sorry about all my theorys taking up the forum, but i haz one more =]
Those who are reading the comics will Know that the next Volume ( called all out war ) will feature a fight between 4 communitys, what if Tavias community is either the Hilltop or the Kingdom? Its a bit of a far out theory seeing as they are both In or around the washington DC area, but Tav does say " up north "....
Would be cool to take part in that big battle and also not have it mess with the comic cannon, mabey even get a quick glimps of a few of the comic characters whoopin some ass, would be a great way to tie the comic with the game, and i have a feeling that TT are itching to have ol Rick Grimes make a cameo! XD it wont happen, but if it does i want it known that i SAID IT 1ST! lol
Would be cool to take part in that big battle and also not have it mess with the comic cannon, mabey even get a quick glimps of a few of the comic characters whoopin some ass, would be a great way to tie the comic with the game, and i have a feeling that TT are itching to have ol Rick Grimes make a cameo! XD it wont happen, but if it does i want it known that i SAID IT 1ST! lol
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But it COULD work with out messing up the cannon at all! hell they could even be a part of the ALEXANDRIA safezone with rick, we aint met ALL the residents, and he comics dont show us EVERYDAY of ricks life, it skipps forward alot of the time so we dont know what happens during that time, in season 2 you could meet rick, chat with him a bit and so on, see what i mean? lol
she wasnt looking for 6 people, she was looking for as many as she could, and it seemed like they had been most places so maybe they were expanding there search
And she talked over a walkie talkie to someone. Not possible to do that from Georgia to D.C.
ahh, makes sense. BUT the guy could be in a nearby area also scouting for peeps? but i doubt it lol
So 4 Governor's omg...