless situation unless you make that kind of call.
5. Bonnie: I didn't dislike the storyline or Bonnie, just liked it less than the others. Don't really have much to say about it. The cornfield scene was pretty intense, and the Dee reveal was pretty surprising for me.
1. Vince, I liked the prisoner trio and the choice at the end.
2. Bonnie, I liked Bonnie and the shock from hitting Dee was giant for me.
3. Wyatt, the chemistry between him and Eddie just made this story for me.
4. Russell, Nate. Just Nate.
5. Shel, the choices were really hard for me but Shel felt a little bit bland and Boyd was the only likeable character of the group.
6. Tavia, it wasn't really anything. It was just there.
Hey! Looks like we have the same thoughts! This is my order too for those exact reasons HOWEVER I would say Vince's was the hardest decision for me though as I wanted to save both and Shel's choices were easy - let everyone live.
I'd also like to add that I rather liked Stephanie and would have much preferred to play as her than bland Shel and her annoying bratty little sis. Boyd and Stephanie were definitely the only likable one's in the group though. Unfortunately there both the one's that can die. Both are potentially alive in my save though as I went back and shot the intruder so Boyd would live.
Hey! Looks like we have the same thoughts! This is my order too for those exact reasons HOWEVER I would say Vince's was the hardest decision for me though as I wanted to save both and Shel's choices were easy - let everyone live.
I'd also like to add that I rather liked Stephanie and would have much preferred to play as her than bland Shel and her annoying bratty little sis. Boyd and Stephanie were definitely the only likable one's in the group though. Unfortunately there both the one's that can die. Both are potentially alive in my save though as I went back and shot the intruder so Boyd would live.
The only reason Vince's choice wasn't so hard for me was because my dad was playing it with me and I asked him what to do .
I wish there was an option to get Stephanie and Boyd to go away with you and leave the others behind
Bonnie comes in second for me, so....
Wasn't a fan of Tavia's story, because we really didn't get to know her, nor was it much of a story with little to no actual conflict, and was more of a lead in for where season two may be going.
2. Russel - Nate was epic plus I liked Russel too
3. Vince - I liked the characters though it was short and I kind of hate pre apocalypse (or rather pre zombie knowledge) stuff
4. Shel - I liked the choices as they were difficult but there were a few to many characters to make a connection with any of them
5. Wyatt - Eddie and Wyatt were funny but it was a bit nonsensical. One minute there hitting a guy and freaking out that they killed someone then there joking and playing rock,paper,scissors. :rolleyes:
Tavia - Don't really count it as one really, it's just an epilogue.
2. Russel, close second, but not because of Russel, because i like Nate.
3. Vince, cool guy, nuff said.
4. Wyatt, Eddie was alot of fun and had chemistry with Wyatt, i hope he lives.
5. Bonnie, it was an ok little bit, but it doesnt hold up to the others.
Russel, because Nate.
Shel, because of most character development, most decisions and an interesting group.
Wyatt, if for nothing else than for amusing and probably the most down-to-earth dialogue in the game so far. These two really nailed the average people in a zombie apocalypse thing.
Bonnie, because it was kinda boring. Nothing particularly interesting about her as a character, nor her story so far. Well, okay, I am kinda interested in what was in that box, but they never show it.
Tavia, because we barely control her? For all I cared, she could have been an npc.
2. Wyatt
3. Bonnie
4. Shel
5. Vince
2. Russell
3. Bonnie
4. Wyatt
5. Vince
6. Tavia
2. Bonnie, I liked Bonnie and the shock from hitting Dee was giant for me.
3. Wyatt, the chemistry between him and Eddie just made this story for me.
4. Russell, Nate. Just Nate.
5. Shel, the choices were really hard for me but Shel felt a little bit bland and Boyd was the only likeable character of the group.
6. Tavia, it wasn't really anything. It was just there.
1. Wyatt
2. Shel
3. Russell
4. Bonnie
5. Vince
2) Vince
3) Bonnie
4) Shel
5) Wyatt
2) Russell
3) Bonnie
4) Wyatt
5) Vince
I think Nate is the one to blame. While the story lacks the kind of tough decisions Shel and Vince's have, the dynamic between the duo and the ingeniousness of Nate's character is what stole the show for me.
2. Shel: Felt most like Season 1 and the Walking Dead in general, and had some of the tougher decisions to make. I also liked seeing the cancer patients again and learning more of what happened to the group and Vernon after episode 5. I always thought Boyd seemed like a cool guy, asking Vernon to help you even if you threatened them, and it was nice to see him get some spotlight as the moral center of the group.
3. Russell: The dynamic between Nate and Russell was pretty cool and I enjoyed the uncomfortable feeling I got hanging around this weirdo. The whole shooting scene is also one of my favorite action sequences, largely because the "I'll Cover You" track elevates it to badass levels.
4. Vince: I enjoyed the dynamic between the trio, though I also thought a lot of the dialogue felt too expository. Like the characters knew they were strapped for time, so they had to get their backstories out there quick. The last decision was also an interesting one to consider, and the buildup to it was really good, placing you in an almost hopeless situation unless you make that kind of call.
5. Bonnie: I didn't dislike the storyline or Bonnie, just liked it less than the others. Don't really have much to say about it. The cornfield scene was pretty intense, and the Dee reveal was pretty surprising for me.
Bonnie just kind of annoyed me for some reason.
2.) Russell
3.) Bonnie
4.) Shel
5.) Wyatt
Hey! Looks like we have the same thoughts! This is my order too for those exact reasons HOWEVER I would say Vince's was the hardest decision for me though as I wanted to save both and Shel's choices were easy - let everyone live.
I'd also like to add that I rather liked Stephanie and would have much preferred to play as her than bland Shel and her annoying bratty little sis. Boyd and Stephanie were definitely the only likable one's in the group though. Unfortunately there both the one's that can die. Both are potentially alive in my save though as I went back and shot the intruder so Boyd would live.
The only reason Vince's choice wasn't so hard for me was because my dad was playing it with me and I asked him what to do
I wish there was an option to get Stephanie and Boyd to go away with you and leave the others behind