
edited August 2013 in The Walking Dead
So I was wondering what you guys would do in a Walking Dead type of universe.

So heres my plan A.

I live in Houston so I'm basically fuc*ed since nobody in this city knows how to drive, however if I was able to make it out of town I would go to this tourist attraction called Kemah which has boats docked all around it. Problem is i'd need somebody that knows how to run the boat. BUt if the plan was perfect I would get me a house boat and live the rest of my days in the water living off fish. But that just means I would probably die of dehydration.

Plan B:

I would find a nice little country town and take by force a house similar to Hershels or the St. Johns. But what I would do is over time I would fortify around the house with bricks. But the problem with that is that would just make them cluster around the house making it dangerous when you gotta get in and out to get supplies.

Plan C:

Similar to plan B but instead of living in the house I would have A big ass tree house, or several tree house that you can get to easily without ever having to touch the ground. Then just hunt for animals and find a lake or pond nearby.


  • edited August 2013
    Live on a nearby island where nothing but birds live. And just use the boat to come back to mainland for supplies in a nearby town. Eventually grow crops on the island and build houses(wooden huts) and become self sustainable again. Also to clear out the nearby town I will have amplifiers set up with a sound system far away and turn that on and it will Lure all the dead away,obviously this will only work as long as their is electricity but could find a generator and continue to use this system.
  • edited August 2013
    My dream place to survive would be a house in a large city, Savannah for this example, have it be really large with a wall all around it with a large metal gate, I put a garden, a guard tower to shoot zombies, a medical area, hopefully a radio to talk to people outside, and a generator for power even if it attracts zombies everywhere, I wonder if there is a place like that in Savannah.
  • edited August 2013
    Crixus wrote: »
    Live on a nearby island where nothing but birds live. And just use the boat to come back to mainland for supplies in a nearby town. Eventually grow crops on the island and build houses(wooden huts) and become self sustainable again. Also to clear out the nearby town I will have amplifiers set up with a sound system far away and turn that on and it will Lure all the dead away,obviously this will only work as long as their is electricity but could find a generator and continue to use this system.

    Are there actually any close by islands you think you could realistically reach near you? (If so badass plan.)

    Also I think the generators themselves would make enough noise to where you wouldn't really need the amplifiers. Pretty cool plan though.
  • edited August 2013
    I'd stay in my house. I seriously doubt that armies that have prepared for Nuclear/Chemical/Biological wars would fall to a bunch of rotting corpses. Even in the Walking Dead were no-one knows what a zombie is.
  • edited August 2013
    Pell3t wrote: »
    Are there actually any close by islands you think you could realistically reach near you? (If so badass plan.)

    Also I think the generators themselves would make enough noise to where you wouldn't really need the amplifiers. Pretty cool plan though.

    Within a 30 minute drive so fairly close
  • edited August 2013
    Good plan, my plan works better with scavenging, but requires some luck to find a place like that, and finding the people to even staff the place would hard, but if I could get all of that I could make a really good run of it.
  • edited August 2013
    Kaserkin wrote: »
    I'd stay in my house. I seriously doubt that armies that have prepared for Nuclear/Chemical/Biological wars would fall to a bunch of rotting corpses. Even in the Walking Dead were no-one knows what a zombie is.

    I think the army failed because they weren't aware that you have to destroy the brain. it's the only way it makes sense. But yeah I still doubt the army would fail
  • edited August 2013
    The most dangerous time is the first few days when no one knows whats happening,if you can survive for a few weeks then its the people with the good plans who survive long term.
  • edited August 2013
    It takes about two minutes to realise that. Despite what Hollywood says, most of the professional militaries in the world aren't morons. Even if everyone turns when dead, they'll just have safer quarantine measures in zones under their control and have people report ANY potentially fatal incidents.
  • edited August 2013
    Crixus wrote: »
    Within a 30 minute drive so fairly close

    If its an island you can drive to that kind of defeats the whole purpose of it being an island. Plus I can see that becoming a war zone between people which leads to dead people which leads to zombies.

    You could find a way to blow up the bridge but that would take some serious effort.
  • edited August 2013
    Feel free to add your constructive criticism to peoples ideas. :)
  • edited August 2013
    Pell3t wrote: »
    If its an island you can drive to that kind of defeats the whole purpose of it being an island. Plus I can see that becoming a war zone between people which leads to dead people which leads to zombies.

    You could find a way to blow up the bridge but that would take some serious effort.

