Possibilities/what ifs about 400 days

edited August 2013 in The Walking Dead
So in the intro of 400 days, you see a pre-apocalypse gas station, I noticed Kenny and duck were there briefly. I also recall Kenny saying a "crazy guy grabbed my boy". I was thinking Nate could potentially be that crazy guy. Also, I think possible antagonists in season 2 could be the people that robbed the old couple in Russells episode. As suspicious as it seems, I do not think that could be Nate, as in the beginning he is seen driving the other way towards the gas station. Anyone want to follow up on these thoughts?


  • edited August 2013
    Well, I'm pretty sure it wasn't Nate who grabbed Duck since I was under the impression Kenny was talking about a walker that he thought was a kidnapper, unless these are two different scenes we're talking about.

    Well, Nate was definitely at the gas station at one point when his friend was shot by Eddie, unless Eddie and Wyatt were just driving past the station and the shooting took place somewhere else down the road. Though, even then, I have to imagine Nate stopped by the gas station at some point between then and Russell's story. There's a pretty big gap between Wyatt's and Russell's stories, so either the old couple have been repeatedly terrorized by Nate's group, which I will call Team A-Grade Fucking Mental, or Nate really doesn't know what Walt was talking about, and the old couple were being attacked by some mask-wearing dudes, which I will call Team Save Lots 2.0, if that is indeed the case. :D

    I have to imagine they're the same people, though, given the many connections between the five stories of 400 Days. Either way, definitely potential villains for season 2.
  • edited August 2013
    Nah, like damkylan I always saw it as a walker who grabbed Duck but because they didn't know about the walkers at the time, Kenny assumed it was a kidnapper.

    And no one will ever convince me that Nate wasn't the one stealing from the old couple. He doesn't have to shoot them, but regardless of what Russell says, he does anyway and shows absolutely no remorse. I would like to see Nate return as the antagonist though. Maybe looking for Russell or because he has unfinished business with Wyatt/Eddie.
  • edited August 2013
    A walker grabbed duck.
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