Which 400 days character would you want to look after Clem

Final pick: Shel
For the many side characters, I will narrow it down. Eddie, same as Wyatt. Lelland, he would be funny and I would love to see these two together. Stephanie, she is good with kids. Although Roman is a little, fine really cold, he only does it to protect the group and the peple he cares about, that person is the kind of person Lee would want to protect Clementine. And last but certainly not least Boyd, Clem already met him, sorta, she met his group, but these two would get along great.
Final pick: Tie between Stephanie, Lelland, Eddie, and Roman.:D:D:D:D:mad:
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Shel too
1. Shel
2. Tavia
3. Vince
4. Wyatt
5. Bonnie
6. Russell
7. Shel with Becca
Shel by herself has all the makings of a guardian for Clementine. She's caring, protective, responsible, and, critically, understands that living in the Walking Dead requires balancing your humanity and your survival. She's willing to do the hard thing to survive but she understands that there's no point in surviving an apocalypse if you can't live with yourself afterwards.
Tavia, despite being a fairly unknown character, seems like she'd be a good mother figure for Clem from what we've seen so far. In her interactions, she seems warm and genuine. The fact that she's a scout that tracks groups of survivors down during an apocalypse and that she does so alone, means she must have a good amount of survival skills. She can handle a gun and is a pretty good negotiator who appears pretty used to stressful situations.
Vince I was unsure of at first. He seemed capable and has leadership skills but I wasn't sure about his humanity (leaving Justin/Danny behind and all). But then remembered that Wyatt mentioned being saved by him after Eddie drove away so he apparently still has a good amount intact.
Wyatt seems like a pretty good guy. Not sure how capable or responsible he is but he can definitely handle a gun and does seem willing to risk his life to save people even in shitty situations.
From here, it gets a little more dicey. Of all the survivors, Bonnie has the most of her humanity intact. She still cares about people. However, I question if she would be able to protect Clementine very well. She's a very fragile character and her potential drug problem doesn't help much either. I can see her risking her life to at least try to save someone though.
Russell hasn't really demonstrated anything that would compel me to trust him with Clementine. He's a lone survivor type but hasn't shown any willingness to sacrifice for the sake of others. He had enough humanity to walk away from evil but hasn't yet shown the will to stop it. He's still somewhat of a kid though so I can't fault him too much for that.
Finally, we get to Shel with Becca. Although I think Shel would make a great guardian for Clementine, Becca complicates things. A lot. Even if she doesn't outright hate Clementine like I think she will, in trying to prove to others how tough she is (remember how she bragged about sneaking out), she jeopardizes the group's survival and expresses the least amount of humanity of all the characters. With her around influencing Clementine, things would turn out poorly for all parties involved. And finally, if it ever came down to a choice between saving Becca and saving Clementine, I can't trust Shel to save Clementine. And that's a deal-breaker.