Add that option. I will want to torture her and then kill her for basically causing the downfall of the group by being paranoid. :mad:
KILL HER WITH FIRE!!!!1!!11!11!11!11!!one!1111111!eleven!1!111!111!!12321312312#!@#?21#1
error: bubba.exe has stopped working
I'd rather she never show up again, seeing several videos celebrating her death will get tiring very quickly. Same goes for Kenny, I'd rather he didn't show up in Season 2 but unfortunately it looks like he'll be around again.
I was no Lily fan in the first game, and was absolutely furious when she killed Carley. Needless to say, in my game Lee left her on the side of the road.
Still, I think it would be kind of interesting if Telltale had her return in an redemption angle. All that time alone and fending for herself leaves her plenty of time for soul-searching, and she comes to deeply regret what she did. She also comes to grips with Larry's death and moves on, letting go of her paranoia.
I'd have her return in the sequel and save the group, redeeming herself, but not getting to ride off into the sunset. Id have her die during that act of redemption, sacrificing her life to save others.
Thing with Kenny is your going to find a lot of in memory of Kenny videos on Youtube, all your going to find for Lilly is as you said, celebration videos as a final way to say fuck you Lilly.
I was no Lily fan in the first game, and was absolutely furious when she killed Carley. Needless to say, in my game Lee left her on the side of the road.
Still, I think it would be kind of interesting if Telltale had her return in an redemption angle. All that time alone and fending for herself leaves her plenty of time for soul-searching, and she comes to deeply regret what she did. She also comes to grips with Larry's death and moves on, letting go of her paranoia.
I'd have her return in the sequel and save the group, redeeming herself, but not getting to ride off into the sunset. Id have her die during that act of redemption, sacrificing her life to save others.
If that's the only option we have, I'd rather she never appear again. Or, just be shown as a walker to end her story.
Even if she isn't Lilly Caul from the comics I still don't think she should return in terms of how it wouldn't make much sense to the story. It would be way too coincidental for Clementine or anyone else to come across her again. I don't think Clementine would be too happy anyway, she knew what Lilly did was wrong and I don't think she would want to be associated with her at all. For her to return as an antagonist would ruin her character/what her character represents and the redemption thing sounds way too corny and possibly out of character (when she kills Carley she still tries to justify it, she wasn't guilty). The zombie/dead body cameos seem pointless other to confirm her death, which would be a lame way to go. I feel like the Doug/Carley cameo in 400 Days is just so say that they didn't magically survive a headshot like some people believed.
Edit: I don't think closure is always necessary for every character, especially in a zombie apocalypse story.
If she gets redeemed I swear to god I will eat my controller, I want nothing more then to see her slowly die for murdering Carley, am I maybe a little psychopathic about Lilly, maybe but I don't care, she is dead,
The comments here prove why she should just stay away. too much history; the character is vilified by many people I don't think her return would be beneficial at all, many people would want her dead and I doubt that would be an option :rolleyes:
That said they are great story writers perhaps they will reintroduce her in a good way.
If then can bring her back in a way that is not out of the blue and dumb then get to it Telltale, I want her dead, no question, but good writing is all.
I doubt she'll return at all but if she does, it would probably be as an uneasy ally. She'll see Clem with the new protagonist and approach them. Clem will back away. You as the new protagonist will ask Clem if she knows this woman. Clem will tell you about what happened. Lilly will go on some spiel about how it was all in the past and how she's changed now. Regardless of whether or not you trust her, you'll have to work with her to accomplish some common goal. She'll end up going anyway and get caught in some kind of life or death situation. You'll have to decide whether or not to try to save her. Of course, she'll end up dying anyway. Ultimately, it will be unclear whether she's really changed or not and that will be up for you to decide for yourself as you live with your decision..
If she gets redeemed I swear to god I will eat my controller, I want nothing more then to see her slowly die for murdering Carley, am I maybe a little psychopathic about Lilly, maybe but I don't care, she is dead,
If it happenes . Would you want some salt on the controller or ketchup ?
You're kinda creeping me out with your obsession with wanting to murder Lilly, you know. Half of the time your post is about Lilly and how much you hate her. I think you've made your point.
I doubt she'll return at all but if she does, it would probably be as an uneasy ally. She'll see Clem with the new protagonist and approach them. Clem will back away. You as the new protagonist will ask Clem if she knows this woman. Clem will tell you about what happened. Lilly will go on some spiel about how it was all in the past and how she's changed now. Regardless of whether or not you trust her, you'll have to work with her to accomplish some common goal. She'll end up going anyway and get caught in some kind of life or death situation. You'll have to decide whether or not to try to save her. Of course, she'll end up dying anyway. Ultimately, it will be unclear whether she's really changed or not and that will be up for you to decide for yourself as you live with your decision..
If that's so, I'd not trust her and make her die painfully, or later, whichever is the worse death.
Sorry, I just want Lilly to die, that's all. :rolleyes: I only hold against her because she caused the downfall of the group with her paranoia. Which, in a way, caused some people that were cool to die, so that's all.
