What are some of the big choice you made and justify them

edited August 2013 in The Walking Dead
What are some choices you had a tough time deciding, that split the internent
And explain why you made those choice

When I play game like this I always make 2 saves

1 Save I dont go back no matter what. I make the choice I think I would make and live with them

2) Play with what I think would make the best story

Some of them that sticks out

500 Days- I took the RV. People think this the moral goodie two shoes option. I think it the practical one because I dont one to live life as a prisoner. If I shot the girl..the old man would be upset..and try to leave. Then according to Roman he has to die too. Then god forbid if I ever wanted to leave due to the place not being secure. That what lead to crawford. If he said he was shooting the girl JUST for stealking the supplies..then find

But this NO ONE CAN leave RULE. What is he Jacob from Lost. F that bull

Killed the farmer guy with a pitchfork..because F HIM thats why

Didnt steal from the car. Because Clem didnt want me to and she saw me KILL a man...So I figure I least give he THAT. You know meet the girl half way a little bit

In fact most of the GOODIE TWO SHOES decisions were made because Clem watching me like a little Jimmy the Cricket

Drop Ben..because he asked me to and wanted to die. Was a little time. Didnt think you could just pull him us that easy. Of course that Jackass kenny blam to everyone that I did it. It could of been my own little dark secret but NOOOOOOOO Kenny had to run his mouth.

Didnt kill Larry because you dont turn if your dead THAT quick. Took the coach a bit. So they had time to try to save him


  • edited August 2013
    I wouldn't say this was a tough choice for me but it did seem to split people pretty evenly (60%/40%) while I belonged to the group with the morally "wrong" decision. I'm talking about shooting the girl in the beginning of episode 3. I was totally agreeing with Kenny there. As soon as the woman got bitten she was as good as dead. Why would I endanger our whole group for her? It wasn't just about Lee and Kenny. We were supposed to get supplies so Clementine, Lily, Carly/Doug, EVERYONE would have a better chance of surviving. Attracting the walkers wouldn't just endanger us but our mission too which in return could cause more casualties than just one girl.

    I also agreed about taking the supplies from the car. That's because I thought the owners were total dumbasses for leaving them there like that. We didn't even know what happened to them. They might not even come back at all so what a waste it would be to just leave the supplies there while our group was starving. I, however, wouldn't have taken all the supplies. Just some, and I wouldn't have taken anything at all if there were even one person guarding them.
    However, despite actually agreeing of taking the food, I just HAD to go with Clementine :D. She already had such a rough night with me pitchforking guys in front of her, etc so I wanted to side with her to make up for some stuff.

    I also had an interesting moment when faced with the decision whether to drop Ben or not. I was actually going to when Ben asked for it but then Kenny gave me this look and I went: "F**k it! You have the biggest problem with him so YOU can beat him up and kill him later if you wish. I won't act as your avenger and take all the responsibility." I did actually side with Kenny earlier and told him to "kick Ben's ass later" but that doesn't mean I would deliberately let Ben die, even if I did have some issues with him. I'm glad for that decision too since I know that if you did decide to drop him, Kenny will actually blurt it out in front of everyone. Including Clementine. Not cool dude!
    (Though I must say I wasn't the biggest fan of how it all ended for Ben in this scenario. I was hoping for some kind of 'redemption' which didn't include Kenny sacrificing himself in a seemingly pointless manner. Though it is pretty beautiful how it went from Kenny wanting to kill Ben to wanting to die WITH him. *sob*)
  • edited August 2013
    Saving Doug/Carley had me thinking. At first I didn't know that one of them was going to die in any case. Carley's position looked to be easy to get out of, Doug's didn't, so I thought maybe if I saved Doug first, they would both live. On the other hand, maybe if I gave Carley bullets, she could help free Doug. Then I was also judging their characters. Doug seemed to have exhausted his usefulness with the remote control trick. I very much doubted an IT guy would prove more useful than a girl who is probably the best shot of the group. On the other hand, Carley knew my secret and I was also considering if saving her would not come back to bite me in the ass later. In the end I chose Carley. Seemed like the stronger character. And probably my manliness demanded to save the girl first.

