Walker in car behind train

edited July 2013 in The Walking Dead
I have a question about a walker trapped in seatbelt behind the train when the group discovers it. He has some cookies under him, but Lee cant reach it, because its too dangerous. Did anybody found out how to get the cookies from there?


  • edited July 2013
    You take of the walker's seatbelt and kill the Walker and as a reward you get some extra dialogue with Katjaa
    Also if you fail it is the best most pointless death in the game
  • edited July 2013
    You open the door and Lee slams it and gets and idea. You click on the walkers seat belt and it will crawl towards you then you need to click on the door and BAM the walkers head is crushed and Lee can grab the cookies. I thought they were crackers though.
  • edited July 2013
    You unbuckle the walker and crush his head with the car door, that is all.
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