The decisions you want to be carried into season 2

Which decisions do you want to affect season 2?

For me, first I would like to see Hershel Greene again and this time he would either be your ally or enemy depending on your choices to tell lies or truth to him and to save Shawn or Duck, and Chet will be alive/with him depend on which time you choose to leave the house.

Second i want Glenn to make an appearance, maybe for one episode only, and his actions would be affected by the decision to kill Irene or not.

Third i want to see some one from the bandit group, who saw what you did to Jolene and be hostile/friendly depend on it. Maybe the girl in episode three was in the bandits and the decision to shoot her or not could affect this person too.

Oh for Lilly, i hope she's alive and her affection to you can be carried on. Molly too should be affected whether you managed to save her or not.

That's it, and of course every decisions and attitudes you made with Omid,Christa and Clem in the last episode and all you did in 400 days should affect SEVERELY into the season 2 for the entire season, not just 15 minutes of it.

PS: to be more interesting, i think if you told Omid,Christa and Clem to meet at the station, something should happen that require using the tools on the train. Whichever tool you chose in season 1 would not be available and that would affect the way you handle the event.


  • edited July 2013
    How you taught Clem and Eddie at the camp. Also, would like to see where you told Omid and Christa to go
  • edited July 2013
    Glenn and Herschel are already off with Rick Grimes already. They couldn't show up again! Unless...

  • edited July 2013
    Great, I already went through a mind fuck already this year, here comes the insanity.
  • edited July 2013
    Telltale's also made a Back to the Future game!

  • edited July 2013
    And they even made a reference to it in Episode 4, it can happen, that and I just saw all three a month ago for the first time.
  • edited July 2013
    I agree with the fourth and fifth point. I really dont want to see any more characters from the comic because since they are protected by canon there is no real suspense or surprise.
  • edited July 2013
    when are people going to realise that the chances of seeing anyone associated with ricks group again and praticly zero?
  • edited July 2013
    People are bored, that the best thing I can guess.
  • edited July 2013
    There are quite a few characters I'd like to see, how they were affected. Some seemed very important, until Lee and Clem took center stage and their characters just kind of faded away and the story moved on.. We already know what happens to Glenn and Hershel. Jolene and her daughter are dead. The bandits all probably killed each other fighting.

    I want to see what Omid and Christa did after I told them to meet us by the train. I want to know what drove Molly to leave, and where she went. Nothing would interest me more than Lilly making a return, if she even survived being left on the road, and what that means for our new protagonists.

    There are certain things I DO want them to carry over from Season 1, but they shouldn't go out of their way to make it a focus because it will seriously detract from a NEW story they want to tell.
  • edited July 2013
    Telltale's also made a Back to the Future game!


    Great Scott! :eek:
  • edited July 2013
    The people who came with Tavia.

    How we taught Clem (even though I think well play as her)

    How Lee treated Kenny.
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