    The Larry decision was a quick one for me, I chose to help Kenny. I figured that Larry brought this on himself, knowing that he had a condition and after everyone repeatedly told him to calm down. I wasn't going to put Clementine and myself in danger because he's insisted on being an idiot. And, quite honestly, I had already saved him once and he continued to be an asshole. He did not deserve my help again.

    Leaving Andy was a tough one. I punched him long enough for Carley to come up and ask me to stop. Then, when presented with a choice, I was in deep thought. On one hand, Andy was the most decent of the St. John siblings. Part of me liked him. In this case, killing him was a mercy, he would otherwise be slowly devoured by the walkers. After all, I did gave his far more twisted and creepy brother a quick death. I felt Andy at least deserved as much. On the other hand, killing him would have solidified Lee's image as a killer in the eyes of the group, disappointing Carley and Clementine. I chose to walk away. Felt a little bad doing so, but I did it anyway.

    I also stole from the car. That was a no brainer. Continuing to starve just to appease the moral feelings of a child didn't seem worth it. I'd rather she'd be fed and safe, and dislike me for what I did, than the other way around. So I looted the car and didn't look back.

    Barely gave shooting the girl any consideration. I left her. Can't prioritize the well being of a complete stranger (who is doomed anyway) to our entire group. Preventing a few minutes of pain for her could mean a week's worth of starving for our group. So I left her.

    Pulled Ben up, because I figured if we really need to kill him, we can do it later. He was a fuck up and I wouldn't have regretted dropping him, but maybe, just MAYBE he would be useful later. He wasn't, but I gave him a chance. I had a hunch he wouldn't make it far anyway, and he didn't. But my hands were clean at least.
  • edited August 2013
    Doug & Carley: Doug was a nice guy but I didn't have to think twice about saving Carley. She revealed she knew I was a murderer and despite knowing that, she'd already saved me twice! So I knew straight away I could trust her. Plus I picked up on a possible romance between the two even though she kinda liked Doug at the time.

    Larry & the meat locker: This was the toughest decision for me. I never liked Larry. He was always grumpy and made his hatred of Lee quite clear from the beginning. He never even gave the guy a chance. He was basically the complete opposite of Carley and leaves you for dead at the end of episode 1. Anyway trapped in the meat locker I could see both Lily and Kennys points of view but with Lily and Clem both in the room and the possibility that he wouldn't have died in the meat locker, I had to at least TRY and save him.

    The Station wagon: I felt bad about doing it especially with Clem saying we shouldn't, but in a zombie apocalypse, you need all the supplies you can get so if you come across what appear to be abandoned supplies, you have to assume no one will be coming back for them.

    Shooting the Girl: This was quite tough but I had to side with Kenny on this one. We didn't know, She was already been bitten and she was making ALOT of noise so there was no way she would survive. I wanted to put her out of her misery but that would have cost us precious time to gather the supplies so we had to leave her.

    Save or Drop Ben: I've been playing through my save picking the choices I would make and that means saving everyone you can so I pulled him up. I also think Clem played a part in this as she previously votes for Ben to stay because he's her friend. Also learning that Kenny blabs and makes it sound as if it's all your fault if you drop him, That makes me very glad I choose to save him.

    St Johns: I don't consider this that bigger choice but I'll include it as others have. I let both brothers live, but let's face it, one's in a bear trap and therefore will bleed to death if zombies don't get to him first and the other is badly beaten with a horde of zombies gaining on him.

    So yes, Lee may have been a killer to begin with, but his choices in my game where my own personal choices if it was me in his situation and so he only ever killed walkers.

