Are Lori and Judith now walkers??
They didnt die by getting shot in the head, and no one put a bullet in there heads after, so they must be walkers now right?
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It's kind of messed up thinking of a baby Walker, I don't think any have been shown in the comics or game, I think that would be too far not to mention you'd have to find a talented baby to act that out on the TV show. However with all the crazy stuff shown in the comics I could see Kirkman doing it (I kind of hope he doesn't). There generally aren't many kid/toddler Walkers either in the TV show or comics, just that girl in the TV show pilot and Sophia, right?
Edit: Forgot about Clementine Walker in Lee's dream, if that counts. And Hershel's youngest daughters. But in crowds of generic Walkers that you see, there are none that look under 18 really.
Have you read the comics?
Me neither,it's been awhile since I seen that death in episode 1,but with Sophia it doesn't show Rick directly shoot her as in it doesn't show the whole thing in one screenshot.
Oh yeah thats true actually,I suppose it's easier to get away with killing them when they've been dead along while so they resemble monsters more then children
Good point, I find it weird how (from my pretty bad memory) Robert Kirkman hasn't had as many child Walkers in the comic than in the TV show, whereas in other cases like the Woodbury arc, things get a lot darker/messed up in the comic. It is quite a controversial thing though I guess, it just seems weird to me.
Yeah I don't think I can remember any instances in the comic where children just happened to be part of the herd,I guess the reader has to use some suspension of disbelief when it comes to children walkers because realistically most children would die because they would be unable to protect themselves so by rights there should be tons of child walkers. I guess one gruesome theory as why there is hardly any children walkers is maybe since they are so small the walkers leave nothing left to turn.
I couldn't agree more! Some of the people *cough*Bioshock Infinite WD*cough* are ruining my experience w/ this forum. Mods, either ban the spammers or give us the block option!
Hey screw you you generic whore this a forum for all things walking dead, get over it
LMAO Whore?! When did we start talking about your mom?
LOL and she neeeeeds yooooooooou this is for matilda.............
this is the walking dead game forum, and you are extremely rude, and it's true this forum is kinda being ruined by all these random threads
Thank you!
What are you trying to say? Spit it out man jesus dont just stand there
I'm saying your disruptive and rude and this forum would be better if you weren't in it, if you are going to post a new thread check if there isn't already a thread about it, you don't need to start a new topic for every random thought you have, and if you are going to talk to people don't insult them, you may think you are funny but you aren't, you're just a troll
Ok dude i get it, jesus you didnt have to go all out.
Thank you.
Please stop the insulting, and be considerate towards each other from here on out. Thanks.