Nothing. I hope that the walkers have eaten enough of him to not reanimate. It'd be nice if we just see down that alley or building and all we see is a hat next to some remains.
He's my third favorite character under Lee and Clem, but I hope he never comes back, alive or dead. Who wants to see him as a walker? I felt his character arc was perfectly finished by episode 5.
One of my favorite things in the first season was the relationship with him and Lee. Now that Lee and his family is gone, I see no reason for him to return. It'd just be blatant fanservice, in my opinion.
I feel pretty much the same as Zeruis. He was right up there with my favourites, but if there's one character that felt like they had a perfectly completed arc i'd say its Kenny. That's why i don't really want him to be alive.
Also Kenny whilst having a wonderful stache, was never that great a fighter. Certainly not to Tyreese standards. It would feel a little unrealistic if he somehow apparently fought off about 20 walkers.
I feel like they're trying to get our hopes up but... I'm gonna jump on the alive bandwagon, I want the stache to return! It would be too sad if he was back only to be a walker.
Kenny said if he were bitten like Lee, he wouldn't tell anyone.
Chances are we are gonna find him, take him to the group and he will turn.
Or we just find him as a walker/corpse.
I think that depends. At least for the "saved Ben" route, you had a choice to have 5 bullets or only 1. I think if he has 5 bullets, he would be dead, other wise he would be a walker because Lee said he used his last bullet for Ben.
He is alive and he will come back at some point of the game, where some character will be facing near death, and Kenny will save him. I think this, because when we can't see characters death in movies/games, it means in most cases that he will come back.
I guess news from up top does make people think he is alive, this news could be both good or bad, I guess I should just take it with a pinch of salt and hope Kenny made it.
I would have been quite surprised if you said anything different.
*puts on nerdy glasses* Actually I was joking I think Kenny is dead and that it's impossible that he could have survive *start to ramble on with nerdy talk on how Kenny died* blah blah blah. Que all the follow members to say "Who are you and what have to done with the real TeamKennyAlways!"
I personally think he should be undead. At the very least in the "saves Ben" play through. There is almost no way he should be able to survive that besides people simply demanding he survives. He was in a confined area with no weapons facing off dozens of walkers. No way he should be make it realistically.
If that is what you believe then what do you think should happen in the other scene.
The other scene we can at least say "we don't know how bad it was in the store. Hell maybe there was even an open window to a fire escape we don't get to see and Kenny escapes from there. It's at least somewhat possible.
But the save Ben one? Impossible. He doesn't even have a knife or a club to use. It was literally just him and an unloaded pistol in a confined area well dozens of zombies are rushing him. This is the same guy who if you leave him to guard the boat get's his ass handed to him by a bunch of cancer surviving octogenarians.
Lee had an climbing axe to use to leverage a manhole cover up. Kenny has nothing and couldn't even handle a few senior citizens, I doubt he is stronger then Lee who couldn't pick up a manhole cover by himself when he was in the very same situation.
I'm sorry, but I doubt he's alive. I want him to be alive, but, come on, Telltale was brave enough to even kill the player you PLAY as! I mean, if they can do that.. then.. Yeah. The hard truth will come. R.I.P Kenny. :(
I personally think he should be undead. At the very least in the "saves Ben" play through. There is almost no way he should be able to survive that besides people simply demanding he survives. He was in a confined area with no weapons facing off dozens of walkers. No way he should be make it realistically.
Lee was in a similar predicament in part 4, and he escaped through a manhole. Kenny could have done the same, or climbed up a fire escape, or broke through a window...there aren't a lot of possibilities, but they do exist.
As for Vernon's group, I'm inclined to think they simply smacked Kenny behind the head with a pipe when he wasn't looking, and when he refused to go down, they gave him another smack to the face (hence the black eye).
Lee was in a similar predicament in part 4, and he escaped through a manhole. Kenny could have done the same, or climbed up a fire escape, or broke through a window...there aren't a lot of possibilities, but they do exist.
The only reason Lee gets the manhole cover off is because he uses Molly's climbing axe. If you try to pick it up without it Lee can't do it. I honestly don't think Kenny is stronger then Lee, or that he could easily pick up a manhole cover by himself. I don't think there is another fire escape besides the one Lee is next too especially since then one we were on before hand is what impales Ben. And we didn't hear any "broken window" sounds if you stay and wait. All you hear is groans and Kenny screaming "Get off of me!".
As for Vernon's group, I'm inclined to think they simply smacked Kenny behind the head with a pipe when he wasn't looking, and when he refused to go down, they gave him another smack to the face (hence the black eye).
