Why do people want Molly to be Clem's caretaker ?

It seems some people want Molly to be Clem's new guardian but i don't think it will work out .
Molly seems to be the lone wolf type and i don't think she wants to take care of a child and manages to survive because she is on her own .
Do you guys think that Molly should become Clementine's guardian ?


  • edited July 2013
    I would want Kenny & Molly to be Clementine's guardians.
    Don't know why - just do...
  • edited July 2013
    Molly had sex with the creepy doc for her kid sister, so she goes pretty darn far to protect the ones she cares about.
    Clem could do worse than Molly.
  • edited July 2013
    Molly protected her younger sister, so yeah
  • edited July 2013
    I think it would be cool if Molly became her caretaker, but it wouldn't work out. Molly climbs in and out of buildings quickly, searching for food and other supplies. A little girl like Clementine would slow her down. You saw how reluctant she was to even join Lee's group, and when she did she didn't stick around for very long. For me, it seemed like she only did it for her own benefit- to get into Crawford and get revenge.
  • edited July 2013
    Molly was ready to ditch Clem inside an alley filling up with walkers before she had a rare pang of guilt. As far as zombie survivalists go, she's about as narcissistic as you can get.
  • edited July 2013
    Clementine good get far worse protectors, I am not a fan of having Molly protect her but as said before there are plenty worse.
  • edited July 2013
    Molly was one of the few females, and honest characters with nothing really to hide.

    I do think the ending to season 1 made it pretty clear Clementine was going to be taking care of herself from now on, though.
  • edited July 2013
    I think people just think Molly is cool and want her to teach Clementine her tricks. As for a caretaker, I dont think she has the right instincts although she does seem to be compassionate towards children.
  • edited July 2013
    I still think Mollys sister is alive and for some reason she lied to Lee, I really think she stole that photo from the house that you all stay at in episode 4 and 5.
  • edited July 2013
    Yes, Molly and Clementine. ^_^
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