    400 Days
    Justin or Danny: This was quite tough for me. Looking at the crimes they'd committed, I'd easily go with Justin but Danny always maintains his innocence (I've heard others say when you point the gun at him he admits to doing "bad things" but this never happened in my game?) and if you ignore the crimes like you didn't know they were criminals, then Danny came off as more trustworthy and willing to help. Even if he is a bit dim. (ala calling out to a walker and attracting more) So in my save I originally saved Danny but then Vince was the only one who didn't come to camp, I replayed and saved Justin instead.
    In Wyatt's story I left Eddie behind though I wished there was a way to go back for him.
    Russell's story I stood my ground and then later left Nate.
    Bonnie's story I tried to stay on good terms with both Dee and Leland and I was honest with Leland at the end and he was convinced I was telling the truth.
    She's story I let the prisoner go and took the RV. Not killing anyone.
  • edited August 2013
    Doug & Carley: They're both great but Carley saved the group's lives so I owed her.

    Larry: He tried to kill me in the first episode and CPR doesn't work with heart attacks so I sided with Kenny.

    Jolene: A fairly hard decision, but she's clearly unhinged and aiming a crossbow at me, so my self-preservation instinct kicked in.

    St. Johns: I killed both. I saw no reason to leave loose ends after they killed Mark and wanted to kill the whole group (while keeping Katjaa as a maid I guess).

    Station Wagon: Another reasonably hard decision...I really didn't want to steal in front of Clementine after killing the St. Johns in front of her but...it's a ZA and opportunity won't knock twice.

    The Woman at the beginning of Ep. 3: I had Lee shoot her but could go either way, letting her be eaten alive by walkers is cruel but you can get more much-needed supplies for your group if you do.

    Ben: I dropped him...as well-meaning as the kid was his presence was an unmitigated disaster for the group and managed to indirectly destroy the group in mere days whereas the walkers, bandits, and St. Johns couldn't for several months before he showed up. Really, the choice should've come alot earlier and then some part of the group might've been saved.

    Didn't play 400 Days yet.
  • edited August 2013
    In my first playthrough i tried to stay neutral between Lilly and Kenny, trying to keep the peace, didn't make Kenny too happy though, my other 2 saves are 1 pro Kenny, 1 pro Lilly, and i remade my original playthrough in what i consider the perfect save for season 2

    Doug vs Carley, ill be honest, i saved her for being a potential love interest :P, saved Doug some times but i allways went back to Carley, Doug doesnt interest me that much.

    Larry: I allways wanted to save him, but i backed up Kenny once just to keep my perfect score with him, so annoying he has to get 100% support otherwise he's being a dick through half of the game.

    St Johns, let both of them live all the time, since im basically a good person myself, and i didn't want Clementine to see me killing them, also it just gutted me whenever i saw the reactions of Clementine, and the group when i killed Andy just to try it out.

    Ben, he's just a kid, i kept him around in all my saves, i like him even though he's fucked up plenty. Nobody's perfect.

    I both fought Kenny and talked him down, depends on my save, if i wanted to be an ass to him all game or not.

    Allways pulled Lilly back in the RV, you don't just leave someone on the road, she's still a human being.

    I chose not to take stuff from the station wagon, since it made Clem happier :)
  • edited August 2013
    Saved Carley because she has tits
    Saved Larry because Lilly wanted me to and she has tits
    Saved Ben because...wait

    In all seriousness saved Carley because she seemed more interesting than Doug, not to say that Doug wasn't an interesting character he was awesome, I wish I could have kept them both and ditched Someone else, I let both of the St. John's live because I figured they had lost enough even though they had been so horrible. I saved Ben because I thought that that even though he was detrimental to the group he wasn't doing on purpose and he was actively trying to help, and even though I wanted to I didn't take the supplies from the car because Kenny was mad at me an I wanted to disagree with his actions just to spite him.
  • edited August 2013
    Doug or Carley: For me, it was scary knowing that Carley would be judging my actions and possibly revealing me to the group. Also the fact that she (aside from her pistol) knew very little other than common knowledge. I felt that Doug was not only the more interesting of the two, but also (obviously) smarter. We could all learn how to use guns, maybe slowly, but it is possible. Plus (even though I didn't know it at the time) Lilly could teach us to shoot. It seemed obvious, save Doug.