    No i mean its a 30 minute drive to the harbour and then the island is a few miles offshore,its completely surrounded by sea.
  • edited August 2013
    My survival plan.... Team up with my bro Kenny. I live to the end :D
  • edited August 2013
    My survival plan:
    1: Grab a backpack. Any storage items are needed to travel.
    2: Grab a weapon. In my case, the best weapon for me would be an axe in my garage.
    3: Grab food and medical supplies. You know why you need these.
    4: Fill every water bottle you find with tap water. You'll need this.
    5: Get building supplies. You may take over a shop or convenience store later.
    6: Grab a physical copy of TWD. People of the future MUST play this game.
    7: Head out. Your house will not withstand forever, and people WILL come to loot it. Make sure you've gotten everything of survival value.
    8: Stay low and sneaky. Don't trust people. Zombies are attracted to noise. Do NOT run. You will attract attention to yourself.
    9: Find a temporary shelter. At the end of the day, you will need a temporary shelter. Be sure you are ready for the cold night.
    PRO TIP: Be sure to get clothes that will protect you from bites. Do not let a simple bite get in the way of you. Wear long sleeve shirts, long jeans, cover your face with a mask, and do0 not wear clothes that will distingush yourself to the outside world. Camouflage.
    10: Continue to survive. May make more tips later. c:
  • edited August 2013
    Those are some awesome survival tips Bubba especially tip 6 :D
  • edited August 2013
    Also, I forgot this one:
    Grab a siphon. Most likely, you have a car. If you can siphon gas out of other people's cars, or in gas stations, then you're set to go.
    Then, be prepared to mod your car for bullet-proof glass and other various mods, and be ready to live in it.
  • edited August 2013
    I would like to add Bioshock Infinite along with Walking Dead as games that need to be remembered but that's just me, seems like a good plan, what about find a more permanent place to hold up in, what do you think of mine and Criuxs's idea for surviving, Island vs building?
  • edited August 2013
    Island is too remote and a building can get easily over run by a swarm of zombies hammering your defences. I'm tied on this one.
  • edited August 2013
    Well, in an island you can be alone, however you have things like other diseases, animals, hunting, etc. In a building, you deal with people, zombies AND LOTS of zombies. Not sure, both have Pros and Cons.
  • edited August 2013
    Well it's just a building per say, but rather a house in the middle of a large city like Savannah, so finding stuff is not that hard, but zombies are a problem, so would a wall around this house a gate help perhaps, and maybe a treehouse could be turned into a guard tower and the space in the yard you could make a garden and a workshop, and inside a bedroom could be used as a medical station, and maybe even a generator if I was lucky, what do you think of all that?
  • edited August 2013
    In that case, I choose the building.
  • edited August 2013
    I'd always pick an island,you can't put a price on never having to worry about walkers or bandits when you go to sleep.
  • edited August 2013
    Well, since I live nowhere near a beach(or any island, for that matter), I would HAVE to pick the building plan. Sorry. :o Even then, I have no outdoor survival skills at all. TeamKenny and Bioshock would probably know why, but I wouldn't last on an island, I barely expect to survive in a building. At least I don't live anywhere near a city.
  • edited August 2013
    Well I am thinking that getting in and out could be a problem, but getting supply's sounds somewhat hard on a island, they both have pros and cons, and I think you could get something on top of the stone wall, maybe wire or something to make sure the walkers can't clime over it, if they even can.
  • edited August 2013
    Well I am thinking that getting in and out could be a problem, but getting supply's sounds somewhat hard on a island, they both have pros and cons, and I think you could get something on top of the stone wall, maybe wire or something to make sure the walkers can't clime over it, if they even can.

    If you can grow crops on the island and have a few big successful supply runs on the mainland you could live on the island for a long time before you need to go back to mainland for supplies. Depends on how much people you have on the island though I guess.
  • edited August 2013
    Wall off a part of town like Woodbury did.
  • edited August 2013
    Hell, making a topic "how bad do you think it would be where you are?" crossed my mind several times. I guess since this is basically it, might as well share what I think.

    I live in the capital of my country, which is still small, a city with just under a million inhabitants. So I imagine it wouldn't be as bad as in the major metropolises. My house is in a small neighborhood on a rather large hill, so there wouldn't be many zombies in the local area. However it is in close proximity to three major malls and the center of the city. Just far enough to be off the grid, but close enough to present many opportunities to scavenge. So I reckon I'd hold out in my house as long as I can, team up with my neighbours maybe.

    Once that fails, like maybe scavenging gets too dangerous, or the neighbourhood gets overrun, I'd grab my car, stuff it with as much food and supplies as I can (have left) and haul ass to my family's secluded lakehouse far out of the city and deep in the woods. With barely any human presence around it I very much doubt there would be any walkers around and the very few that might be would be easy to take care of. We already grow fruits and vegetables there, with some effort I could add crops to it, and that takes care of the food issue. Plus, the forest's full of things to eat. And as long as I can siphon enough gas, I can make regular trips to the small towns/villages up close to scavenge for supplies and maybe some tail? :D

    Yeah, as long as I don't do something profoundly stupid, I reckon I'd be pretty fine.
  • edited August 2013
    I live in a small town in the Netherlands where guns are outlawed, so getting one will be very hard. If the apocalypse would hit i would bunker down at my parents house since my place is too small and hard to protect. I have some samurai swords, blunt as hell but still made of metal, if they are sharpened they would be pretty decent weapons.

    My parents house is very large, it used to be my grandpa's, it used to be a supermarket, and when he got out of business he split the house into 2 for 2 families to live in, my grandpa's daughter and son, one being my mom, the other my uncle. So we would just break down the walls and make it 1 big house, so 2 families can protect eachother more easily. Gates protecting the place, they will need to get fortified and all, but it is naturally allready pretty defendable. So i would bring everything from my house to theirs, bunker up.