I don't think so. Kenny knew exactly who had done it. He wouldn't have known that if he had simply been knocked out from behind like an episode of Scooby Doo. I think they simply kicked the crap out of Kenny. Which isn't to hard, the only fight Kenny can win when it comes to fisticuffs is against Lee... and that's only if you let him win. Everyone else kicks his ass when he fights them including the cancer surviving octogenarians.
so i am to assume that using a piece of metal from the railing to lift up a man hole cover is out side the realm of possibility then? sometime yes people die. then sometimes against all odds people live when they should have died. i think it would be interesting to see kenny survive against all odds just to live even a day longer. but thats just me.
The only reason Lee gets the manhole cover off is because he uses Molly's climbing axe. If you try to pick it up without it Lee can't do it. I honestly don't think Kenny is stronger then Lee, or that he could easily pick up a manhole cover by himself. I don't think there is another fire escape besides the one Lee is next too especially since then one we were on before hand is what impales Ben. And we didn't hear any "broken window" sounds if you stay and wait. All you hear is groans and Kenny screaming "Get off of me!".
You'd be surprised at what a man can do when he's got adrenaline pumping through his body. Hell, Clem was able to drag Lee into the jewellery store in a street full of zombies, and we can only assume she pulled THAT off because of adrenaline alone! (Otherwise, Telltale has one hell of a plot hole on its hands...)
I don't think so. Kenny knew exactly who had done it. He wouldn't have known that if he had simply been knocked out from behind like an episode of Scooby Doo. I think they simply kicked the crap out of Kenny. Which isn't to hard, the only fight Kenny can win when it comes to fisticuffs is against Lee... and that's only if you let him win. Everyone else kicks his ass when he fights them including the cancer surviving octogenarians.
Hre's what I think probably happened: Vernon greets Kenny up front.
"Hi, Kenny. How have you been doing with the boat?"
"What the hell are you doing here, Vernon?"
"Well, I just wanted to see if you've made any progress."
"There's no room for you people, if that's what you're gonna ask."
"No, no, Kenny, that's fine. I just thought I'd see if...NOW, BOYD!"
And POW, Boyd hits Kenny from behind with a shovel. Kenny falls to his knees, but doesn't black out.
BOYD: Shit, Vernon, he's still awake!
VERNON: Hit him again!
BOYD I...I can't...
VERNON: God damn it, Boyd! Give me that shovel!
So Vernon finishes the job by giving Kenny a blow to the table, then drag his body into the shack.
Nothing. I hope that the walkers have eaten enough of him to not reanimate. It'd be nice if we just see down that alley or building and all we see is a hat next to some remains.
He's my third favorite character under Lee and Clem, but I hope he never comes back, alive or dead. Who wants to see him as a walker? I felt his character arc was perfectly finished by episode 5.
One of my favorite things in the first season was the relationship with him and Lee. Now that Lee and his family is gone, I see no reason for him to return. It'd just be blatant fanservice, in my opinion.
I voted for alive, but I don't think he'll survive Season 2. I imagine us coming across him sometime early on, and we discover he's bitten. He asks us to spare a bullet for him, and one of the big choices is shooting him or letting him turn.
Most people dont know kenny here, if you are good friends with him you learn a lot: he is strong, he became weaker from the shot but that in episiode 2. And omid says: Kenny is a beast, he survived, right? So probally he survived well im sure
"Kenny was strong" Are you serious? Kenny was beaten up more than anybody in the walking dead universe and that was over the course of 13 weeks. He got his ass kicked by Larry and he wasn't sucker punched like Lee was since he hit Larry first in the scenario where Lee tells him to knock him out. (When Lee threatened Larry he backed down because he was "shook.") Then he gets his ass kicked by Lee on the train if you choose to fight him, assuming the player doesn't suck at the game. In fact he was easier for me to beat than Molly was. Speaking of which she made him look silly as well and she didn't sneak up on him like she did when she fought Lee. Then if being beaten by a girl isn't bad enough he gets beaten up by the "invalids" as he calls them if he stays to protect the boat even though he had a gun with bullets. Christa would have kicked his ass and he knew it that’s why he didn't push boundaries with her. So there you have it 4 altercations where Kenny is knocked on his ass at the mercy of those beating him. He would kick Ben's ass I give you that but the idea of him being resilient and tough enough to Tyreese his way out of the situations he was in would be ridiculous and I would lose respect for Telltale if they brought him back to please fans. That undermines everything they set out to achieve in season 1, the notion that anyone could die and no one was invincible in the walking dead universe. Bringing him back also makes season 1 less sad and emotional and that is coming from someone who hated the guy.
