Was Carley/Doug's bullet meant for Kenny?
Lilly really seemed to fall apart after Kenny killed Larry but she never really confronted him about it after that, except for that throwaway line where she says she doesnt want to travel with him after what he did. I wondered if the reason she was so quick to pull a gun in episode 3 and kill was pent up rage at Kenny for killing her dad. She doesnt dare kill him probably because he had a family so Carley and Ben became scapegoats to focus her anger on. Was she thinking of Kenny somewhere in the back of her mind when she pulled that trigger?
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Carley/Doug were just unfortunate that they were the ones who suffered when she exploded
You know what I mean. Dont be so literal.
Wait what do you mean,what I'm saying is she wanted to kill Carley with that shot and she wanted to kill Ben with that shot. She even said she would learn to forgive Kenny so I don't think she would have killed him at all or really wanted to.
Shooting Doug was a mistake, as the bullet was clearly meant for Ben.
With Doug its meant for Ben.
With Carley its meant for Carley.
Yes, thank you. Thats what I meant. Not that she didnt shoot who she was aiming for but that the trauma of what Kenny did to her drove her to that level of violence and irrationality and that if she had a good excuse she might have killed Kenny. But thanks everyone for your thoughts and input.
in lilly's mind it makes carley just as guilty if not more so than ben.. the saying ' thou protest to much'
so since carley then got all up in lilly's bidness/business lilly didn't take too kindly to it and shot her..saying 'she couldn't be trusted' to lee..
As for doug, he got in the way of the bullet that was meant for ben...
She says something along the lines of forgiving him for killing Larry after she kills Carley/Doug, but I can't remember the exact line. I never believed her though.
Lilly: Murderer ? Lee's killed before and I forgave him . You've killed before and i'll forgive YOU . You both know what we do what has to be done .
No need to leave Lilly behind. But you've to tell about your past on both Lilly and Kenny. Then you get the dialogue on the side of the road.
Yeah, that too. Just checked it.
Larry's death obviously sends Lily over the edge, but she intends to kill either Carley or Ben. With her attempt at Ben it is premeditated (with Dough being killed accidentally), with Carley its not planned, but her anger gets the better of her.
Wrong. I helped cave his head in, and I got that line. She's probably just trying to make herself sound like the victim.
Really, you're going to be one of those people?
I suppose you've never made a typo before in your life, right?
In Carly's case she just snapped but I think she ultimately wanted to get rid of Ben and she was frustrated that no one could see what she could see and Carly was defending him and touching on such a sensitive subject as the loss of her dad was the breaking point. To be honest I don't know how I would react if someone killed my dad a week ago and someone called me daddy's little princess in a sarcastic tone and told me to get over it, with reference to my father's death, especially if I never had the opportunity to bury him or morn. I’m not saying I would shoot the person but we would definitely be fighting. Oh yes, it would get physical.
With Doug, its more calculated. Lily fully intends to kill Ben from the start, and Doug just gets in the way.
I got the line about "forgiving Kenny" and Kenny was the only one I didn't tell about my past.
The fact that you started out with "Lilly would keep Kenny alive as long as he was needed" isn't very comforting. Does that mean that as soon as he stops being important that he takes a bullet to the brain basket? For that matter, why doesn't killing Carley make the group weaker? She was their best shot, even before anyone received firearms training. She was always willing to put herself in harm's way for the sake of the group. Lilly may not have been actively plotting Kenny's death in some for of elaborate scheme, but it was only a matter of time before she turned her gun on him.
Kenny was NOT being paranoid. He was completely justified in asking that question. Lilly hadn't shot Carley or Doug, sooner or later she would have shot Kenny. The death of her father was what sent her over the edge. Who does she blame for it? Carley? Ben? Impossible. Nobody knew how far gone Lilly was until she took free reign to begin executing anyone she thought was guilty of something. Someone would have died, sooner or later. Kenny is just lucky that Lilly was more focused on the bandit deal at that moment. Saying that Lilly didn't want Kenny dead is like saying Kenny didn't want Ben dead just because he didn't shoot him back at the manor if Lee chooses to save him. Just because Kenny didn't shoot Ben himself doesn't mean he didn't want Ben to die. He makes that painfully clear until he actually DOES manage to forgive him. We only have Lilly's word that she doesn't want Kenny dead which, frankly, is nowhere near enough to convince me.
Are you sure? From what I've seen she only says "I'm a murderer?? You had Lee this whole time!" if you kill Larry.
Really? How did the scene play out? Lilly tells about forgiving them both and then Kenny gets mad at you for not telling him?
Makes sense. Normally I just tell everyone, (or save Doug) so I didn't know that Katjaa would tell him.
yeah, she was talking out of her ass and taking the high ground in the argument, she doesn't mean it
I think that might be only if you don't tell her. If you tell both her and Kenny, I think you get the "forgive" line. I told both of them. Hell, I told everyone.