I had a thought about Steve

edited July 2013 in The Walking Dead
OK so this is probably nothing but It's something that came to mind.

Russell mentions that his old group was being lead by a guy named Steve now if everyone remembers back in Macon in Episode 1 the guy on the Radio is also named Steve and since his status isn't exactly known, i mean he could of escaped the radio station, could he of been the one taking the lead of Russell's former group?.

I am aware that there is more than one Steve in Georgia as we have Prisoner Danny and Cannibal Danny, but it's a theory i came up with


  • edited July 2013
    unlikely to no, it sounded like that Steve was pretty much dead or going to be during the radio sound off.
  • edited July 2013
    yeah, it sounded more logical in my head, but as i said there is more than 1 Steve in Georgia, so your most likely right and Radio Steve died after the radio cut out
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