Characters from comics in game?
Hello, does anyone of you know if Kirkman ever answered similliar question if some characters from comics will appear in the game or some game character in comics book? I think it would be nice to meet someone even just a small role from the comics in the game. What do you think.
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The one thing that has been said about a possibility of a crossover though, is that Telltale's CEO Dan Connors said there's a possibility that characters from the television show could meet up with characters from the game.
To state my opinion on the question at hand: I don't remember anything concrete on that matter, but then again, I'm not the best informed person here anyways, neither am I pro crossovers with either the show or the comics, because there might be certain issues with such a thing, those issues are self explanatory, such as having a character from the comics, who's currently alive in the comics for instance. They couldn't be killed off, and thus you wouldn't have to worry about them, which takes away a great part of the excitement.
Daryl has his story in the other shitty game. I didn't play it though, so I dont know how much of his history is explained there.
I feel like they shouldn't have any of the comic Villains in the game, as it could potentially ruin their image (The Governor and Negan in particular). However maybe seeing Abraham at one point, as he doesn't reach the group till later and he has a pretty interesting backstory that could be explored through the game. Also maybe one of the Hunters (Cannibals), before they began eating people. Possibly something that happens in the game could lead them to join the Hunters and become a cannibal? There is six of them who could make an appearance:
And we aren't given much background information on them, so maybe seeing one, or a couple, or even the whole group in the game as a cameo would be good to see. I think the game should also stay away from main locations (Woodbury, Hilltop Colony, etc...) as it would just complicate canon. Also the timeline would have to be considered as well, if this takes place straight after Season 1 then were already well into the apocalypse, or if it starts after 400 Days then that is even longer afterwards.
Edit: Just read that the Hunters were originally an ordinary group who turned to cannibalism to survive. Might be cool to see that in the game, or maybe before they were cannibals.
I feel like it was a whole different situation. Maybe they wouldn't even need to show cannibalism, just the group (or a few of the group) before they all went crazy. It's just an idea though, pretty much any cameo (as long as it makes sense to the canon) would be great.
I agree. I'm not sure if they will go there again. Maybe they will but if I remember right the cannibals from that comic are somewhere near DC. I also think the Hunters are all from that particular area. I haven't read that part of the series since it came out, but I think there is a monologue where they talk about how they used to just be regular suburbanites until the food ran out... they then killed and ate each others kids.
I could be wrong on the details though. Like I said I really haven't read that section of the series since it first came out.
Its the guy who cried in his car and yelled: "Mama, it's all a big mistake! It wasn't me!"
No, then it would mean that the TV show is also cannon to the comic, meaning there are 2 Ricks and 2 Carls running around, please do not ruin the game
It would ruin the game.
I dont have a problem with that?
Yeah, it was stated that it was comic characters. However, I do not know if they're still crossing over TV show characters or not.
In my opinion though, I'd just like to keep characters separate to their own mediums.
I agree,though seeing some more comic characters would be really cool,it would also be awesome if Kirkman added some original characters in the game to the comics,not main characters just a side character or two.
As long as it fits the comic canon, and they don't include too major characters like Rick, The Governor and Negan, I think it would be cool. I just hope Kirkman has better communication with Telltale over comic characters being in the game this time, I would hate to have another Lilly situation.
Edit: The Walking Dead wiki says that it could be possible that Shawn just turned into a Walker a few days later, which would still make sense I guess. I can forget about this, there are possibilities around it.
Minor TV series spoilers ahead
Secondly, to introduce someone from the TV series, the timelines would have to match, which, at the moment, they don't. The day Atlanta survivors arrived at the CDC in the TV series was day 64 of the outbreak, according to Wiki. They then left for Hershel's farm, where they spent an unspecified amount of time, but I believe it was under a month. After that they spent 8 months offscreen, during the gap between season 2 and 3. Which would put the total amount of time the infection has been in existence to just under a year in the TV series. 400 days, on the other hand, happens, well, 400 days after. Which means the events of the second season of the game will happen in the future from the current events depicted in the TV show. We do not yet know who will survive that long in the TV series' version of things, therefore, characters can not be added without making a huge mess from the continuum.
What makes you say that? You mean like in the first season, when the first episode explored how everybody got into the group, then cut to three months later, to people surviving? Maybe, but personally, I didn't like the idea of that gap, especially because the survivors hardly seemed to bond/improve their relationship over the course of those three months at all. And Mark's addition was never fully explained, which also bothered me (even if I did like the character a lot). Personally I'd rather they abstained from such big time gaps in season 2, and if they do it, I think we should at least be given a cutscene explaining what happened in quick bits, kinda like "Previously on the Walking Dead" episode intros.
I am okay with any comic cameos as long as continuity is preserved. Tv character integration is trickier. To keep the continuity intact, you couldn't have any characters that have an alternate comic counterpart. So that leaves original characters like Daryl, Merle, TDog, etc. And it would have to be an alternate version of the tv character. At this point, things are already so convuluted that you wonder if it would even be worth it. Merle and Daryl are probably the only worthy original tv characters to integrate, but their story was already explored in that other game. So it would have to be an original version of them, where they never joined Shane's group, but I still think that would just confuse so many people over which universe the games are based in. I guess I could still accept it as long as the continuity remains, and I would love more comic cameos, but I would rather no tv character crossovers.
Did anyone else notice in the season 4 preview that michonne is looking at Macon on the map?