    My dad isnt a smith or anything, but he's pretty handy and with the scrap metal he has around our house (he's not a hoarder, but he keeps way too much shit around), he can make us some metal protection for our arms first to prevent getting bitten easily. And maybe full suits of armor would also be nice. Since we can't really get acces to guns we will have to resort to close combat, so we will need as much protection as possible. We might be slow, but we will be inpenetrable.

    Also, 2 guard dogs, but they might be more of a burden then an addition, they can be trained to be killers, although dogs don't usually go for the brains... It can still be trained, but if they bite a zombie, will they get infected? And how useful are dogs against zombies? My guess would be not very...

    So yeah, basically got a great place to hole up in, guns will be a near impossibility in our country, so that may pose a problem, other then that we will be fine.

    Edit: My folks also have a greenhouse, so it will be a nice place to farm some food.
  • edited August 2013
    Well, keeping in mind that this is in a Walking Dead-type universe, I wouldn't know about zombies and thus wouldn't have any sort of plan whatsoever. So after finding out about it, I'd probably just bunker down at my house and wait for the authorities with my family. After about a week of no help, assuming our place hasn't been completely raided by people far more well-equipped (Don't have any guns. Plenty of melee weapons though.), we'd be running out of supplies so we'd try to scrounge around for any we could find. By then though it'd probably be too late and people will have already snatched up everything. I wouldn't try to move anywhere else if I can help it so I suppose that I would try to expand my vegetable garden and see if we can try to survive that way. We might last a while if there weren't people trying to fuck with us but that's a pretty big "if" in the Walking Dead universe. Overall, I can see myself surviving for ~70 days. Longer if the vegetable garden thing ends up working well. Shorter if we get raided.
  • edited August 2013
    I could either "go bush" or get to the water (which is very close).

    Although, I'd likely just stay home. Seems easiest. Any walker who could negotiate my ridiculously steep driveway and rickety steps up to the house deserves a meal I say.
  • edited August 2013
    Any walker who could negotiate my ridiculously steep driveway and rickety steps up to the house deserves a meal I say.

    The St. John's electric fence has nothing on that. At least your defenses work in the rain. Hell, they'd probably work better in the rain.
  • edited August 2013
    I go with plan "400 Days". Continue to walk each day to new places where you can stock up, and find people you can trust.
  • edited August 2013
    I live in the middle of nowhere, so I should be fine for a week. When I leave, I'll scavenge store supplies.

    Kind of the same here.
    I'm an hour away from any major city,(by car, of course) in the middle of a desert.
    I'll be mostly fine. The only enemy will be other people which aren't plentiful and the heat. Some zombies, too, but not much. Well... I can't trust my survival skills, but I'm not sure how long I'd last.
    Probably no more than a week or even a day. :p
  • edited August 2013
    Well, I live in a small town, less than 9000 people, so I can't imagine it would be as bad as places like New York, or other big cities. Still, as soon as I realized what was happening, my family and I would be leaving town. On our way out, since we live right next to a gas station, we'd raid (rob) it for supplies and gas, then make a beeline straight for the country. We've got a few firearms and a few hundred rounds, so I think we could get out of town. After that, we'd head to my uncle's house, who lives WAY out in the country on his farm, and survive there with him and his family. He's got an entire room stocked with all types of guns, so protection won't be an issue should any problems arise.
  • edited August 2013
    I would like to think I would survive,though I would likely die pretty early on,but as they say "You either die or see yourself live long enough to become a Ben,and then die extremely painfully and brutally."

    Okay,back on topic so I live in a small-medium sized town,and I live on the outskirts,I would gather everything up and me and my family would head out into the countryside and check out nearby farms and see if they will let us rest the night,then in the morning I would like to try and head into small villages to raid them for supplies,and I would also hope to find a friendly group along the way who we could join up with.

    Though until then I would keep raiding small villages and farms if the inhabitants are deceased or zombies,when and if I found a group I would likely let someone else lead,unless we form a democracy,as I don't think I am good leader material.

    Also,I live in Scotland where we have a bunch of islands to flee to,so if I can somehow even get to one that is inhabited for example Skye,I am sure it would be a good place to scavenge.

    To be honest though I never really thought this through,I am really tired right now,I may come up with a real better plan later on today after a good long rest,so basically sorry for the shi**y survival plan.
  • edited August 2013
    Some good ideas people, way better than mine. Lol I am so dead when the za hits. I live in a lower middle class version of Ricks neighborhood from the TV series. My number one goal would be to just simply get the F out of Houston, one ways a potentially unsafe dead end to the Gulf of Mexico while the others a clusterf*ck to get out of, having to go through Downtown to even try to make an attempt get to the countryside.
  • edited August 2013
    You can catch shrimp for food.

    Good idea. I'll get my fishing gear.

    ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)--\

  • edited August 2013
    The St. John's electric fence has nothing on that. At least your defenses work in the rain. Hell, they'd probably work better in the rain.

    Given the literal butthurt I received last week going to the letterbox after a downpour, I'm going to say yes.
  • edited August 2013
    So if by sheer force of will they make it up the hill, you going to give them a cookie.
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