This time last year

Many of us were raging about the delay of episode 3, I for one was calm and collective in the in the midst of all the chaos and riots.


  • edited July 2013
    It was much worse on these forums in July 2012.
  • edited July 2013
    I remember that, I thought I would be seeing looters in the streets, but here we are now, still alive and playing all Episodes, so we can live through this wait.
  • edited July 2013
    The wait between EP2-EP3 was a pretty rough time, you'd see a new topic about it at least 2-3 times a day.
  • edited July 2013
    It was pretty bad, but I dare say it was replaced by Carley threads, so it was the lesser of the two thread evils.
  • edited July 2013
  • edited July 2013
    Still better then the Kenny threads recently. Good guy but damn he ends up being talked about in almost every damn thread these days lol. This post didn't help though...
  • edited July 2013
    I would not go that far, sure they are making quite a few Kenny threads, but they did just say the whole exploring his fate thing a week ago, the talk about that pic though, I mean yes no one can find but if you can survive season 1, then you will make it, just come down, eat something, and talk about something else.
  • edited July 2013
    That post above made me feel like I am some type of Admin, great.
  • edited July 2013
    This seems like some sort of dark age or something. I wasn't around that time so I wouldn't know.
  • edited July 2013
    You should be very lucky that you were not, it was not a happy time at all, and I feel sorry for the mods, they must have been working around the clock to get rid of those threads, I swear they were coming in like five a every 10 minutes.
  • edited July 2013
    Sounds horrible. I'm glad it isn't as bad now.
  • edited July 2013
    You should be very lucky that you were not, it was not a happy time at all, and I feel sorry for the mods, they must have been working around the clock to get rid of those threads, I swear they were coming in like five a every 10 minutes.

    I hear rumours of a group of people planning attacks and demo's if season 2 is late at all.
  • edited July 2013
    It was, but that is a time long since forgotten, and for good reason, I got a feeling that some of the mods do not like Carley as much after going through that hell.
  • edited July 2013
    We try very hard to keep the Fanbase happy
    Last Angry Fanbase Inccident:
    Almost one whole year ago
  • edited July 2013
    It was, but that is a time long since forgotten, and for good reason, I got a feeling that some of the mods do not like Carley as much after going through that hell.

    Lol I wouldn't blame them.
  • edited July 2013
    Let us hope that history doesn't repeat itself with Season 2.
  • edited July 2013
    Me nether, I don't envy there jobs at all, but I do hope that we never see something on that level ever again, the only thing that could even trigger that is Clementine dying so if that happens I think we should just abandon ship.
  • edited July 2013
    i think it is mainly because the word "episode" implies regularity and a short wait.
  • edited July 2013
    The Episode 3 debacle was a royal screw up on Telltales part,it was nearly a month later before it came out in the EU, I think what was really annoying for me at least was the lack of information being given by telltale at the time,like instead of saying we expect to have it released in two weeks there where just silent the whole time and because of this I had to look on the blog for information and the whole Carley thing was spoiled for me because of it which robbed me of one of the most emotional moments in season 1. Hopefully nothing like it will happen again in season 2 but if it does Telltale shouldn't remain silent the whole time.
  • edited July 2013
    I guess it was worth it in the end, episode 3 was a great episode.
  • edited July 2013
    TTaing987 wrote: »
    I guess it was worth it in the end, episode 3 was a great episode.

    It was ok
  • edited July 2013
    I don't think Europe will get screwed over that badly again, they did not need to wait that long for Episodes 4 and 5.
  • edited July 2013
    Hell, I actually regret not being around the forums when Episode 3 was released. I imagine seeing the entire board filled with WTF CARLEY threads would be pretty amusing. I bet the no-spoiler forums had those threads too. Hell, there are plenty of Carley threads even nowadays, I can only imagine how it must have been back then. But hey, you gotta admit, it WAS well deserved. At least I rank that as top 1 gut-punch death in video game history.

    By the way, what about Doug? Many people (me included) forget that he existed past Season 1, but while he was only picked by about 25 percent of players, 25 percent from several million is still a pretty large number. So where are all the Doug threads? :D
  • edited July 2013
    There was about two Doug threads, and just a horde of Carley, and yes both the spoiler and none spoiler sections were flooded.
  • edited July 2013
    Rock114 wrote: »
    Let us hope that history doesn't repeat itself with Season 2.

    yeah...but realistically, I'm quite sure this is inevitable
  • edited July 2013
    Hell, I actually regret not being around the forums when Episode 3 was released. I imagine seeing the entire board filled with WTF CARLEY threads would be pretty amusing. I bet the no-spoiler forums had those threads too. Hell, there are plenty of Carley threads even nowadays, I can only imagine how it must have been back then. But hey, you gotta admit, it WAS well deserved. At least I rank that as top 1 gut-punch death in video game history.

    By the way, what about Doug? Many people (me included) forget that he existed past Season 1, but while he was only picked by about 25 percent of players, 25 percent from several million is still a pretty large number. So where are all the Doug threads? :D

    i believe that Doug fans tend to be more quiet than Carley fans, as It seems we have about ten Carley fans for each Doug fan in the forum, rather than three per one
  • edited July 2013
    Also may have to do with the fact that Doug's death was more meaningful. It was a direct sacrifice, with Lilly trying to (with good reason) shoot Ben, while Carley's death was more random and felt unnecessary. Seems to me it would generate more rage.
  • edited July 2013
    Yertos wrote: »
    Still better then the Kenny threads recently. Good guy but damn he ends up being talked about in almost every damn thread these days lol. This post didn't help though...


    Anyways I remember those times in between episodes as well and I dont regret raging about the time table which was not held too. Thats great that you remained calm but TT told us (if i remember correctly) TWICE that it was coming soon. Took a solid month... I mean Im still a bit angry.
  • edited July 2013
    Also may have to do with the fact that Doug's death was more meaningful. It was a direct sacrifice, with Lilly trying to (with good reason) shoot Ben, while Carley's death was more random and felt unnecessary. Seems to me it would generate more rage.

    I think so too. At least, that's what it was like for me. Carley's came out of nowhere and while I didn't rage, I was legitimately shocked. When Doug died, I felt bad, but I didn't feel as hurt because I could at least say he died saving someone's life. Granted, seeing Carley's death first may have ruined some of the effect Doug's would have had, but the way it played out with Doug still surprised me because Lilly wasn't targeting Doug especially like she was with Carley, so I thought it would play out differently.

    I'm pretty sure had I seen Doug's death first, I would have felt the same way. Similar to T-Dog in the TV show. What little positive character traits he was allowed to show had me rooting for him to keep going, so even though I felt pissed that they had ultimately done nothing with him and had wasted some potential storylines with him, I at least took comfort in the fact that he died like a hero.
  • edited July 2013
    That might have also been a reason, only 25% saved Doug, so there was not quite as many Doug fans as Carley, and he died saving Ben, while Carley just died.
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