Telltale at San Diego Comic-Con
We'll be at SDCC this week with The Walking Dead: 400 Days, and a special panel with Robert Kirkman! Details here.

If you're there, come by and say hi to us at the booth!
EDIT: It's all over now! What an amazing ride. If you couldn't make it to our panel in person, don't worry. There's a highlights video to help you get caught up!

If you're there, come by and say hi to us at the booth!
EDIT: It's all over now! What an amazing ride. If you couldn't make it to our panel in person, don't worry. There's a highlights video to help you get caught up!
This discussion has been closed.
We've teamed with Skybound and Future for a special Walking Dead booth (which is where Telltale will be), but Skybound has their own separate booth to show off all their other comics too.
IGN has a write-up about the panel here.
Obvious troll is obvious.
Kenny has 'pulled a Tyreese.'
Just turn a hammer into a gun, a basketball court into an alley, and a black man into a white man and there you have it!
'According to the panel, Clementine “will definitely be a part of” the upcoming season, and the fate of Kenny “will be explored.” A teaser image revealed during the panel showed what appeared to be Clementine sitting in the rain next to a child.'
I hope it is, because that means Shel, and subsequently anyone else from the 400 days crew has found Clementine.
Where did you get that information? It was said they were going to explore his fate which could mean we are going to stumble upon his rotten corpse at some point (Just like we did in 400 Days w/ Carley). I don't want Kenny to be alive, I was so happy when he died in S1 finale.
If he's back, I hope we get to kill him as well.
Worse than Becca?! I don't think so. That demon spawn needs to die!
Eh. Well its true, It is The Walking Dead. Noones immortal and everyone is certain to die at somepoint, blind fanboyism wont get you anywhere.
I don't remember volunteering to kill someone when I was 12.
And that we continue playing as Clem.