Lee was in a similar predicament in part 4, and he escaped through a manhole. Kenny could have done the same, or climbed up a fire escape, or broke through a window...there aren't a lot of possibilities, but they do exist.
As for Vernon's group, I'm inclined to think they simply smacked Kenny behind the head with a pipe when he wasn't looking, and when he refused to go down, they gave him another smack to the face (hence the black eye).
O.K that's your take of how the elderly people beat him, they sneaked up on him but what about when he got his ass handed to him by a girl in the previous episode, or when Larry dropped him even though Kenny threw the first punch? The only fight we are told he won was when he saved his son at the gas station and he probably embellished a little when he told Lee that story. Kenny is soft and was a coward for most of the series. I heard him screaming in fear in both scenarios threw my surround sound speakers.
Then he would have died in the sewers, there were walkers down there too. They would have finished eating Chuck by then. Lee only got past them because he used the sound of the running water as a diversion. Kenny running down there screaming would soon gain their attention. He would be out of the frying pan into the fire.
so i am to assume that using a piece of metal from the railing to lift up a man hole cover is out side the realm of possibility then? sometime yes people die. then sometimes against all odds people live when they should have died. i think it would be interesting to see kenny survive against all odds just to live even a day longer. but thats just me.
<Cough> Fanservice.
No all jokes aside, it astounds me to see how people fight for his existence. Fear is a crippling beast. This isn't the A team or Macgyver. As Shane said in the show it's bullshit what they say about time slowing down when adrenaline kicks in, it speeds up. He lacked the resourcefulness to work out how to get into the ST John's hidden room when no threat was present, in that situation I don't think it's plausible given the character in question, that he would have engineered a tool to prise open the manhole to escape when surrounded by bitters. It would be more realistic and plausible that he froze with fear and died on the spot like Chuck did. That would take some serious creative writing to bring him back and personally, I don't think he is important enough to the story for Telltale to need to do it so if they do, it would be to appease fans, which would kind of suck given the source material the game is inspired by.
O.K that's your take of how the elderly people beat him, they sneaked up on him but what about when he got his ass handed to him by a girl in the previous episode, or when Larry dropped him even though Kenny threw the first punch? The only fight we are told he won was when he saved his son at the gas station and he probably embellished a little when he told Lee that story. Kenny is soft and was a coward for most of the series. I heard him screaming in fear in both scenarios threw my surround sound speakers.
Well, if you despise him that much, there's no point in discussing it any further, is there?
O.K that's your take of how the elderly people beat him, they sneaked up on him but what about when he got his ass handed to him by a girl [highlight]'ninja' from Mirror's Edge[/highlight] in the previous episode, or when Larry, [highlight]who's built like a brick shit house, [/highlight] dropped him even though Kenny threw the first punch? The only fight we are told he won was when he saved his son at the gas station and he probably embellished a little when he told Lee that story. Kenny is soft and was a coward for most of the series. I heard him screaming in fear in both scenarios threw my surround sound speakers.
Sorry, couldn't help myself I adore me some Kenny, but I'm no fanatic.
Dude took a bullet to the gut and kept on getting on. He's tough enough I think.
Lee was in a similar predicament in part 4, and he escaped through a manhole. Kenny could have done the same, or climbed up a fire escape, or broke through a window...there aren't a lot of possibilities, but they do exist.
As for Vernon's group, I'm inclined to think they simply smacked Kenny behind the head with a pipe when he wasn't looking, and when he refused to go down, they gave him another smack to the face (hence the black eye).
I'm just going to concur with the good doctor here.
actually i just believe in a thing called hope. yes it might be dead. but i don't care. i still would like to see some of it in this zombie infested hell. personally i don't care if he died 5 hours later. him getting out of that would be interesting to me.
He's my third favorite character under Lee and Clem, but I hope he never comes back, alive or dead. Who wants to see him as a walker?
One of my favorite things in the first season was the relationship with him and Lee. Now that Lee and his family is gone, I see no reason for him to return. It'd just be blatant fanservice, in my opinion.
Also Kenny whilst having a wonderful stache, was never that great a fighter. Certainly not to Tyreese standards. It would feel a little unrealistic if he somehow apparently fought off about 20 walkers.
Chances are we are gonna find him, take him to the group and he will turn.
Or we just find him as a walker/corpse.