    Larry: This was rather simple, I was already Kenny's friend, but Lilly despised me, I didn't want any of those feelings roaming around... But then again... That's all Larry felt for everyone... But Larry was big and strong, as Mark said, he's "all muscle." Then again... Would I really want to face a zombie that was all muscle? Or an angry Larry if we failed to kill him? It was tough, but in the end, I tried to save him.

    Justin/Danny: Unfortunately, My xbox spazzed out for a second at this part. I couldn't see what was going on, so out of frustration, I hit buttons. When the game came to, I was already ready to shoot Danny...

    Old couple: They tried to kill me... But only because I was with Nate. They were racist. But they were still human, and we need as many humans alive as possible, right? I decided to leave Nate.
  • edited August 2013
    I saved Carley: She saved everyone and trusted me even though I was a murderer. That went a long way.

    The Meat Locker: I was torn between Lilly and Kenny, because Kenny brought up some good, logical points, but I didn't want to have to do it in front of Lilly, especially if Larry could have been saved. I nearly let the timer run out, until at the last possible second I decided to side with Kenny. It was far too risky to try to save Larry, especially since other members of our group were in danger elsewhere.

    The St. Johns: I killed Danny solely for the fact that he might escape and come after us, or another group later on. Again, like Larry, I agonized over this one for a while until I finally managed to do it. I had killed Jolene earlier too, so Danny gave me a real Emperor Palpatine-esque speech like I was going to the dark side. I spared Andy BECAUSE I killed Danny. There had been more than enough killing on that dairy to last a lifetime.

    The Car: Much like why I spared Andy, I thought I'd done enough damage for the day. I didn't really think that the owners would come back, or that they were even alive. I left the supplies based on the VERY small chance that the owners WERE alive. As I said, I was still feeling guilty for everything that had happened with the St. Johns. If I hadn't been feeling that way, I almost surely would have taken them.

    Ben: This one comes in just behind the meat locker for me, in terms of how tough it was. Even though he had completely screwed the group over multiple times, I couldn't bring myself to drop him for that. Unfortunately, the reasons I DID drop him for didn't even really factor in (well, one did I guess). For one, I was considering the situation with the rest of the group. Walkers were everywhere, and the rest of the group was waiting for me to get to them so we could escape. I thought that by saving Ben, the time it took to save him would get someone else killed. Secondly, I was remembering the choice between Carley and Doug in Episode 1. Both of them ended up dying, so I assumed that even if I DID try to save him, he'd end up dead anyway (and I was right). I forgave him as soon as he told me to drop him, and if I'd known that saving him wouldn't have put anyone else in danger, I would have. This is the one choice I truly regret out of the entire Season. I made the wrong call.
  • edited August 2013
    Forgot to mention these two in my previous post:

    Cutting the hand off or leaving it was a hard decision. I only had Ben come with me, as I chose to hide the bite, thus, no Omid or Christa, and I didn't ALWAYS side with Kenny, so he gave me the dickish "you didin't have my back 100 %" speech, which got me really angry, since I did so much good for him, I didn't even try to convince him otherwise. Ben offered to come himself, though, so I figured, maybe this was where he finally becomes useful. But yeah, the hand decision. Now I know Walking Dead isn't exactly the epitome of realism, but still, cutting your arm off without proper medical care after it is bound to bite you in the ass. Plus, I figured it was too late to prevent the infection anyway. AND a second hand is never not useful when fighting. Oh, and from an out of character perspective, I had already noticed that your decisions do little to affect the actual outcomes, so I figured Lee would be doomed anyway. Still, I cut the hand off in the end, on the off chance that it MIGHT do me some good.

