The Official "WE LOVE EDDIE!" Thread
Eddie is a bro! Eddie is awesome! Eddie forever!
My Eddie fanart
Also join my Eddie group in my profile.
My Eddie fanart
Also join my Eddie group in my profile.
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Don't talk about his dick
he has a good excuse.
I know right, Walking Dead Fan is really talented with making fan art of amazing characters.
Why not?
But Eddie really wanna smoke weed right now
check for some sticky in the glove box
then wyatt finds the ammo eddie lost..
I like Eddie, moreso since seeing who he was 'based' on.
OlgaSedova found this
I was just coming to this thread to mention that.
"We're the middle of the Hills Have Eyes. ...The Hills Have Lips? The Hills Have Balls. The Balls Have Eyes?"
"What the fuck are you talking about?!" Pure gold.
Seriously, how many lines does Eddie have, anyway? He keeps surprising me in every playthrough with a new line. They must have really liked him.
"So,this one time at stoner camp"..............crap.