How would you write each episode?

edited August 2013 in The Walking Dead
I'll post mine later it's pretty long


  • edited August 2013
    Pretty poorly I'd imagine.
  • edited August 2013
    I am writing my first Fan Fic and it's not even done, I doubt I would do well at writing, maybe something else.
  • edited August 2013
    i'm starting on a text adventure so people can judge my skills.
  • edited August 2013
    I remember that still, your ideas are crazy, but we have never read how good you are at just writing, and you can call me Bio if you want.
  • edited August 2013
    Okay then, I am I guess a okay writer, I could be far worse or far better, or as my English teacher once said in a British accent "you are not a great writer, nor are you a bad writer, he was quoting the Tale of Two City's."
  • edited August 2013
    If you're talking about things we'd change then just two major things:

    Have a proper introduction to Mark, I can't think of any other way to do this than have some kind of flashback either before the first chapter in Episode 2 or after the scene when you cut off David's leg (or leave him) and 'The Walking Dead' logo pops up (then after that chapter ends it cuts into where Lilly is on watch and Lee and the others bring David/Travis into the motor inn).

    And the other thing is for Molly to have a role in Episode 5. I honestly think she should have stayed in the group if she survived Crawford (maybe you could convince her to stay at the end). I feel like she was wasted at the end of Episode 4 after having some kind of epiphany that she didn't want to get on the boat after all. It would also make Episode 5 just that little bit less depressing knowing that another familiar face besides Christa and Omid are gonna be alive for Clem to meet up with in Season 2.

    However I am starting to think that her not being in Episode 5 might not be too bad because Molly saving Kenny in both Christa and Ben's situations in Episode 5 seems like the only viable excuse for Kenny being alive in Season 2, and would be a good way of bringing her into Season 2 as well. I feel like even if she hasn't got anything to do with Kenny being alive (that if he is alive, Telltale might have meant something else when they said his fate would be explored), I think Episode 4 isn't the last time we'd see her.
  • edited August 2013
    well perhaps we could all work together do a bit of brainstorming and make something up ?

    i reckon it could be fun ?

    if people want to check out some of my works check out my fb pages in my sig and look on them for the fan fics i wrote (probably should finish em lol)
  • edited August 2013
    Well, let's start by seeing if we can identify some flaws to the story that most of us can agree upon and then see if we can't come up with a change that would make it better. Anyone have any complaints about Episode 1?
  • edited August 2013
    ep1. just doug needed more depth
  • edited August 2013
    Yeah, the writers themselves thought that was a problem. So what should they have done?

    My idea: Carley mentions at one point how brave Doug was when he saved her. It would have been better to show us Doug being brave rather than explaining it. Maybe in the sequence outside, he could have created a distraction to draw the walkers away from Lee and the others and towards him (I remember some of the unused audio had him honking a horn or something) while Carley shot the zombies. Then when the zombie in the bathroom grabbed Clem, maybe it would not be possible for Lee to get up and help her, so Doug would have to run in to save Clem. Seeing Doug's willingness to put himself in harm's way to save others would have definitely have increased his chances of being saved (as well as foreshadow his eventual fate if he is saved).
  • edited August 2013
    I'm a natural writer, and I'll call you Bio from now on.

    I came up with the nickname Bio, just want to let you know. This remains me of animal crossing when one of you neighbours come up with a nickname for you and then everyone starts calling you that nickname. What's the thread topic again?
  • edited August 2013
    Will make Lee save Carley's life.
    and they are together.
    and Carley saves him from getting bitten.
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