You're kinda creeping me out with your obsession with wanting to murder Lilly, you know. Half of the time your post is about Lilly and how much you hate her. I think you've made your point.
I believe that I have not made almost 2000 Lilly must die posts, and I am not faking this hate, I really would like nothing more then to kill her slowly, I liked Carley a lot, not romantically but as a friend, she was pretty much family and I thought I could trust Lilly, believe me I have not trusted anyone as much as before since her and the Saint Johns, and at least my extreme hatred of Lilly is not like Ekhay, that's a positive.
I find it hard to really blame people for the cascading effects of their actions. Especially since she was pretty justified in her paranoia (just not her irrationality). I mean I certainly blame her for causing Doug and Carley's death and left her on the side of the road because of it, but to say that any one person caused the downfall of the group is pushing it. Except if you count the bandits as a whole. Fuck those guys.
Well, a mix of Lilly, the bandits, and Ben caused the downfall.
'Cause Doug/Carley died, and obviously both of them are useful to the group, and could have saved people, causing 'them cool people to live.
I believe that I have not made almost 2000 Lilly must die posts, and I am not faking this hate, I really would like nothing more then to kill her slowly, I liked Carley a lot, not romantically but as a friend, she was pretty much family and I thought I could trust Lilly, believe me I have not trusted anyone as much as before since her and the Saint Johns, and at least my extreme hatred of Lilly is not like Ekhay, that's a positive.
I'd rather she never show up again, seeing several videos celebrating her death will get tiring very quickly. Same goes for Kenny, I'd rather he didn't show up in Season 2 but unfortunately it looks like he'll be around again.
Dude, ease up on the Kenny-hate. I'm sure there's just as much chance he'll show up as a half-eaten carcass, if that's what you want to see. "Exploring Kenny's fate" could mean almost anything.
As for Lily...something tells me seeing her in a walker cameo wouldn't be nearly as divisive for the fans. :rolleyes:
It worked for Carley and Doug, but for Lilly if they brought her back they would do far more then that, maybe they could appease both the Lilly fans and the people that want her dead, maybe the choice to save her redeems her and then she dies or leaves, and not saving her horribly kills her.
Dude, ease up on the Kenny-hate. I'm sure there's just as much chance he'll show up as a half-eaten carcass, if that's what you want to see. "Exploring Kenny's fate" could mean almost anything.
As for Lily...something tells me seeing her in a walker cameo wouldn't be nearly as divisive for the fans. :rolleyes:
I'm afraid your mistaken. I don't hate Kenny, but I don't like him either, I'm indifferent towards him to tell the truth. I never said I wanted to see him as a half-eaten carcass either.
I am sure it's for the best to leave her fate unknown, but I still like to believe that she will come back.
To me, the game Lilly
died in issue 48
of the comics, ending her character arc by redemption. I think the reason why everyone is expecting her to come back for another round is for the sole purpose that Kirkman said that she's not the same Lilly.
Even so, I don't think Telltale would want to mess around with her character again.
of the comics, ending her character arc by redemption. I think the reason why everyone is expecting her to come back for another round is for the sole purpose that Kirkman said that she's not the same Lilly.
Even so, I don't think Telltale would want to mess around with her character again.
Yeah I completely agree, I hope Telltale leave her character alone. On the Wikipedia page Robert Kirkamn says this about the Woodbury soldiers (including Comic Lilly, who I consider the same character as Game Lilly) and their fate: "I'm not going to say (the Woodbury survivors) were all killed (when their bullets ran out), but it's very unlikely that we'll ever see them again. The prison is dead to me. I've moved on and so have the characters."
I feel like this should be the same for Game Lilly. Clementine has moved on from what Lilly did to Carley/Doug, they shouldn't open old wounds by having her return.
Yeah I completely agree, I hope Telltale leave her character alone. On the Wikipedia page Robert Kirkamn says this about the Woodbury soldiers (including Comic Lilly, who I consider the same character as Game Lilly) and their fate: "I'm not going to say (the Woodbury survivors) were all killed (when their bullets ran out), but it's very unlikely that we'll ever see them again. The prison is dead to me. I've moved on and so have the characters."
I feel like this should be the same for Game Lilly. Clementine has moved on from what Lilly did to Carley/Doug, they shouldn't open old wounds by having her return.
I agree . It would be better if she doesn't come back at all and just leave her fate unknown . If she comes back in season 2 , i hope her redemption won't involve taking care of Clementine and having a motherly relantionship with her because it would be a big middle finger to Lee and Clementine's relationship .
I don't care what Kirkman says i am treating Lily from the game as Lily Caul unless she does appear in season 2 then I will obviously have to think of her as a different Lily.But if she does appear I would be up for some redemption in the form of saving Clem from Rapists or something,that could get some people on her side also if she seems real remorseful it would be good like if she says something along the lines of "I did a terrible thing and not a day goes by when I don't wish things could have been different".