    And then there was the toughest choice in 400 days, Danny vs Justin. A hard dilemma. On the one hand, Danny's crime seems far more serious, I mean, in my books child rape is on the same page as murder. On the other hand, Danny seemed like a better person, strangely. He was the one who stood up for the other prisoner, while Justin casually gave zero fucks. I kept pointing the shotgun back and forth until I figured that, just like in the case of Lee, what you did before the apocalypse doesn't matter, only thing that counts is what kind of person you are at this very moment. So I shot Justin. He seemed like the worse person, plus, I somehow thought his skillset would probably be less useful than Danny's. So Justin it was.
  • edited August 2013
    Forgot to mention these two in my previous post:

    Cutting the hand off or leaving it was a hard decision. I only had Ben come with me, as I chose to hide the bite, thus, no Omid or Christa, and I didn't ALWAYS side with Kenny, so he gave me the dickish "you didin't have my back 100 %" speech, which got me really angry, since I did so much good for him, I didn't even try to convince him otherwise. Ben offered to come himself, though, so I figured, maybe this was where he finally becomes useful. But yeah, the hand decision. Now I know Walking Dead isn't exactly the epitome of realism, but still, cutting your arm off without proper medical care after it is bound to bite you in the ass. Plus, I figured it was too late to prevent the infection anyway. AND a second hand is never not useful when fighting. Oh, and from an out of character perspective, I had already noticed that your decisions do little to affect the actual outcomes, so I figured Lee would be doomed anyway. Still, I cut the hand off in the end, on the off chance that it MIGHT do me some good.

    And then there was the toughest choice in 400 days, Danny vs Justin. A hard dilemma. On the one hand, Danny's crime seems far more serious, I mean, in my books child rape is on the same page as murder. On the other hand, Danny seemed like a better person, strangely. He was the one who stood up for the other prisoner, while Justin casually gave zero fucks. I kept pointing the shotgun back and forth until I figured that, just like in the case of Lee, what you did before the apocalypse doesn't matter, only thing that counts is what kind of person you are at this very moment. So I shot Justin. He seemed like the worse person, plus, I somehow thought his skillset would probably be less useful than Danny's. So Justin it was.

    Telltale are so good at fucking with you.

    I thought/did the same as you.
  • edited August 2013
    Telltale are so good at fucking with you.

    A-fucking-men to that. Few other games had my head spinning quite so much at crucial decisions, where no option seemed right or wrong.
  • edited August 2013
    I know, cutting off Lee's arm messed with me, as I thought it would give Lee time, but I just kept thinking of a scene were you need to pull up someone, and I can only pick one because of one arm, so I cut it off with a lot of fears in my mind.
  • edited August 2013
    I'll list the ones where i was in the minority.

    Shawn/Duck - Chose Shawn because i liked him and he was the only adult you knew. In hindsight a mistake. I just panicked and selected one without really thinking.

    Killed Larry - Without a medic and proper equipment there was no way he was being saved. The fact it was him made it an easier to make the practical call.

    Left Lilly - Because fuck her.

    Dropped Ben - Because fuck him.... Okay i will explain this one. The mistakes are one thing. Making the bandit deal or removing the hatchet weren't death worthy in themselves, but the cowardice was. His refusal to admit guilt until far too late got Carley killed and then he abandons Clem at the start of the next episode. From that moment on i was waiting for the chance to cast him aside. I would rather have kicked him out than killed him, but i guess with his skills that would have been a death sentence anyway. Regardless there was no way he was coming with us.
  • edited August 2013
    The Fallen wrote: »
    Left Lilly - Because fuck her.

    A sound reasoning, I agree 100 % :D Honestly. I too left her without a second thought. I was so pissed at that point that if there was an additional option to shoot her in the kneecaps, I would have taken it.

