Why do some people on the forum dislike the road to woodbury novel?
I read the book and I quite enjoyed it. It was the first novel that I ever read from beginning to end and in large chunks. It felt very much like the walking dead. It was sad and emotional, it made my eyes well up a bit. Considering there aren't any pictures I thought that was powerful writing. I found the characters very believable and well fleshed out. I don't understand some of the hate. To me, I felt that it was like the comics but in novel form.
I like all mediums of the walking dead and would definitely recommend it to those that haven't read it because they were upset that it didn't have the same Lilly from the game.
The characterisation is consistent with the comics, I was happy with it.
I like all mediums of the walking dead and would definitely recommend it to those that haven't read it because they were upset that it didn't have the same Lilly from the game.
The characterisation is consistent with the comics, I was happy with it.
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You kind of answered your own question there, but I'll tell you how I understand it. Lilly in the game WAS supposed to be the one from the comics, so for Kirkman to go out of his way to rewrite the Lilly character after letting telltale put her in the game is annoying and mildly confusing to say the least.
I won't speak for the whole forum, but I think the consensus is largely that the book is just okay, and would be much more interesting for fans of the game if he hadn't changed her character.
Then Kirkman writes a sub-par novel about comic Lilly, thus voiding the two Lillys non-canon. Earlier when asked about the Woodbury survivors and Lilly, he exclaims, "The prison is dead to me." THEN he goes off and writes not one, but two novels expressing the Woodbury survivors.
Imo at the time, I don't think Kirkman wanted the game interfering with his established canon. Which is why I now want comic and TV show characters to stay in their own mediums so that a situation like this is avoided in the future.
Lilly's an asshole
Exactly - It$ not the main rea$on, it'$ the only rea$on.
Seconded. The story restraints, the plot armor, the unnecessary foreknowledge of character fate's, etc. Trying to clash the separate plot-lines together isn't really necessary in my opinion.
Though to be honest I'm not that huge of a fan of the comics in the first place, so the idea of more cameos was never a huge appeal for me.
I am a fan of the game but I didn't let the news sway my opinion of a book without reading it. When I read it I saw no inconsistences with the Lilly from the comic since she wasn't fleshed out at all in the comics and was ambiguous. To be honest when I read the comic's prison arc before the game came out I never saw Lilly as a villainous or bitchy character as portrayed in the game. I saw her as a normal Woodbury resident deceived into doing the Governor's bidding. I never saw her as someone that worked for the Governor like Gabe or his other hench men so I never understood why she was characterised as cold and bitchy in the video game. I preferred the Lilly in the comic/novel to the one in the game and felt relieved that they were confirmed as being different people.
You are going to turn down the word of the creator? That is stupid.
He didn't make Survival Instinct. xD AMC did.
If you think the creator is always in the right I got two words for you friend..... GEORGE LUCAS.
Yeah Either way Lily ends up walking, the RV will only get her a few miles before she starts walking anyways.