Yeah definitely,i'd say if the poll had been taking before telltale made that statement it might have been more 50/50.
I would have been quite surprised if you said anything different.
*puts on nerdy glasses* Actually I was joking I think Kenny is dead and that it's impossible that he could have survive *start to ramble on with nerdy talk on how Kenny died* blah blah blah. Que all the follow members to say "Who are you and what have to done with the real TeamKennyAlways!"
Hahahahahaha, that's never going to happened because I hate Lilly's guts...and the rest of her.
The other scene we can at least say "we don't know how bad it was in the store. Hell maybe there was even an open window to a fire escape we don't get to see and Kenny escapes from there. It's at least somewhat possible.
But the save Ben one? Impossible. He doesn't even have a knife or a club to use. It was literally just him and an unloaded pistol in a confined area well dozens of zombies are rushing him. This is the same guy who if you leave him to guard the boat get's his ass handed to him by a bunch of cancer surviving octogenarians.
Lee had an climbing axe to use to leverage a manhole cover up. Kenny has nothing and couldn't even handle a few senior citizens, I doubt he is stronger then Lee who couldn't pick up a manhole cover by himself when he was in the very same situation.
Lee was in a similar predicament in part 4, and he escaped through a manhole. Kenny could have done the same, or climbed up a fire escape, or broke through a window...there aren't a lot of possibilities, but they do exist.
As for Vernon's group, I'm inclined to think they simply smacked Kenny behind the head with a pipe when he wasn't looking, and when he refused to go down, they gave him another smack to the face (hence the black eye).
The only reason Lee gets the manhole cover off is because he uses Molly's climbing axe. If you try to pick it up without it Lee can't do it. I honestly don't think Kenny is stronger then Lee, or that he could easily pick up a manhole cover by himself. I don't think there is another fire escape besides the one Lee is next too especially since then one we were on before hand is what impales Ben. And we didn't hear any "broken window" sounds if you stay and wait. All you hear is groans and Kenny screaming "Get off of me!".
I don't think so. Kenny knew exactly who had done it. He wouldn't have known that if he had simply been knocked out from behind like an episode of Scooby Doo. I think they simply kicked the crap out of Kenny. Which isn't to hard, the only fight Kenny can win when it comes to fisticuffs is against Lee... and that's only if you let him win. Everyone else kicks his ass when he fights them including the cancer surviving octogenarians.
You'd be surprised at what a man can do when he's got adrenaline pumping through his body. Hell, Clem was able to drag Lee into the jewellery store in a street full of zombies, and we can only assume she pulled THAT off because of adrenaline alone! (Otherwise, Telltale has one hell of a plot hole on its hands...)
Hre's what I think probably happened: Vernon greets Kenny up front.
"Hi, Kenny. How have you been doing with the boat?"
"What the hell are you doing here, Vernon?"
"Well, I just wanted to see if you've made any progress."
"There's no room for you people, if that's what you're gonna ask."
"No, no, Kenny, that's fine. I just thought I'd see if...NOW, BOYD!"
And POW, Boyd hits Kenny from behind with a shovel. Kenny falls to his knees, but doesn't black out.
BOYD: Shit, Vernon, he's still awake!
VERNON: Hit him again!
BOYD I...I can't...
VERNON: God damn it, Boyd! Give me that shovel!
So Vernon finishes the job by giving Kenny a blow to the table, then drag his body into the shack.
My thoughts exactly.
<Cough> Fanservice.
No all jokes aside, it astounds me to see how people fight for his existence. Fear is a crippling beast. This isn't the A team or Macgyver. As Shane said in the show it's bullshit what they say about time slowing down when adrenaline kicks in, it speeds up. He lacked the resourcefulness to work out how to get into the ST John's hidden room when no threat was present, in that situation I don't think it's plausible given the character in question, that he would have engineered a tool to prise open the manhole to escape when surrounded by bitters. It would be more realistic and plausible that he froze with fear and died on the spot like Chuck did. That would take some serious creative writing to bring him back and personally, I don't think he is important enough to the story for Telltale to need to do it so if they do, it would be to appease fans, which would kind of suck given the source material the game is inspired by.
Well, if you despise him that much, there's no point in discussing it any further, is there?
Sorry, couldn't help myself
Dude took a bullet to the gut and kept on getting on. He's tough enough I think.
I'm just going to concur with the good doctor here.
actually i just believe in a thing called hope. yes it might be dead. but i don't care. i still would like to see some of it in this zombie infested hell. personally i don't care if he died 5 hours later. him getting out of that would be interesting to me.