Who's the Most Messed Up Character in Season 1?

As we know, there are some messed up people living around after an undead world, but before you make any quick decisions, let's review what we have.

Take note, all these people have been reduced to their prime element.

Kenny - Can leave you for dead and come to quick decisions about all people but his own family.

Larry - Trying to protect his daughter, but unnecessarily endangering and threatening everyone in the process.

Ben - Goes with his best intentions, but ends up making things worse, but his quest to do something right never did stop.

Brenda and Andy St. John - Resorted to cannibalism from helpless strangers to survive, but regretted their decision.

Danny St. John - Resorted to cannibalism to survive, and didn't bat an eye at the death of another.

The Bandits - A group of scoundrels driven by anger, hunger, and lust.

Jolene - After her daughter was taken, she obsessed about a new little girl who she had no relations to.

The Stranger - After his family was all lost, he manipulated a little girl into being kidnapped to keep as his new daughter for him and his dead wife's head to enjoy.

Vernon - Betrayed and assaulted a group of people who he helped and helped him.

Clyde - He shot, EVERYTHING.

Nate - After a series of unknown events and his friend being shot, he chased down a duo to avenge his friend. Weeks passed, and his sense of right and wrong plummeted. He still retains basically what is right and wrong, but then and then it's hard for him to differentiate.

Roman - Secured a safe zone to the point of feeling like a prison, and will hunt anyone who betrays him down.

Maybelle - Cows are some crazy bastards.


  • edited August 2013
    I want to say the bandits since they're the group I hate the most but really they're pretty much just driven by animalistic instincts. Seems like "messed up" should be reserved for a special kind of crazy. The Stranger is a pretty strong candidate when it comes to that but he just doesn't have the viciousness and callous disregard for other human lives.

    So I'm going to say Brenda and Andy St. John. Unlike Danny, they seem to have all their faculties there but just decided that it'd be a good idea to trap and eat people because "Hey, the walkers are doing it!" There's also something really unsettling about the "Southern hospitality" façades that they put on to lure their victims in.
  • edited August 2013
    I should have voted Jolene, I voted Danny. Thinking about it, Jolene and Danny are the most mentally unstable.
  • edited August 2013
    I wouldn't vote for Jolene because it wasn't really her fault. I mean, given everything that happened to her, it's easy to see how she turned out like she did. I vote for Danny, though out of everyone, I say Oberson, leader of Crawford, was the most messed up. We never saw him personally, but dear god the things he did were unspeakable.
  • edited August 2013
    Well we did 'meet' him, just not in the way we wanted.
  • edited August 2013
    Voted Danny, because unlike other messed up individuals (why is Episode 3 Lilly not on the list, while Kenny is?!), Danny CHOSE to do what he did. Other honorable messed up mentions, like Lilly, Jolene, The Stranger, Nate, they have a few screws loose, but that's because something bad happened and unhinged them. Unlike the St. Johns, who chose to be what they are. That puts them on top of the list, and Danny takes the lead because unlike the rest of his family, he enjoys it and is also sadistic in nature. Plus creepy.
  • edited August 2013
    I would have voted Lilly, but I pick Nate, he really creeped me out, and that is why I like the guy.
  • edited August 2013
    They're all messed up but as far as mentally unhinged folks go I don't think you can beat Danny. Very enthusiastic about his new cannibal lifestyle and he treated his rifle with a little too much care, calling it "his girl". And then when he's caught in his own trap he wants you to eat him, so yeah.
  • edited August 2013
    Why isn't Lilly on the list?
  • edited August 2013
    IceRyder wrote: »
    Why isn't Lilly on the list?

    Lilly only cracked once.
  • edited August 2013
    More so then Kenny.
  • edited August 2013
    I gotta agree with IceRyder and Bioshock, if even Ben, who messes up by accident, is on the list, you'd think the woman who shot a person in the group in cold blood and tried to justify herself afterwards would be too ._.
  • edited August 2013
    Sure I guess putting Ben and Kenny on the list was a mistake, but I don't see why anybody'd vote for Lilly. She is a sane person and just got really frustrated (To put it lightly).
  • edited August 2013
    You looovvee her... ;)
  • edited August 2013
    [✓] Lilly

    What she did was so messed up.
  • edited August 2013
    It was just one blip!
    Jere85 wrote: »
    You looovvee her... ;)

    I do not! Girls have cooties! That's gross dude! Didn't your mom ever tell you?!
  • edited August 2013
    I voted the stranger, although that's pretty much my frustration for manipulating Clementine, luring/kidnapping her, and then causing the death or undeath of Lee.
    Also, a zombified version of his wife is in a bowling bag.
    Otherwise, Lilly.
  • edited August 2013
    Yeah, Lilly should be on the list if you put Kenny and Ben there. I mean, yeah, Ben is a coward and an idiot, while Kenny has his priorities just a little off if you don't side with him (leaving you for dead in that pharmacy when the door falls on you is truly a wtf moment, but fortunately, it never happened to me), but neither Kenny, nor Ben are killers, well, not directly. (In the case of meatlocker I support Kenny and I don't count that as murder).

    While Lilly, the way she shoots a person just for telling her off, a healthy, productive member of the group, is just... ugh, I can't see any reason for it other than having a screw loose. Doesn't beat Danny, though, but comes pretty damn close. At least the St. Johns only killed the people they didn't know and spend 3 months surviving together.
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