400 Days Cast Predictions for Season 2

edited August 2013 in The Walking Dead
I think Bonnie's background as a recovering drug addict isn't just there to flesh out her character, but will be a major plot point in one of the chapters.

My prediction is that she is going to fall of the wagon, and steal painkillers from the group to get high. You're then going to be forced into making a major decision regarding her fate over the theft.

Another possibility is that since she is the only one who goes with Tavia no matter what, that she'll end up stealing from the settlement, and that it will cause a rift that ends up either getting your character kicked out, or choosing to leave the settlement.

So what are your predictions?


  • edited August 2013
    Becca's background? You mean Bonnie, right? Becca was the short one, bratty attitude, liked to run her mouth? Bonnie was the one addicted to drugs.

    Other than that little mistake, I think that something like this is possible. It would be sad to see Bonnie relapse after Leland and Dee managed to get her off the stuff, and I'd probably try my best to help her if I could.
  • edited August 2013
  • edited August 2013
    so basically your saying a recycled 'ben' sub plot ?

    wow that's so exciting i can't wait...:rollseyes

    nah ttg are better than that...heck it's kind of a cliche
  • edited August 2013
    so basically your saying a recycled 'ben' sub plot ?

    wow that's so exciting i can't wait...:rollseyes

    nah ttg are better than that...heck it's kind of a cliche

    Umm, no.

    Ben wasn't a drug addict and didn't steal supplies for himself, he stole because he was threatened and was scared. That's a bit different than someone who steals to get high.

    Also stealing supplies is likely to be a theme in many stories that focus on survivors in a post-apocalyptic setting, as it touches on some very basic elements of human nature. In a situation where resources are limited, some people are going to be more selfish than others.

    As for being a cliché, I don't see how it is any more of a cliché than searching for food and water or other supplies or having to deal with bandits or zombies, all of which are likely to happen more often than someone stealing supplies. And having every group member not have flaws and always behave in altruistic manner, would be unrealistic.
  • edited August 2013
    umm yes,

    stealing check

    drugs check

    lying about it check

    putting the group in danger for being stupid/desperate check.
  • edited August 2013
    umm yes,

    stealing check

    drugs check

    lying about it check

    putting the group in danger for being stupid/desperate check.

    Did you think Vince was a recycled Lee subplot?

    Did you think Shel and Becca was recycled Lee and Clem?

    Did you think Wyatt was a recycled Doug?

    Did you think Russell was a recycled Ben?
  • edited August 2013
    well played scaeva

    vince isn't quite the same as lee, he had help breaking out, lee did it solo after a lucky crash.

    shel and becca are sisters different from lee and clem not being related plus they were the subordinates in a group lee was a commanding force.

    wyatt and doug ??

    russell had way more sense than ben.. plus he doesn't have to lie to nate..

    i just think having another drug sub plot is lame writing when there is so much more interesting fresh not as played out to death ideas.

    i do how ever foresee a relapse as she did kind of hint on it when tavia talks about med's and we aren't exactly sure how close her recovery is from completion leyland hints upon her sobriety being a miracle/amazing/not expected...

    #waves white flag#
  • edited August 2013
    I want a recycled Merle in s2.
  • edited August 2013
    Jere85 wrote: »
    I want a recycled Merle in s2.

    I want a biker like comic book Axel "You Follow Me".
  • edited August 2013
    No, Bonnie relapsing is far too obvious especially with medical supplies being far more in demand and harder to find. I do however, expect her to be accused of stealing supplies. Most likely by Russell and/or Becca.
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