Who was the worst/poorest character in the game so far?
And by that I mean their character was poorly designed or that they just seemed out of place with the rest. For me it would probably be Molly because she seemed too much like a videogame character rather than a normal person with all her over the top stunts,she took me out of the immersion in the game.
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Yeah I'm not saying that she is a terrible character or anything because there are no terrible characters since telltale developed them all well. But If i had to pick one who i thought was the least well made character it would be her.If that makes sense!
Telltale have done well making realistic characters that have motivations for their actions, yet are human. They break down emotionally, suffer stress, and make mistakes.
That's the reason I play this game, and not one character has broken my immersion thus far.
They were really rushed and just a bit stupid really...
I like all the characters though I think, and even if I hate them (Lilly, Larry, Vernon) it's in a 'Love to hate them' way.
Damn Chet
Sure makes sense
Also, that guy from episode 2 who gets turned into cannibal chow. He wasn't a bad character, but, like others have said, I felt he could have used more screen time to really make his death resonate. It was shocking to find him legless, sure, but after ten minutes I couldn't remember if his name was Mark or Mike. Or Roderick.
I don't think it was Roderick.
I feel like it would have at least been better to give us some intro to his character. Maybe the first chapter could have been a flashback, 2 months in (or whenever the group find Mark), where they go to the Air Force Base and find him with rations, and the group are all happy believing that the rations could save them from starving. Then 'The Walking Dead' logo flashes up, the next scene continues as normal, instead it says '1 Month Later' it shows Lee and Mark walking through the forest talking about how the rations are almost gone, etc...
Yeah, the voice actor really needs to put more emotion in the part. The scene where Omid's cat is pissed was really poorly done, he needs to feel the moment
Exactly, the voice acting was poor and his effort stinks. I just feel let down because telltale could have made a perfect character who we all could love
There were some good points to his character.
I'd rather have gotten to known Mark before he died. Otherwise, he was just canon fodder, or a very easy to spot redshirt whose fate was fairly predictable.
Running a close second place would be Doug, who always seems to keep at that uncomfortable social distance where he seems like an asshole who just ignores everything you say while he does whatever he does.
Everyone else is great though!
Seems like somebody's got a problem with round, fat, brown-haired guys?
Hopefully that makes some form of sense, I really feel like there was something to his character, but the way his relative "social awkwardness" was portrayed made it instead seem to me like he was just an asshole.
Yeah I've done about six different playthroughs, all but one of them saved Carley. Saved Doug on my second playthrough, and never did that again.
I liked Mark, but found his red shirt status obvious from the get-go.
Really? I thought Doug came across as one of the most passive guys in the group.
Are you sure this is Doug you're talking about? I've seen several playthroughs of him, and he's far from what you've just described. In some areas, you sound as if you're describing Larry.
Sorry if I sounded a little rude.
What kind of police officer is going to leave a little girl behind in the care of some random guy?
Other than that, yeah, Molly's ninja antics were a bit too unbelievable.
In saying that I picked crackshot over dork nonsense the first time around.
I don't really think anyone was poorly written at all.
I can't think of any poorly written characters, just a few moments from certain characters who were otherwise well-written. Like Kenny's superhumanly obsessive grudge-holding powers, or Shawn's incredible lack of tractor-safety.