    As for your Ben reasoning- while I could have MAYBE forgiven him for indirectly causing Carley, Duck and Katjaa's deaths, I mean, I'm not sure if I would have confessed my guilt to the unhinged Lilly at that particular point, but when he left Clementine for the walkers, that was just beyond cowardice. Inexcusable. And removing that hatchet from the door? I almost slammed my head at the desk when that scene came up.
  • edited August 2013
    Yes, go Lilly hate, fuck that bitch.
  • edited August 2013
    A sound reasoning, I agree 100 % :D Honestly. I too left her without a second thought. I was so pissed at that point that if there was an additional option to shoot her in the kneecaps, I would have taken it.

    As for your Ben reasoning- while I could have MAYBE forgiven him for indirectly causing Carley, Duck and Katjaa's deaths, I mean, I'm not sure if I would have confessed my guilt to the unhinged Lilly at that particular point, but when he left Clementine for the walkers, that was just beyond cowardice. Inexcusable. And removing that hatchet from the door? I almost slammed my head at the desk when that scene came up.

    I think a lot of the situations you don't know for sure how you would act until it happens like the Lilly or the Clementine situation. I do like to believe though that i couldn't knowingly leave someone in danger (especially when they've supported me in the past and the situation is my fault) and if i did i'd hate myself for it as much as i hated Ben.

    Generally though my though process is that someone who is naive (because they're young or stupid or whatever) can be protected, but the ridiculous cowardice meant he didn't deserve that.
  • edited August 2013
    Killed Larry: No stop right there! I know what your thinking, your thinking "TeamKennyAlways killed Larry just because the choice had Kenny in it" NO! Well maybe a little :D no I killed Larry because he could turn, and put us in danger, Larry was a big guy it would be hard to kill him as a walker, we couldn't take that risk, I had to do it, for Clem, for the group.

    The Car: We were starving it was cold - Lee reference ;) We needed those supplies, no not just because Kenny wanted to take the supplies! After what happened with the St Johns we needed something to bring us out of the bad times, I thought the owners were dead, why let supplies go to waste, we needed them.

    Left Lilly - Because fuck her ;) no not just because Kenny wanted to leave her behind.
  • edited August 2013
    I did not shoot the girl in Episode 3, I wanted to but Kenny was right, we had to get the food for are group, but I really wanted to shoot her, felt like crap when getting the food.
  • edited August 2013
    Larry: Kenny's my bro and i like him, but killing Larry next to Clementine?
    in the end i killed him, knowing Clementine will forgive me.
    Carley/Doug: no tough choice, i do like Doug but Carley and Lee were cute together.
    Also, Carley saved me alot of times, so why won't i save her?
    Shooting girl- very tough one, didn't shoot her cause i wanted more time.
    The car- stranger hates me no matter what [i knew what will happen when i played]
    left Lilly- for sure, she killed my lasbien love :(
    kidding, she killed Lee's love.
    cut off arm- was kinda tough, but i knew it dosen't matter.. Didn't cut off.
    Shoot Lee- the most difficult one. I didn't want Lee to turn,but i didn't want Clem to suffer. Shot him.
  • Omid's catOmid's cat Banned
    edited August 2013
    Doug or Carley? Doug. Because I didn't know how to save Carley (click on purse). Anyway, Doug was very helpful and didn't know about Lee's past.

    Kill Larry? No. He was funny. Wanted him alive.

    Car supplies? We needed it! Besides, team was looting Macon and didn't have problems with that.

    Shoot the girl from 3rd ep.? Yes. Couldn't stand her screams.

    Leave Lilly? No. I liked her. While with us, she still had the chance to do something right.

    Save Ben? Same. Believed he can be useful. Can prove himself.

    Hide the bite? Yes. Didn't know how group will react. And I didn't ask them for help.

    Remove the arm? No. Too dangerous. Two hands > one hand.

    Kill Lee? Yes. I didn't want him to hurt somebody.

    Escape in RV? Yes. Episode is about Becca's soul. I'd rather risk than let her turn into cold monster.
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