I don't care what Kirkman says i am treating Lily from the game as Lily Caul unless she does appear in season 2 then I will obviously have to think of her as a different Lily.But if she does appear I would be up for some redemption in the form of saving Clem from Rapists or something,that could get some people on her side also if she seems real remorseful it would be good like if she says something along the lines of "I did a terrible thing and not a day goes by when I don't wish things could have been different".
Its definitely a different Lily. Book/comic Lily has a different backstory and her father has a different name. Book Lily's father was named Everett, rather than Larry.
Its definitely a different Lily. Book/comic Lily has a different backstory and her father has a different name. Book Lily's father was named Everett, rather than Larry.
I know it was bad management by Kirkmen to have that mess happen but originally the Lily from the game was meant to be Lily Caul there was even an achievement "Road to Woodbury" when she left. But in your own head canon you can still pretend game Lily is comic book Lily if she never returns.
I'd be ok with a Lily redemption subplot. I feel really bad for her if: Kenny and Lee kill Larry, Doug is saved and she is left do die. When the opposite happens, I want her to burn. BURN THE WITCH!
Should depend on how you left her tbh, if you sided with Kenny throughout the whole thing, killing her dad, being a dick to her all the time, i would assume she wouldnt like our group as much, if you tried to be nice to her and tried to help Larry, maybe she could help us out
It would come down to redemption or punishment, it would be really nice as to choose what you want, but it would more then likely come down to just one.
Add that option. I will want to torture her and then kill her for basically causing the downfall of the group by being paranoid. :mad:
KILL HER WITH FIRE!!!!1!!11!11!11!11!!one!1111111!eleven!1!111!111!!12321312312#!@#?21#1
error: bubba.exe has stopped working
Still, I think it would be kind of interesting if Telltale had her return in an redemption angle. All that time alone and fending for herself leaves her plenty of time for soul-searching, and she comes to deeply regret what she did. She also comes to grips with Larry's death and moves on, letting go of her paranoia.
I'd have her return in the sequel and save the group, redeeming herself, but not getting to ride off into the sunset. Id have her die during that act of redemption, sacrificing her life to save others.
If that's the only option we have, I'd rather she never appear again. Or, just be shown as a walker to end her story.
Edit: I don't think closure is always necessary for every character, especially in a zombie apocalypse story.
That said they are great story writers perhaps they will reintroduce her in a good way.
If it happenes . Would you want some salt on the controller or ketchup ?
If that's so, I'd not trust her and make her die painfully, or later, whichever is the worse death.
Sorry, I just want Lilly to die, that's all. :rolleyes: I only hold against her because she caused the downfall of the group with her paranoia.
I believe that I have not made almost 2000 Lilly must die posts, and I am not faking this hate, I really would like nothing more then to kill her slowly, I liked Carley a lot, not romantically but as a friend, she was pretty much family and I thought I could trust Lilly, believe me I have not trusted anyone as much as before since her and the Saint Johns, and at least my extreme hatred of Lilly is not like Ekhay, that's a positive.
'Cause Doug/Carley died, and obviously both of them are useful to the group, and could have saved people, causing 'them cool people to live.
Fair enough, I stand corrected.
Dude, ease up on the Kenny-hate. I'm sure there's just as much chance he'll show up as a half-eaten carcass, if that's what you want to see. "Exploring Kenny's fate" could mean almost anything.
As for Lily...something tells me seeing her in a walker cameo wouldn't be nearly as divisive for the fans. :rolleyes:
I'm afraid your mistaken. I don't hate Kenny, but I don't like him either, I'm indifferent towards him to tell the truth. I never said I wanted to see him as a half-eaten carcass either.
To me, the game Lilly
Even so, I don't think Telltale would want to mess around with her character again.
Yeah I completely agree, I hope Telltale leave her character alone. On the Wikipedia page Robert Kirkamn says this about the Woodbury soldiers (including Comic Lilly, who I consider the same character as Game Lilly) and their fate:
"I'm not going to say (the Woodbury survivors) were all killed (when their bullets ran out), but it's very unlikely that we'll ever see them again. The prison is dead to me. I've moved on and so have the characters."
I feel like this should be the same for Game Lilly. Clementine has moved on from what Lilly did to Carley/Doug, they shouldn't open old wounds by having her return.
I agree . It would be better if she doesn't come back at all and just leave her fate unknown . If she comes back in season 2 , i hope her redemption won't involve taking care of Clementine and having a motherly relantionship with her because it would be a big middle finger to Lee and Clementine's relationship .
No. TTG won't double ideas. Kenny is enough.
Its definitely a different Lily. Book/comic Lily has a different backstory and her father has a different name. Book Lily's father was named Everett, rather than Larry.
I know it was bad management by Kirkmen to have that mess happen but originally the Lily from the game was meant to be Lily Caul there was even an achievement "Road to Woodbury" when she left. But in your own head canon you can still pretend game Lily is comic book Lily if she never returns.
Zombie/Corpse/Mystery would be boring
I want to know what happened to her