" Who's the fossil ? "

Back in episode 4 , when Molly asks Lee " Who's the fossil " if you choose to stay silent , Vernon says in surprise " Fossil ?! :mad: " and Molly just stares at him and pretty much gives him the " You mad bro ? " face .
I just love silent playthroughs .


  • edited August 2013
    i've seen pointless-er.

    Silent playthroughs are fun. sometimes.
  • edited August 2013
    What's the point of this thread? How will it start a discussion?

    I just wanted to point out a funny moment in the silent playthrough .
  • edited August 2013
    Maybe I should take the silence option more often if I'm missing out on scenes like this, but most of the time it seems that it's better to say something than none at all.
  • edited August 2013
    I just wanted to point out a funny moment in the silent playthrough .

    That's fine, but a thread in a forum is supposed to generate some level of discussion. A bunch of single threads with people just pointing put something they like would be very chaotic and wouldn't be very fun. Maybe use your appreciation of a piece of dialogue from a silent playthrough as a jumping off point to see what others find interesting/fun about silent playthroughs. Or find out how often people choose the silent option in a normal playthrough.
  • edited August 2013
    If you could post every single great silent line, we would all be in your debt.
  • edited August 2013
    If you could post every single great silent line, we would all be in your debt.

    Repeat as needed.

    That'll be 50 bucks.
  • edited August 2013
    Okay, I am sure I have change around here somewhere.
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